Eat, Drink and Be Scary

50 foods so unhealthy that they are considered E.V.I.L.

Slide 24 of 51: Unhealthy Ingredients: High fructose corn syrup, caramel coloring, soybean oilWho knew that eating just a cup of spaghetti and meatballs would fill you up with 8 grams of sugar? That’s exactly what will happen if you eat Chef Boyardee’s Jumbo Spaghetti & Meatballs, which has high fructose corn syrup in their sauce. Another issue with the food? A a significant amount of protein in those meatballs comes from soy protein concentrate. Unlike a protein isolate, protein concentrate contains more of the nutrients found in soy, which could mean it’s more likely to contain traces of the carcinogen-containing pesticides used in genetically-modified soy production. To make matters worse, the meatballs are dyed with caramel color and most of their 13 grams of fat comes from soybean oil.Eat This! Instead: When the craving for pasta strikes, try some of these 40 Ultimate Pasta Tips to Stay Skinny. Sure, making noodles from scratch may take some additional time, but at least you’ll have leftovers for days.But they taste great.

Just about everything is covered in their list. So what can we do? Well I researched this so you don’t have to.

If you follow their advice you too can look like this:

See the source imageSo eat, drink and be scary.

These guys will not give up.

Here is what the earth will look like in 2100.

Slide 1 of 38: 2018 was the warmest year on record for the planet's oceans, and the fourth-warmest year ever in terms of surface temperature. Scientists are discovering that melting in Greenland and Antarctica is occurring much faster than they previously thought. These changes could spell disaster for coastal economies in the form of sea-level rise and more frequent (and intense) natural disasters like hurricanes. If worldwide carbon-dioxide emissions aren't curbed significantly - and soon - Earth might be almost unrecognizable by the year 2100. We've already gotten a series of one-two punches on the climate change front this year: Ocean temperatures broke records, Arctic and Antarctic melting reached unprecedented rates, and extreme weather swept through the US. An increasing number of people are concerned about the issue of climate change, as evidenced by recent worldwide climate strikes and efforts by US lawmakers to enact new environmental legislation. On April 22, the world will celebrate the 49th annual Earth Day, a global event that more than 1 billion people participate in across 192 countries. This year, Earth Day organizers are attempting to call attention to one particular consequence of a warming planet: the skyrocketing number of flora and fauna species that are becoming vulnerable to extinction. Read More: 12 signs we're in the middle of a 6th mass extinction If we hope to limit some of these impending extinctions, along with the other disastrous effects of climate change, we must make drastic cuts - and soon - to greenhouse-gas emissions from energy production, transportation, industrial work, farming, and other sectors. According to the most recent report from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global temperatures will likely rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels between 2030 and 2052 if warming continues at the current rate. Staying under that threshold was the optimistic goal set in the Paris climate agreement. But even if carbon emissions were to drop to zero tomorrow, we'd still be watching human-driven climate change play out for centuries. "There's no stopping global warming," Gavin Schmidt, a climate scientist and the director of NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies, previously told Business Insider. "Everything that's happened so far is baked into the system." Here's what the Earth could look like by 2100 in our best- and worst-case scenarios. Of course we will all be dead to confirm this. I don’t understand how these so called journalist get away with proctoring shit like this:

  • 2018 was the warmest year on record for the planet’s oceans, and the fourth-warmest year ever in terms of surface temperature. Wrong. 1934 was the warmest year on record for anything, the 1930s the warmest decade. I can honestly predict now with certainty that for these guys 2019 will be the warmest year on record. Then 2020, then 2021.
  • Scientists are discovering that melting in Greenland and Antarctica is occurring much faster than they previously thought. No, Greenland ice is increasing. Antarctica is getting colder with more ice.
  • These changes could spell disaster for coastal economies in the form of sea-level rise and more frequent (and intense) natural disasters like hurricanes. Hurricanes are a natural phenomenon. No major hurricanes in the US in the last 6 years. Sea levels are not rising significantly. Barely discernible.
  • If worldwide carbon-dioxide emissions aren’t curbed significantly – and soon – Earth might be almost unrecognizable by the year 2100. Yes, if we do just that the earth will look like this:

See the source image

We’ve already gotten a series of one-two punches on the climate change front this year: Ocean temperatures broke records – wrong, no change, Arctic and Antarctic melting reached unprecedented rates – wrong, and extreme weather swept through the US – no, it is called winter. By the way that is a one three punch you are talking about, not a one two punch as you have stated. But then again when has math and facts ever become relevant when it gets in the way of unscientific fraudulent reporting.

By the by, the UN reported in 1988 that the Maldives would be underwater by January 1 2018, a period of 30 years. Well, guess what. Maldives today:

See the source imageWater ‘s fine man.

Hey is that the Turd there. In cognitos.

The Bible was right: Beware of False Prophets.

As I mentioned in an earlier post Progressivism is destroying our way of life. Further proof in the most politically correct country on the planet:

Canadian man is fined by a tribunal for daring to call a transgendered “male to female” a male. He called him a biological male because this she/man has not had the procedure done yet. So, biologically speaking he was right. No, no, no states the Canadian tribunal. Wrong. He is really a she. We checked. This poor guy was fined $55,000!

SHE-MAN and the Masters of the Universe. I wonder what Skeletor would be thinking right now.

See the source imageBite me!

Here are a few for the books:

KKK man gets arrested for stabbing a colleague. It would appear that an argument ensued between them over who is the most racist….wow.

White and coloured Millennials feel that racial segregation on college and university campuses is a good thing and something they would support. MLK would be soooo happy and proud of this generation.

Liberals response to Saskatchewan rally to oppose the new Carbon Tax?

“Hey, its only Saskatchewan. Not to be taken seriously. I mean, c’mon now, how can anyone take a Province seriously with a name that nobody can pronounce or spell. And who in their right mind would ever name a town “Moose Jaw?” Perhaps they are twinned with “Lock Jaw.” hahahahahaha. I am so funny and witty, aren’t I Gerald? ….Gerald? ….Gerald? Where are you Gerry. C’mon now. Quit hiding on me will ya. We’ll play hide and seek when we get back to Ottawa. Okay?”

From a friend

How ya going to explain this one, when she grows up:

61-Year-Old Woman Gives Birth To Own Granddaughter For Gay Son Using His Husband’s Sister’s Egg. 

Sign me up:

University Of Kansas Offers ‘Angry White Male’ Course

There is always a method to the Green’s madness:

After Banning Plastic Bags, NYC Will Now Tax Paper Bags.

Trans-man surgically transformed into an alien. It would appear that having a “dick” wasn’t enough to suppress his/her emotional problems. So, he/she has now become an alien. She/he had her/his nipples removed and wants to be know as “Thing.” How about “Klaatu?”

Or how about “The Thingy” or “Dick’s Trachea”

“I just want to be normal. To be taken seriously” he or she or thingy was heard to remark.

It is more than just a feeling after all.

Time to get off the planet.

Have a great weekend. Read ya Monday.







Victorian Smugness

I am going to get into a bit of trouble with this post. So be it.

Ah Victoria. Good or Bad? Weather actually sucks. Endless winter days turn into weeks of gray dull skies; mist transforms into drizzle, showers transition to rain. Waiting for summer to arrive, patiently, in June, only to be tricked yet again that it is really November outside.

Fashionable? Perhaps, if one takes to Tilley hats, fleeced vests, birkenstocks, slickers, and gum boots. Last vestige of hippiedom in Canada – alive and well and living in a kaleidoscope of multi-coloured, ugly, and messy wood-framed homes and apartments (the Pink Palace comes to mind) in James Bay, Fairfield and the Jubilee area. Where the only excitement one can muster is having an overpriced coffee in one of the coffee houses in the Cook Street Village.  I have finally made it here because I live in a cloister of over priced, original, cold, un-updated, asbestos laden 1940 era homes in Oak Bay behind a tweed and snobby curtain – for close to a million bucks! And no respected individual would ever venture across the new “Blue Bridge”into Esquimalt.

