For What It’s Worth

Does this guy ever get old? I mean this guy looked like this when he was 20. Well exaggeration perhaps but definitely when he was 40. He is 70 now.

Seems like John McCallum, ex Liberal Party MP and ex Ambassador to China, has remained this way forever. Could he be Canada’s version of “The Picture of Dorian Gray?

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See the source imageJust as scary!

Liberal Speak Alert:

According to the “Rebel,” John McCallum literally accepted $73,000 in free gifts from the communist dictatorship. And those are just the ones that he’s disclosed! In fairness to him he did disclose this to authorities. In his words:

In some important policy areas such as the environment, global warming, free trade, globalization – is there anything else?-  the policies of the government of Canada are closer to the policies of the government of China than they are to U.S. policies… I believe that because of this political situation with Donald Trump, the Chinese are now more interested than before to do things with us… and with anyone else in the world. In a sense, it’s a good thing for me as an ambassador and for Canada with China because, because of these big differences, it gives us opportunities in China. There is no doubt that Canada wants to do more with China, which is what the Prime Minister told me when he asked me to come here.” 

In other words “John flew over the Wuhan Nest”

How do you spell naivety? M.c.C.A.L.L.U.M.

Democrats and leftists triggered by Joe Biden condemning anarchists, arsonists. Say it ain’t so Joe.

“I need my safe space.” One leftist was heard to say.

Gotta love this:

“anarchist” is not some free-floating category of criminal. It’s perfectly legal to be an anarchist, as protected by the first amendment and it’s a gross violation of the spirit of liberty to imply otherwise. People’s ideology do not make them criminals.”
Leftist logic….
After all, burning down buildings and city infrastructure is really only a form of urban renewal – not some criminal act. C’mon now!
Leftist violence, wholesale destruction and insurrection should be a concern to everyone.
See the source imageLeft wing ideology speaks!
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Democratic national convention dress rehearsal.
This is not your Portland Rose Festival
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For what its worth.
(just click on the link, then click again)
At least these 1960’s protests were generally peaceful.
This song was written in 1967….The more things change the more things really stay the same.

If you want to help out a struggling Canadian writer, check out my two published books by clicking on the titles at the top of the screen. They are available at or .ca. Just type in the titles in the search bar or click on the links at the site…thanks. Monk’s Orchard is my third attempt at being a writer. It will soon be out on Amazon. I’ll let ya know when.

Deliverance…From Evil

Geography 101…..NOT!

Michigan inn owners remove Norwegian flag after taking flak from folk mistaking it for a Confederacy banner.

Michigan inn owners remove Norwegian flag after taking flak from folk mistaking it for Confederacy banner

These folks then decided to cross Michigan’s northern border to visit Mexico!

More Liberal-Speak…from the USA:

President Bill Clinton: “I did not have sexual relations with that women.”

Fast forward: Former President Bill Clinton was seen with two women on Jeffrey Epstein’s “pedophile island,” according to Virginia Roberts.

More Liberal-Speak…from Canada:

With the ongoing scandal that has embroiled Trudeau and some of his cronies with the so called “WE” charity founded by the creepy Kielburger brothers, Trudeau was asked under oath if he was friends with the Kielburgers. He emphatically said NO and added…that he had never had any non-public engagements with the two, and had only ever seen them at events.


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“I did not have sexual relations with that women.”

On November 10, 2015 — just days after winning his first general election — Justin Trudeau appeared at a We Day event in Ottawa, where he said (emphasis added): “The big challenge that our “friends” Craig and Marc have done such an incredible job with over the years – is showing you that each and every one of you is powerful….

See the source imageAnd his friends.

Not to mention the $479,000 given to Trudeau’s mother Margaret for services rendered to WE…”but, but…we never pay our public speakers…”so say the Kielburger brothers.

“I did not have sexual relations with that women.”

In the wake of the sole source contract of $990M to the WE charity (since cancelled) Trudeau tells MPs that the WE Charity received ‘no preferential treatment’ from his office.

Not a good day for Canada:

French energy giant Total says it is writing off $9.3-billion (US$7 billion) worth of oil sands assets in Alberta and cancelling its membership in the Calgary-based Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers.

Trudeau and his Liberal pals are pleased.

