La Sauvage. The beast that terrorized this area back in the mid 1800s. It had a taste for human blood. It took a while for the locals to hunt it down and kill it. They say it was half wolf and half 👽. A local legend but it does look ugly. It is the French version of Sasquatch.
Another brutal day. Not as bad as yesterday but hard nevertheless. Got off around 8am. It was uphill from start to finish. But for the fantastic scenery I would have been done. It was only 19 kilometers but uphill all the way. I thought I was in for it. My legs were OK but my cardio suffered. My friend Jerry told me about Poly Poly. Do 100 paces then stop for 20 seconds. Of if it is a steep grade do 50 paces then stop for 20 seconds. Today it started at 100 paces but went to 50 toward the end. It worked for me. Thanks Jerry.
My walking partner today
He did not say much so I bid him adieu. Everyone here is French. But why not. It is France after all. I have met many people so far. I say hi to everyone. My French is very bad but they laugh and put up with me. That stupid Canadien they say. I 😃 laugh. I have met a French Canadian woman here but again very unfriendly. Why? Why? Anal. What a great word.
Some of my friends:
Jean, Dylan (from Toronto), my two German friends from Dortmund and Aachen, and Ignatieth from Toulouse. All sitting around enjoying a beer and some chin music.