Ah Victoria, the city of continual protests – from the new interchange and bridge to nowhere to the rotten 300 foot high cedar, that needed to come down in Cordova Bay, or was that Cadboro Bay?  Sewage treatment and LRT discussions that never seem to end. Lovely bedroom communities of the tired worn out neighbourhoods of Gordon Head, Esquimalt, Vic West – Bay St,  Hillside and Mount Tolmie corridors – neighbourhoods now weaned on uncut, brown grass, peeling paint, dirty stucco, unsightly weeds and outdoor lawn furniture by either Ford or GM.  Of course defining something as quaint in Victoria, such as Fernwood or the Quadra Street Village really equates to a “dump” in the rest of Canada.  And the traffic sucks. Big city like!

Ah yes Victoria, City of Gardens, now a City of Weeds.  Yes Victoria? A leader on the cusp of 19th Century transportation initiatives.  And, the only place that I know of on earth, Bangladesh excepted perhaps, that has an aggregate stone processing facility and cement plant in the middle of the city!!!!  And the University of Victoria? Oh yes, that beacon of light in the darkness and bastion of free speech and lawful assembly everywhere – NOT! Only at UVic would one hear that a Canadian icon such as the canoe is really a throwback to imperialism, colonialism and oppression. Those dastardly Brits and their Evil Empire! What?

Ah, the Victorian Waterfront – it’s a jungle down there, especially around Beacon Hill Park – cut the friggin grass! The New West Shore will always be, in my mind, the old Western Communities: Colwood, Langford and Metchosin, and all the red neckiness that this area represents. Traffic headiness, high density West Hills and Royal Bay, which will be projects in 10 years time, and an ugliness that would rival Toronto’s rush hour. There’s only one way out of town – to nowhere.

This city is pedantic, provincial, parochial, insecure and smug – that’s why everyone here has to constantly remind themselves and everyone else within earshot about what a great place Victoria is – the best place on earth to live. Well, you know what Victorians? It isn’t.

Don’t get me wrong. Victoria is still a nice place to live in many respects but the smugness here is ingratiating to me.

I always thought they were singing ” douche”

Have a great Navy day.



If My Mother Was a Truck!

Love it.

Global Warming Redux:

Not Canada but northern US states – Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota: I 80 and I 90.

Good old fashioned winters are making a comeback.

White privilege? You can have it.

Toronto could see about 10-20 cm of snow today. And this is news why?? Hey people, it’s still winter and this is Canada after all:

See the source image

Mystery(ies) of life:

“Only people of colour are allowed in.”

“Hey I’m white. Isn’t that a colour?”

Why is it that every time I park my car in a shopping mall parking lot, some guy or gal in a very large pickup truck parks right beside me making it very,very difficult for me to back out safely? Huh? Huh?

Why do so many sick people shop in health food stores?

If our food is going to kill us, as environmentalists claim, then why oh why are we living so long? Hmmm?

Why do my eyebrows stay the same colour when everything else turns grey?

And why do they spell grey gray in the US but grey everywhere else to describe the colour grey gray…eh? How can we ever attain world peace when we cannot even agree on the spelling of a certain colour, or a mood, or even the use of the letter “u” in certain words? Huh?

Liberal logic:

“A law is a law. What kind of a law? It’s a law. A law is a law. Until it’s not a law.”

Just like Chretien’s famous liberal line: “You want proof? The proof is in da proof is da proof. If it wasn’t proof it wouldn’t be poo…er true. If my mother had 4 wheels she would be a truck!” And with that profundity he made it to the top in politics  in Canada as our illustrious Prime Minister.