Given all of the unrest in the USA with BLM, ANTIFA and other insurrectionists like MOM, they say it couldn’t happen here. Prophetic words were never so relevant today. Think again:

Deliver us oh lord from all of this madness, except for this of course:


Hedonism and Our Prime Minister

Hedonism Leads to Happiness

Relaxing on the sofa or savoring a delicious meal: Enjoying short-term pleasurable activities that don’t lead to long-term goals contributes at least as much to a happy life as self-control, according to new research from the University of Zurich and Radboud University in the Netherlands. The researchers therefore argue for a greater appreciation of hedonism in psychology – or like…in our Government.

Hedonism in Canada’s House of Commons:

Image result for pics of sleeping members of parliamentCan one “sign” while asleep!

Meanwhile in China during a Wuhan debate to come up with a vaccine:

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And from the “This World is Crazy File” comes this:

The carefully-crafted facade of your friendly neighborhood hipster grocery store belies a darker image; one that romanticizes imperialism, fetishizes native cultures, and casually misappropriates. For decades, the chain has used names like Trader Giotto’s, Trader José’s and Trader Ming’s on international foods.

AP featured image


The petition demanded that Trader Joe’s packaging “belies a narrative of exoticism that perpetuates harmful stereotypes.”

or Hedonism!See the source image

“I love Trader Joe-ritos, especially after a joint or two.”

Gotta love this. I only wish I could have come up with this one. Sadly no…..

PORTLAND, OR—Facing massive budget cuts, the Portland Police Bureau has come up with an exciting new way to fund their department. Upstanding citizens can now pay 5 dollars to throw tear gas at communist protesters. People from across the country are lining up to live their lifelong dreams of blasting dirty commies with tear gas.

“Getting bathed in tear gas is the closest my son Fidel has been to taking a shower in weeks,” said a local Portland mom after paying her five bucks and chucking a canister at the crowd. “I’m hoping our basement will smell a little better now. I used to think that all police were evil fascists, but my time gassing commies has opened my eyes. That was the most fun I’ve had in ages. Thanks, Portland Police!”

Our illustrious Prime Minister is in the doo again. No matter, scandals cannot hurt this dude as he has wonderful hair. He is so dreamy one woman voter was heard to say. Some memorable moments in the political career of this narcissist we have as our national leader:

Hey, yo… bro?  BLM:

Seek and you shall find me…anytime.

I love playing cowboys and aboriginals

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Up…up…and away…..with you.

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I’m a cowboy…

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“Mr Turdeau, Prime Minister. how are you enjoying your job.”

“Well, Fitz…can I call you Fitz. I love being me. One day I can be Superman, the next day a Sikh god like Sheeba. Or if I get bored I can put on a bit of blackface and pretend to be a “bro” to support BLM, or I can be an Indian, sorry…Indigenous… Chief or a Cowboy…I love this job and I love being me….Does that answer your question Fitz?

“Ya vo Mein Herr Prime Minister.”

Only in Canada you say……………….shitty.

Oh and I can be a rock star too:


Won’t You Be…My Neighbor?



The Three Gorges Dam. It might be about to collapse. What happens if it does?


Hey, want to know who fabricated the steel for the new Johnson Street Bridge in Victoria? The country name rhymes with Dinah…


People in cities along China’s Yangtze River, which have already been inundated with water, are now scrambling to shore up embankments and dykes (sic) before the Three Gorges Dam releases more water and towns are swamped again by the third big flood this summer.

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Damn it all anyway.

Yeah, that should do it!

We had a saying in the Navy:

“Why buy the best when you can buy British.”

Best qualified potential medical students of Asian and European descent in New Zealand fall victim to diversity by being disqualified to enter medical school due to race relations, ie…you da wrong color bro!. So, BLM or POC (Persons of Color) cohort organizations are not racist huh?

“Granny bought this vest for me to riot in.” Ah, just another day in the Portland neighborhood


And then there is this:

which has morphed into this:

I kinda like Mr. Roger’s neighborhood better…don’t you?



Play this loud!

Rad song.


If you want to help out a struggling Canadian writer, check out my two published books by clicking on the titles at the top of the screen. They are available at or .ca. Just type in the titles in the search bar or click on the links at the site…thanks. Monk’s Orchard is my third attempt at being a writer. It will soon be out on Amazon. I’ll let ya know when.