21st Century Man

“I’ll take free bucks for a thousand Justin”

The Canadian Federal government sent $9 million worth of COVID relief funding to dead people.

And in typical bureaucratic liberal-speak said that they would not have to pay it back!?!?

With a government like this, we here in Canada are doomed.

See, see…white is a colour: when you blend all of the primary colours of green, blue and red together you get… white.


So, white lives matter as well. While white is a combination of colour,  black is the absence of colour. This is not a racist thing but a fundamental of the science of the visual spectrum.

I am proud of being white and I am proud of my heritage – the bad with the good. Canadians typically focus on the bad that is why our founding father John A Macdonald has been vilified for doing what was the accepted protocol of his day. We now know that from a 21st Century perspective it was wrong. So be it. But much of what he accomplished was good.

It really boils down to partisan politics. John A was a Conservative therefore he was bad. Wilfred Laurier, a compatriot of Macdonald was a Liberal, therefore he is considered a saint by progressive standards. Yet he was equally responsible for many of the racist policies of the day…equally culpable…yet nobody here in Canada, which is 62% leftist, is calling for the eradication of his memory. To me being a Liberal equates to hypocrisy.

It bothered me reading an article by a progressive calling for the cancellation of the US Memorial Day as it glorifies American imperialism. Memorial Day arose out of the American Civil War, an internal conflict, to commemorate those Americans who died for their cause. Again, leftist ideology would destroy all that is good with a country.

Interesting how the Democratic party always gets a free ride and is held very high in leftist morality. Well, consider this. Democrats:

  • Supported slavery. All confederate states were democratic states. They were the party of slavery;
  • Jim Crow Laws were supported and upheld by the US democrats;
  • The KKK? Yup…democratically sponsored domestic terror on the blacks;
  • The Democratic Party was the party of Strom Thurmond, Lester Maddox, George Wallace, Robert Byrd to mention but a few, and the “Dixiecrats” who fought against integration;
  • Democrat policies destroyed Black families and continue to do so. So called Democratic support of the black community equates to government largess and handouts so as to keep the black man down and dependent on the government. Why? Votes;
  • Joe Biden, a democrat himself, stated just recently that a black man could be as successful as his white counterpart if only he knew how to find a competent lawyer or a good accountant; and
  • BLM? Supported by Democrats and leftists as it boils down to one thing. Segregation is good for the black community, always has been. The Dems have always fought against integration of the black man into American society.

And this:

Since 1973 19 almost 20 million Black babies have been terminated through abortion.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (a leftist saint) 2009 NY Times interview about Roe Vs.Wade: “Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.

And this:

All failed US states and cities are run by Democrats.

Would you want her for President?

And the same racist crappola, only different, equally applies to Canada: considered to be the smuggest country on the planet. We’re better than those dastardly Americans don’t ya know. Well, in many respects, we are.

This 20th century man theme could be equally applied to the 21st Century, maybe more-so
