We Won’t Back Down


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Oh, by the way, Canada’s first and third Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, was born 210 years ago today (Saturday, 11 January). 

Today we should honor the man for achieving Confederation, creating the Dominion of Canada, and uniting the nation from coast to coast with the Canadian Pacific Railway. 

My personal favorite Canadian national anthem. In the Navy we marched to this many times (along with Heart of Oak). It sent chills up the spine and brought a proud tear to the eye. Reaction was way more emotional than Oh Canada. The vets marched to his tune during WW1

I am proud of my heritage. Every person that lives in this country, in every region, must be treated equally. Until that happens we can be sure of one thing: continued chaos and societal breakdown.

2025: End the Canadian madness.

Remember this?

(Trudeau) “These people do not represent the views of Canadians.”

Oh really?

Great Canadian Freedom Convoy.

This is why Trudeau is fooked.

Like a good narcissist, he resigned but sort of. We still have to put up with him for another few months. Trudeau can now claim that he won three elections and was never defeated. That defeat of a grand scale which is sure to come will be left to the new leader to absorb: a new leader who will have a Kim Campbell legacy to live with for the rest of his or her days. If I was a Liberal MP I wouldn’t touch a Liberal leadership convention with the Peace Tower flag pole. I would either demand an election now with the incumbent in charge or leave him in power until the election has to be called and let him ride out the electoral storm.

Let’s bring our pride in country back.



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Aha. It now makes sense to me as to why Trudeau and his minions would ever think about the legalization of marijuana or as it is known as “Wacky Tobacky.” It is Wackonomics my friend. Wackonomics.

Yes dear Canucks, in Canada, the inmates of the Trudeau Government are, or did, running their insane asylum on all of us.

And why is Trudough, Freelunch et al ruining Canada. And then it dawned on me. They are part of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) board. You know: “you will own nothing and you will be happy.” It is all part of the plan. The WEF’s plan and New World Order or as Trudough would say: “Canada? “Well Canadian peoplekind Canada is or will be, under my leadership, the world’s first post national state.”


He resigned. Well, sort of. We still have this whacko for another 5-8 months. Canadians should rebel, stand up and demand an election…NOW.

In Canada the financial witch is gone. No more free-lunches except that she will be around to potentially run for the leadership of the whacko liberal party.

Chili con carne? A staunch believer in climate change and net zero policies.  Vote for him as leader and you are voting to continue the whacko legacy of current Canadian Liberal policies.

The Clark Factor. Carbon tax anyone. The tax is the economical destroyer of BC and now Canada.

No, these contenders should go as well. The Liberals need someone new, not old as in tired old socialist whacko policies.

I want my county back including all of the warts. I am proud of John A, our first and third Prime Minister.


The Turd Is Gone

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Trudeau resigned…well maybe…but he and his party will be defeated by October.

Trudough?  Gone

Freelunch? Gone

Melanie…”The Valley Girl” Joli? Gone

Mark Chili Con Carne? Gone before he gets here.

Liberal elites? Gone by October

Laurentian elites? Gone by October

Hazmat Singh? He of the NDP will be gone as well.

No more PMs from Quebec…ever.

Never Again.

We won’t be fooled again.

Has It Come Down To This?

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Assisted suicide — Canada’s latest solution to loneliness.

Open-ended, judge-determined criteria for euthanasia takes us to icky places

Your great and good National Post published an important story on assisted suicide on Thursday, chronicling a startling change in policy by the B.C. Civil Liberties Association. The left-libertarian BCCLA was the most important institutional force behind the litigation efforts that led to euthanasia legalization in Canada (under the rancid euphemistic cover of “medical assistance in dying,” or “MAiD”). Up until recently, every member and contributor of that group would have unquestionably cited legal suicide as its single most impressive accomplishment, its firmest and proudest stamp on Canadian history. Now … not so much.

Earlier this month, the federal government’s annual report on MAiD for calendar 2023 was released, and it confirmed some of these concerns. Ninety-six per cent of MAiD recipients come from what the law calls “Track 1” of the long black train; they have a terminal illness and their death is “reasonably foreseeable” without being hastened at state expense. Among these people, 14,721 of whom were MAiDed, 45 per cent cited being a “perceived burden on family, friends or caregivers” as one motive for seeking assisted suicide.

Among the smaller group on Track 2 — 622 people who were suffering intolerably but not terminally ill — this figure was similar, but 47 per cent also cited “isolation or loneliness” as a motive. That figure was only 21 per cent, which might still be high enough to induce nervousness, in the large Track 1 group.

I’m a libertarian (and an atheist to boot): I’m a defender in principle of the right to die. And I’ll go further down that road if you like: I think being a burden on others and being lonely are potentially respectable motives for ending a life that is otherwise without much quality, autonomy or hope.


And who makes that determination? Him?

A TikToker Listed Trudeau's Funniest Moments & He's Done Some Cringey Stuff (VIDEOS) - Narcity

Dr. Sunny Ways my friend, Sunny Ways…..Justin Trudeau.

He’s dead to right on this one.

And sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, We thought of this:
(Bee) Canadian Life Alert Just Euthanizes You When You Push The Button
Article Image
OTTAWA — The Canadian Medical System has officially rolled out its own “Life Alert” which provides immediate, medically-assisted death to geriatric patients who push the button.

“If you fall and can’t get up, now you can comfortably die right there!” said Dorian Michel, director of Canada’s Euthanasia Initiative. “This will save so much hassle with trying to help old people back up to their feet. I don’t know if you have ever tried to help an eighty-year-old off a bathroom floor, but it is a HUGE pain.”

According to sources, the Canadian team got the idea when an old man called for an ambulance and said he was hurting so badly, he wished he were dead. “That’s when we partnered with Life Alert systems – so a fallen geriatric in maximum pain could finish the job right then and there!” said Mr. Michel, loading cyanide into one of the systems. “Old people don’t want us to make such a fuss over them when they break their hips. Now, they can go straight from undignified fall to dignified death!”

At publishing time, investigators revealed that Roomba had agreed to start directing their units to trip old people in exchange for kickbacks from Life Alert.

My morning prayer…repeat. Like the rosary I say this prayer every single day:

Dear Lord, please, please give us a new British-like music invasion. Hey, we’ll even take one from Canada. Please, please take Justin Bieber, Beyonce and Taylor Swift and give us a newer version of Led Zepelin, The Stones…Beatles….ELO, anyone or any band or anyone person or group with real talent, and that doesn’t suck or sound the same. Please dear lord…PLEASE…Amen!

Have a nice day: