Carbon Anyone?

According to the Liberals their proposed Carbon Tax is now a pollution tax. Pollution is bad so we have to get rid of Carbon – tout suite. Okay, given that carbon comprises 18% of human body mass I say go for it, get rid of it and let’s start by eradicating the PM and his entire cabinet. Surely McKenna, Canada’s Climate Barbie would be all for this.

Carbon…….bad………but necessary for the human body;

Carbon Monoxide………..bad………….it will kill you. And this from one of Holly’s Woody in the morning’s elite, Arnie:

“Speaking of greenhouse gas deniers: “Strap some conservative-thinking people to a tailpipe for an hour and then they will agree it’s a pollutant!”

Yeah, Arnold, Carbon Monoxide is deadly. It will kill you but it is not a greenhouse gas. Carbon Dioxide is. But Carbon Dioxide is essential for all life on earth, including yours. So take that and strap it to your tail pipe!

Carbon Dioxide…………….Great!

Have you ever heard of the “Eco Sexual Warriors!” These people take tree hugging to a whole new level.

Trudeau caucus meeting in Alberta: “Well we have reached the half way point of our mandate. You should all be proud of our accomplishments to date. We have done so much. Just look at what we have done.”……….there was dead silence in the room.

Antidepressants found in Great Lakes Fish. I didn’t know they were depressed to begin with!

California Moonbats congratulate North Korea for their “hydrogen bomb.” “Way to go Kimberly” they were wont to say. “Its about time.” A major San Andrea’s fault event can’t come soon enough, I would say to that.

“Irma” worst eva. Of course it is. And last week it was “Harvey.” And next week it will be something else. “Arnold” perhaps. Check this site out:

Hurricane Irma Is NOT the Most Powerful Atlantic Hurricane Ever Recorded… Part Deux


How about the Galveston Hurricane of 1900.

Library of Congress image of Galveston hurricane damageA few facts that the greenies fail to mention: “On September 8, 1900, a horrific hurricane slammed into the city. Wind speeds surpassed 135 miles per hour, making it a category 4 on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale.  Storm surges rose 15 feet and, within hours, estimates of 6,000 to 12,000 unwary people were killed and over 3,600 buildings were destroyed. The Galveston Hurricane remains the deadliest natural disaster in United States history.” ref: NOAA.

BTW Houston – we had a major flood problem back in 1935.

Canada’s David Suzuki lectures Canadians that the latest hurricanes, wild fires, droughts around the world is further proof of a wake up call to take action now on climate change. He says this from one of his five houses in the Province. No David, it is just the “Nature of Things.” Unfortunately for us here in Canada this guy will never fade away. Like a bad cough or incessant indigestion he is going to be around to spread his fake environmental news on the rest of us for a very long time to come.

Please Lord, we’ll give you Justin Trudeau, or maybe Suzuki, if you could only give us back Pearson. How can you take this guy seriously.

Oh, in case you didn’t know, Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister, is the guy in the middle.


Have a great weekend. Good luck to all Floridians.



Leap! How High?

Passchendaele or Third Battle of Ypres

May – Nov 1917.

Names of dead and missing are etched on the marble at Vimy Ridge, Canada’s memorial to the 61,000 Canadians killed or missing during the First World War

Three Ontario women end up in St John New Brunswick rather than St John’s Newfoundland. Honest mistake they said. But hey I am told that the new sex education in Ontario introduced by the gay premier is very progressive and reflects”the lay of the land” sort of, these three women were heard to say. Depending on how things go for them in St John NB, I couldn’t agree more.

The NDP’s Leap Manifesto or in more modern terms: V..E..N..E..Z..U..E..L..A

UN categorically states that their main aim in life is not the battle against climate change but to dismantle western civilization and capitalism. They want a World Governance model with the UN running the show. Using Venezuela as an example the UN will then tell us where to live, where to eat, what to eat, who to marry, how to fornicate, when to fornicate, what to wear, where to work, how to get around, when to shit, when to piss, when to die, how to die. When to fart, when to belch, what to say, how to say it and what to think…Well “Group Think” of course. People?….WAKE UP!

Although some would suggest that this is Utopia…NDP Leap Manifesto proponents comes to mind.

Feminist lambastes the movie Dunkirk. She objects to its maleness and of males celebrating maleness. Why can’t you just sit back and enjoy the film without always having to see between the lines? I know some feminists and they are very unhappy, angry people. Sad

Why can’t we just ignore these very stupid people and refuse to give them their platform of angst, intolerance and hate?

L.A. gets 2028 Summer Games. Whew, dodged a bullet there Canada. Stay out of it. Then again I’ll be dead by then so anything after 2028? Go for it.

Indian suicide rate increases due to rising temps and poor crop outflows. Climate Change to blame. Only problem is crop production has increased ten fold in India. They are making money and killing themselves to get in on the action. UN counters: “hide that stat. It doesn’t fit the narrative.”

