David Thompson

See the source image


Two Shillings and Six Pence

(David Thompson 1770-1857)


This winter’s shade  ‘s so cold and pale

It besets my gaze and arthritic limp

With chills and hunger’s ceaseless laugh

I sit like poverty’s brazen pimp


I sense death’s subtle whisper here

As she smothers all thoughts of present, seeing

No past, no future, no joyful screams

Just drains my life-blood’s present, being


Too weak to cry or beg to feed

Only Charlotte’s love to soothe my fear

To lose all pride and my self esteem

For a morsel’s taste of youth to cheer


Two shillings here and six pence keeps

My life away from some beggar’s fate

How I laugh at such a meager scrip

Of a legacy lost to some scoundrel’s bait


This Judas touch forsakes my warmth

Within this cloak of adventurous tales

While hunger sings its cryptic, sorrowful song

So hauntingly long, so distressingly stale


Yet my hands betray my mind’s ambition

Of an artist’s touch that sowed this land

From the chartless wasteland’s fearsome grasp

To mark and plot from a surveyor’s stand


Dear Philip, you saved such a restless being

With patience you taught this wretched card

From falling so deep in a darkening abyss

With death so close and knocking hard


The heavens await your observer’s touch, you said

So make your mark and claim your stake

Unlock the secrets that our lord has cast

And chart a course for man’s knowledge sake


I observed the cold Prince Rupert lands

That surround the grey vast inland sea

As I tracked the tundra’s hard core frost

And fed my mind’s curiosity


I observed the wasteland’s magnetic strength

That draws one in like a madman’s gaze

And witnessed the great white creature’s feats

These lords of the barrens, of the inland bays


I observed the lands where the muskrat calls

And let the beaver seduce the zealot’s mind

I observed, and marked…ten thousand times marked

And culled the wilderness’ fearsome grind


I observed and marked…ten thousand times… marked

With my dear and dependable friends

I marked the time on my sextant’s arc

And undermined the sun’s eternal bend


I observed and marked ‘cross prairie grass

Stark contrast ‘gainst the granite’s stoic stance

As far away as my eye could see

Just wave upon wave in a dreamlike trance


I observed the rivers that fed a thousand lakes

As their headwaters announced a torrent of spring

I observed the power of the snow pack’s flood

That fed and nourished my soul to sing


I marked the mountains with my measured glimpse

As they dwarfed my being within heaven’s glance

I observed their snow tops blinding strength

Like whitecaps whirled in some frightening dance


I reduced the stars from their heavenly maze

Like magic that masks the mathematician’s skill

Or the illusionist’s trick that traps the ignorant man

To marvel at some sorcerer’s skill


I dreamt of stars to capture thus

With my filtered plates and their golden arc

And hear my mark like some winsome sonnet, ring

And resonate through the superstitious dark


I marked the paths across this special land

Each river, each stream, each mountain pass clear

From Superior’s strength to Columbia’s Bar

With the 49th line in my sextant’s mirror


Yet my great map there in the great hall falls

Like a silent echo of some passionate deed

Observe… deceit in its projection thus

While rotting there with its mold-like seed


But the pain that lives within my heart

Not sorrowful pity or self-loathing disgust

It’s Arrowsmith’s torment, which lingers so

And rips my heart with such subtle thrusts


Just memories now to ease my pain

Such wondrous thoughts that no wealth could bring

 As marvelous dreams of dreams await

On the plains and the foothills, where the mountain streams sing


I’ll embrace death’s call for my observer’s touch

For I made my mark and I claimed my stake

I unlocked the secrets that my Lord did cast

And traced a course for man’s knowledge sake


(c) ShakeyJay 2015

This land is God’s land.

Have a great Navy Day


Back in the Saddle Again

Back in the saddle again. Blogging, but Monday to Friday only, weekends off. I thought I would start things off again by repeating my very first post way back in September 2016. Kind of gives some raison d’etre to doing this thing. It is a hobby and keeps me somewhat sane and my blood pressure low while trying to watch the evening news:

September 2016:

“This is my personal blog. While I have had this site up in my mind and “to do list” for over 12 months now, this is day one. But hey, I live for procrastination – and sailing!