Following suit and not to be outdone by his liberal predecessor our current Prime Minister comes out with: “the budget will balance itself.” or equally profound is his response to a question about mankind “we like to say people-kind, not mankind, because it is more inclusive.” I can’t make this stuff up.

I wonder what the indoctrination week is like for new liberal MPs and newly elected liberal Prime Ministers:

Perhaps this….See the source imageFollowed by this….See the source image

At an event on Friday, Alexandra Ocasionally Cortez But Generally Wacko complained about criticism of her Green New Deal — much of it coming from her own party — that it’s a pipe dream. Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, for example, said that “there are things that are great goals, but are unrealistic.”

Ocasionally Cortez’s response: “Some people are like, ‘Oh, it’s unrealistic, oh it’s fake, oh it doesn’t address this little minute thing. And I’m like, ‘You try! You do it.’ ‘Cause you’re not. ‘Cause you’re not. So, like until you do it, like I’m the boss. How ’bout that like, like, like?”  Good gawd and what exactly did she say right there.

Occasionally art but generally wacko:

Just read an article about the 10 signs that a divorce is imminent. I know of only one sure sign that a divorce may be in your cards and it’s a no win situation. When your wife starts to ask you:

“Honey, does this dress look good on me?

Head for the hills buddy, turn on the TV, watch sports and never, never ever answer that question. Never! Or get a lawyer…quick.

Knit One, Lynch Two (SDA)

Apparently knitting is now racist according to lefties….DARN!

It is a crazy lefty world out there.

Have a great Navy day.


Hate Crime.

Just heard about this. Ties in nicely with yesterday’s post:

Ice fishermen run over by truck on Sand Lake, according to family

On Saturday, Josh Strugnell and Jordan Lambert filled Strugnell’s Honda Civic with all of their ice fishing equipment for a night out on the ice at Sand Lake.

As midnight passed, Strugnell says the two friends remained in their individual ice fishing tents in the hopes of a late-night catch before turning in. Then something unexpected happened.

“A truck came flying into our tents and I don’t really know what happened next,” Strugnell said, as he doused his joint.

“Man that is wicked weed. What a fantastical dream I just had.”

a man wearing a hatHis two fishin buds nodded in agreement:

See the source imageDoh.                                            True blue Canucks in their truck. Better stick with his beer buds!

“Y’know. Ice fishin is a really safe activity but ya gotta remain focused on what you’re doing out here, y’know what I mean eh?  I mean ya gotta be aware of what’s happening around ya.”

See the source image

Jussie Smullett’s hate crime turns out to be a hoax. He may be indicted for his bogus hate crime which in turn could be construed as a hate crime in hate itself. But what I really hate about this is that he allegedly hired two Nigerian scammers – is there any other kind – to perpetrate the hate action again a black, gay hateful actor. Except it wasn’t true. It was all staged as only an actor can do. Don’t ya just hate it when a plan falls apart?

“I hate whitey.”

Which got me to thinking about crime in general. When you think about it all crime is really hate crime.

“Why did you rob that bank?” the apprehended white dude was asked.

“Well I hate being poor.” the robber responded, and

“I hate working for a living, and

“I hate banks, and

“I hate getting up so early in the morning, and

“I hate Canadian winters, and

“I hate ice fishing…so there” as they whisked him away.

Would you like fries with that?

Seems that Macdonald’s employees have been fighting for the $15 bucks an hour minimum wage. Unintentedly (sic), the installation of ordering kiosks nation wide has suddenly popped up. “Don’t ya just hate this shyte” one employee was heard to say as he was being shown the door. “I think I may come back and do something nasty. I hate Macdonald’s. It’s a crime what they’re doing to us. I hate them!

“What are ya goin to do now?” he was asked

“I think I’m goin to apply for a job in the Post Office.”


An irate driver had this to say when he was pulled over for a traffic violation.