This just in from CNN: Fareed Zakaria, CNN GPS host states categorically that: “Trump Won Because His Voters are Stupid, Racist, Misogynist, Gay-Hating Bigots…..” I think I’ll let his own words speak for himself.













So, Horgan finally got his wish…to be Premier of BC, because, after all, the majority of voters in BC did not want the Libs forming gov’t. They wanted the NDP. So here is the math:

40% of voters voted for the NDP – yess……yess….. We are legitimate, Horgan was heard to say. Yesss

17% of voters voted for Green – yesss…..yesss…but we are legitimate too, Weaver was heard to say.  Yesss

But those nasty Liberals with 43% of the votes…are illegitimate??????

Well, if Horgan handles the books in the same manner as he handles electoral math then we are DOOMED.

Most BC’ers are not interested in jobs or a strong economy at the expense of social  programs. Say what? Well here is another bit of math to chew on. BC’s economic equation:

Strong Economy = Investment and Innovation = Good paying jobs / low unemployment = more spending money for families and individuals = higher tax revenue for the government at all levels = excellent social programs.

Take any one of these elements away and you’re DOOMED with respect to social programs.

Kinder = gone = BC, Alberta and Canadians are doomed

LNG = gone = BC is doomed

Site C = gone = BC is doomed. Stand fast all you proponents of electric  cars.

Coal and gas = gone = doomed.

Forestry / raw log exports (First Nations) = gone = doomed

On the bright side there will be a high demand for Baristas in this new economy.

Better stock up on sweaters and blankets for the winter.

Take notice all of you hippies in Vancouver and Victoria. There will be indirect consequences for all of this. Jobs! Investment! Innovation! Economic growth!. But then again, that doesn’t matter to hippies anyway. Welfare Wednesdays can’t come soon enough. Have not status here we come!…yess and that is legitimate.


Weird and Whacky

Trump wins: I wonder if he is going to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in about two weeks time

Some famous action star promised to strap climate change deniers’ mouths to the tailpipe of his Hummer(!) to show them what this climate change pollution is really all about. Carbon Monoxide anyone? What a Hummer!

Off Canada’s west coast, a tugboat and barge with a load of fuel for, I would take it, remote First Nation communities in the north went aground near Bella Bella. All enviro-mental-ists now want a ban on all oil tankers off the west coast of Canada. Well that’s like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. There has never been an oil tanker incident off the west coast of Canada, ever, never, ever.  Say, what about tug and tows?

First Nation Veterans now want their own Remembrance Day ceremony, 08 Nov.  I thought all vets were Canadian vets?? That being the case I would want to see a Scottish Canadian Veterans Day – say to coincide with Robbie Burn’s day, 25 January. It’ll be kinda cold and chilly though for those wearing kilts!

EcoSexuals – those wanting to have sex with mother earth. Ejaculations in the mud, or by a waterfall with one’s self or with a partner. Kind of brings tree hugging to a whole new level. I kid you not! This movement is orgasmic they say.

More bats killed due to wind tower wacking than previously thought. I refer you to the Ecosexuals above.

Eeee Gads.


….Jay out


Nature’s Complexity

Hanauma Bay, on the south shore of the island of Oahu, Hawaii, is an extinct volcano crater that has since been filled by the Pacific Ocean. The crater is now a federal fish preserve home to over 450 species of fish many of which are natural only to the Hawaiian Islands.  As one looks down upon this phenomenal bay from high above the wind swept blackened volcanic cliffs, through the clear, clean tropical hues of the protected lagoon, one can witness a spectacle of nature rarely seen in our northern waters.  Hundreds of schools of fish – some large, some smaller – colorful as a rainbow’s pallet after a late noon’s shower – swim to and fro – and up and down, they twist and turn at every nuance of nature’s sound – these schools of fish dance as one incredible formation of pattern and song.

As a lone snorkeler enters the warm, protected water, an amazing event occurs. These schools disperse in all directions, as if summer’s siren announcing another school year completed. Dispersal commencement – darting here and there, some fast then slow – the individual fish as if panicked and scared move chaotically in undefined yet seemingly random patterns – laid bare.

Yet as quickly as they disperse they form again.  Disperse, then form again – and again and again and again – a natural lifecycle – eternal, repetitive, monotonous, beautiful and magical

Could it be

A small, insignificant marginal occurrence

Having dramatic results downstream?

Like a butterfly in Kansas, fluttering in continuous motion

Its innocent natural presence sets the air in rotation.

The air around it becomes unsettled

And drifts and lifts and moves in a complex fashion

With humidity and heat, the air it rises

In cumulus form it passes

And drifts to storm clouds over the distant horizon

And with power and thrust, it grows and grows

Into a chaotic fashion of explosive energy

Funneling up for no apparent reason

That initial innocence is now mature

And a thundering, destructive, emergent passion.

(c) ShakeyJay 2003