I live in British Columbia. That’s Super Natural BC. Hippie-dom’s last vestige in Canada and probably on earth. Canada’s Greenie Province of protestors and environ-mentals – the wet coast and the left coast of Canada – Birkenstock paradise – land of fleece vests, Tilley hats, granola crunchers, tree huggers, cappuccino suckers, and…Salt Spring Islanders. Long skirts and gum boots. Hoelay Cliche! And, I am also a poor speller!!

The site’s header reflects one of the island’s a great views – looking east – across the beautiful Saanich Inlet, and the rest of Canada. But don’t eat the shell fish here. It will kill you. And you can’t swim in the water. It will freeze your bollicks, and other things, off.

From this viewpoint you can see the Saanich Peninsula in the distance: Cole Bay, Pat Bay Airport, Brentwood Bay and the famous Butchart Gardens (infamous if you suffer from environmental allergies) down the way south a bit. US Gulf Islands in the near distance, beyond the peninsula, with majestic snow capped Mount Baker on the far horizon towering majestically and menacingly over us all. Just hope the big one never comes. We will be screwed. But then again winds are westerly here. Ha, whew! Vancouver and points east??…you’re screwed. Perhaps the environ-mentals can clap their hands and change the plate tectonics, tsunami dynamics and vulcanology …er.. volcanology of the area, just as they arrogantly claim that they can control the weather and climate. If only they could just increase taxes, destroy the economy and donate everything to Gaia. If only they could just…be happy.

I am a retired Naval Officer. Just about 37 years of dedicated, loyal, unadulterated, blemish free service to her Majesty, the Queen. Yes, her Majesty the Queen, I am proud that I served my Queen and my Country – Canada. By the very essence of the military’s left, right; left, right; left, right cadence I am non partisan but I am very relieved that Harper signed my retirement scroll and not Dion or Justinian. I retired as a Lieutenant Commander, or a Two-and-a-Half in the vernacular lexicon of naval life.

Writing this blog is somewhat therapeutic. Hope you enjoy it. Please contribute. You can make a comment by clicking on the Leave a Comment tab at the top left of this page or on the banner at the bottom on the post.

Nothing says nothing like hard rock at 6 am!

If you are looking for posts about my walk in France, my Vezelay pilgrimage, you can go to “Archives” and click on the posts that start around the 28 July until about 12 September, 2018.

For information about Kurofune: The Black Ships, my very first crack at penning a novel, just click on the Kurofune link at the top right.

Have a great Navy Day

Shakeyjay (SJ)…out


What does it mean to be a progressive?:

And what have we become:

The Skin Tightener Every Man Should Own, Period.

“I love this stuff, I found this in my wife’s medicine cabinet and have been using it ever since -same with her lipstick!” one guy was heard to say.

How would you like to be the most hated man on the planet:

See the source image        According to Progressives:

You know, he does have a mother who loved him. He does have a family who loves him. And he has the support of about 70 percent of Americans, who love him. But if you dare show your support in Progressiveland this is what can occur:

– Press secretary MS Sanders told to leave a restaurant because she works        for Trump;

– Comedian Tim Allan loses job and Hollywood series because he is outed as    a conservative;

-Leading HBO talk show host Bill Maher calls for massive recession just so     Trump can be ousted in 2020…nice;

– Progressives stand for “Inclusion?” As long as it’s their definition of                 inclusion and not your’s;

– When all else fails, lower the standards;

– People losing their jobs, reputation and livelihood all because they are             conservative;

– Man vilified and called an idiot because he has Christian values and                  believes in God;

– Supreme Court of Canada strips Western Christian University’ right to            award Law Degrees because of their Christian code of conduct for                        students;

– no longer a separation of church and state;

– Lord’s prayer is banned everywhere in public but Muslim call to prayer            welcomed in Toronto City Hall chambers;

– Canada becomes first nation to legalize pot. Trudope will get re-elected           just on that alone;

– It used to be Pride Day, then Pride week, now Pride Month and soon to be      Pride Year. Go ahead, have a parade, just do not shove your lifestyle down      my throat! Leave me and my values alone;

– Peter Fonda calls for the kidnapping of Baron Trump and to be kept in a           cage full of Paedophiles…nice;

– Florida Attorney General kicked out of movie theatre in Tampa by violent       lefties. The movie? “Won’t you be my neighbour!”…Guess not.