“I hate radar I tells ya. I hate it. In fact I hate this whole gall darn poh-lice department. Hate these traffic cops. I hate doing the speed limit. Hate it, hate it, hate it” he yelled in a road rage.

A woman who was caught shop lifting had this to say when she was apprehended and asked why she did it.

“I hate shopping here.” was all she could mutter. “I shop…I lift…I just hate paying is all.”

When you peel off the layers, all crime is really hate crime.

I hate everything!

George Strait: All my Exes live in Texas and that is why I hang my hat in Tennessee.


Have a great Navy day.










You Gets (sic) What You Pays (sic) For!

Finally stopped snowing here in Mill Bay.

“Not to worry” said our snow removing supervisor. “We have the finest and latest in snow removal equipment and technology.”

“Thank gawd for that.”  I thought to myself.

You get what you vote for, or you made your bed now lie in it, comes this:

Veterans Affairs Canada upset with Trudeau’s government’s lack of interest with Veteran issues;

East Coast refinery giant Irving Oil, located in St John New Brunswick upset that eastern pipeline scrapped under the Liberal government;

Indigenous peoples of Canada upset that Trudeau fired one of their own;

Alleged groping incident by Trudeau 18 years ago. No story here…Move on. After all Trudeau is an avowed feminist;

Of course all Maritime Canada parliamentary seats went liberal in 2015. All of them and the Vets and the Indigenous, and all women pushed for an “ABC” movement – Anybody But Conservatives – and urged all veterans, Indigenous, women to vote Liberal. They did!

Duped again! Perhaps with the new marijuana laws they will be doped again in October 2019.  Stoned and loving it! Liberals equate to “Smoke and Mirrors” I say.

Democrat Representative Occasionally Cortez’s Green New Deal plan – Go for it. Even Trump agrees:

Say what? WTF over?

“I am so glad that I was able to walk away from this crash. So glad that I had a $110,000 Tesla – with their driverless, hands free  technology.” so says the survivor of this crash.”

Image result for "However, I am a little disappointed to learn that its autopilot feature is unable to identify a stationary construction vehicle."

“However, I am a little disappointed to learn that its (Tesla’s) autopilot feature is unable to identify a stationary construction vehicle.

A little disappointed?

Candidate for the Darwin Award. You bet but I only wish that they had a Darwin Award category for technology.

See the source imageThe Darwin Award goes to that guy.

And the Darwin Technology Award goes to:  TESLA!

It drives itself! See the source image                     Can also be used as a farming implementation vehicle.

Most popular Democrat right now? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. That wacko hard left wignut who wants to bring the US to the Socialist brink of economic extinction.

So what does “Ocasionally Cortez” but mainly “Wacko”  say now:

Ocasio-Cortez, a media darling no matter how many inanities she utters, triumphantly tweeted that whipping Amazon’s “corporate greed” and “worker exploitation” proves that “anything is possible” Anything — like sucking the air out of the city’s economic life and future – and people’s livelihood

Note: Amazon just pulled out of New York potentially pulling 25,000 jobs with them. Where will they go? Not Portland that’s for sure.

There is no doubt that this hard leftist, anti business, destroy the economic lifeblood of a nation policy is soon to be coming to Canada (it already has) through the Greens and NDP. The Liberals may jump on this bandwagon as well (they already have) to secure votes and maintain power.  After all, over 60% of Canadian voters are left leaning. By the way they call this type of social engineering…communism!

Lets take a look at social engineering…er…housing:

See the source image


Venezuela.See the source image                                  Yes but it includes an indoor washer and dryer!

See the source imageNot some Eastern European project but downtown Toronto’s Regent Park.

Can’t wait! Oh and Finland introduced a guaranteed living wage for all citizens. It was an abject failure and had to be scrapped. Why? They couldn’t find anybody to work the programme.

That’s all she wrote:

Song of the day, Taxman,………………….. or the “Leftist Anthem.”

Have a great Navy Day