– “if we lose a referendum we’ll just keep having more of them until we get        the result that we want. Then, when we do win, and we will, we are                    legitimate. No more referendums to the contrary.”

– he, she, them or they? No way. It’s zits, zats, zey or hey…asshole;

– Obama poverty? Trump’s fault. MSM laps it up

– if we legitimately lose an election to conservatives we will resist, resist,          resist and fight, and lie and cheat until we “out” the bastards. Where’s            mommy! I’m taking my ball and going home!;

– spend, spend, spend…other people’s money;

– Venezuela;

-Obama / Clinton…………………saintly

Bush / Trump………………evil;

– When Obama F&^ks up it’s Trump’s fault;

– Trump standing up for American businesses………………evil, evil, evil;

– Canadian, French, Chinese and German subsidies and trade barriers to US      goods…..great business practices. Godly

– Trump talks the talk and walks the walk.  The others mumble and crawl;

– Obama separating children for their parents? Responsible, wonderful               immigration policies; and

– Trump continues Obama’s immigration policies…vilify the bastard as the      devil himself.

So who are the real bullies?

Our children have wonderful role models these days, don’t ya think?

Song of the Day:

Lie la Lies

Stay away from large cities like Toronto and Vancouver.

Ever notice that majority of activists are young people.

Have a nice Monday


Black Day in July

Let’s see how the beautiful game is doing today:

I told ya that there is more going on in the stands than on the pitch:

‘Get knocked up by FIFA players, win $$$ and Whoppers’: Burger King shamed for offensive ad”

‘Get knocked up by FIFA players, win $$$ and Whoppers’: Burger King shamed for offensive ad

“Bobble heads,” one woman shrieked, then laughed when she saw what she was dealing with. They sure ain’t whoppers.

“Hey, put that Gulag on hold” Russia beats Egypt 3-1. Wow. Russia has scored 8 goals in two games: 5 against the Saudis and now 3 against Egypt. That is impressive for football. But what is even more shocking and perhaps less impressive is that this is the most goals scored in a World Cup by one team since 1974? Are you kidding me?

“And Sergio kicks the ball over to Dmitri”

June 19th: 10 goals scored by 6 teams!

June 20th: 3 goals scored by 6 teams. I mean Portugal has Renaldo but they only beat Morocco 1 to zip. C’mon guys.

Now let’s get back to that whopper! What do ya say?

From the “History” repeats itself file comes this:

Erdoğan Warns of “War between the Cross and the Crescent” following Austria’s Plan to Deport Imans

Hey, remember 1529? Does 1683 come to mind Erdogan? The Sultan arrived at Vienna on 27 September 1529. The Siege of Vienna begins. The sultan lost that battle and left with his head between his legs. Literally and figuratively.

But, hey let’s try again, again as in 1683: The Ottoman (Turkey) Empire’s Pasha and his/her or zey, zit or zat siege of Vienna.

The Pasha struck again with his transgendered army wearing their silk white dresses. The Pasha got pashed around, lost bigly to the cross and had his crescent Adam’s apple wrenched and removed permanently by strangulation. Dastardly.

So Erdogan thinks he should try again. Turkey!

See, this blog isn’t always a waste of reader’s time.

From Maggie’s Farm: Where “No Ending a Sentence With a Preposition’ rule comes from. Some guy named John Dryden, a literary tour de force back in the day. So what are we talking about here: “You talking to me. Are you talking to me?”  No, no, no Robert. Profound use of the English or American language talk perhaps but totally wrong according to Dryden. You should have said: “With whom are you talking? Huh, hey, you, to whom are you talkin.”

See the source image “Yeah” F*&K Trump!” Profound!

I know, I know, it lacks punch, profundity as only a Hollywood actor like De Nero can dish out at Award Shows. He should have said: “With whom are you talking? Me? Me? To whom are you talking? Me, to whom?” or is that to who? No idiot, who’s on first.

But can you imagine talking like Dryden suggests and using his preposition rule downtown in a city close to you. An inner city perhaps.

See the source image  “With whom are you talking?”        Which, naturally led to this:

See the source imageBlack day in July.

The beat goes on. 1967!

Song of the day:

“With whom do you riot Sir?” With whom do you talk? Me?

Have a nice day.



Tuesday Afternoon

Vezelay is coming soon. First to the Netherlands though to see family and friends:

See the source imageHey World Cup. More excitement:

First Day: 5 goals scored by one team. Not bad. Things look promising for exciting football.

Second Day: 8 goals scored among 6 teams for over 280 minutes of play. Things are going south;

Third Day: 8 goals scored among 8 teams for over 370 minutes of play. But Croatia and France account for 4 of those goals. Things are getting really exciting now;

Fourth Day: 4 goals scored among 6 teams. Some upsets though. 3 matches for over 270 minutes of play but only 4 goals. Wow:

Fifth Day: 7 goals among 6 teams, 3 matches for over 280 minutes of play. Manly;

Sixth Day: In progress.

So for over 5 days we have 32 goals scored among 28 teams. Just over 1 goal per team per 14 matches. Exciting stuff. Won’t lose any sleep over this one.

See, even this guy is excited. I told ya that more action is in the stands than on the pitch:

Slide 1 of 36: MOSCOW, RUSSIA - JUNE 17: Fans of Mexico enjoy the pre match atmosphere prior to the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia group F match between Germany and Mexico at Luzhniki Stadium on June 17, 2018 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Alexander Hassenstein/Getty Images)

Shocked I tells ya, shocked. This gal just returned from the World Cup in a state of shock over all of the excitement. You can see it I’m her face:

Image may contain: one or more people and text

Take a good look at her sign. “I had to get home right away to protest?”

“What are you protesting,” a CNN reporter asked:

Her response: “You talking to me? Yeah you. Are you talkin to me?”

The look on her face says it all!

Religion of Peace!

Clashes in Kashmir after Eid prayers, one deadClashes in Kashmir after EID prayers. Their team failed to qualify for the World Cup! All hell broke loose. Hey can you say that?  Hell I mean.

FIFA states that Israel must compete in Europe not Middle East for World Cup qualifying, which is code for saying: “we don’t want you here.”

Meanwhile over in the Middle East, where many a World Cup participant hails from, comes these headlines:

Priest stabbed by Palestinians in Bethlehem. It would appear that the priest was rooting for the Saudis, a team that got butchered by the Russians, 5 to zip yer head off.

Another Saudi supporter, this time a woman, uses box cutters to stab two French people in France. She was yelling Allah Akbar while doing this nasty bit of business. When interrogated afterwards she told police that she was upset that France won their first match in the World Cup and her fav team, the Saudis, lost 5 to zip off their Russian heads.

Israel foils Hamas plot to bomb Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. This over the Saudis recent loss to the Russians at the World Cup. The Saudis lost 5 to zip off their Jewish Russian heads, don’t you know….wow.

Meanwhile back in Canadastan:

Why is it that when a Canadian Caucasian family starts a fire while camping it can be construed as a potential fire hazard and could cause this?:

See the source imageHang that Caucasian family

Yet when a First Nations family starts a fire while camping it is construed as a “Sacred Fire”. Perhaps, but it could still do this:

See the source image       “Yes, but it is still a sacred fire. To expunge the dark spirits of the land and bring new life, new birth.” Okay……………..Geesh.

“Sacre Bleu!”

“After all we, first nations people are nature’s caretakers. We harbour a great love for nature:”


Have a great Tuesday…..Afternoon.

Song of the day…A Classic!