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Covid Cancer: Has a nasty ring to it don’t ya think?

Cancer is soaring, and still they deny the vaccine connection

Mark Carney is the so called, Liberal front-runner to replace Trudough. This is what he said during an interview on the Daily Show:

In response to a question from Jon Stewart about how Carney would be “left holding the carbon tax bag,” which Stewart argued was “not politically feasible,” Carney hinted that he would target the oil and gas industry with climate policy.

“Almost 30 per cent of our emissions from Canada come from the production and shipment of oil to the United States,” said Carney. “So part of it is cleaning that up, getting those emissions down, more than changing, in a very short period of time, the way Canadians live.”

DEI is DIE on the order table and will be the death of us all if we allow it to continue unabated by the elites. Canadians?

Wake Up

Don’t think Canada is ruled by the Family Compact?

Think again.

Right now in Liberal-land we have:

Liberal Caucus, Liberal Prime Minister, Liberal Cabinet, Liberal Press, Liberal Media, Liberal Judiciary, Liberal Academia, Liberal Culture – well just about everything Liberal. Read up on the 1837 revolts in Canada and what caused them.  Their aftermath? Upper (Ontario) and Lower (Quebec) united to become Canada. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia followed suit but not officially until 1867. Ontario and Quebec became what we know of today as Canada and today, like in 1840, Ontario and Quebec run the Canadian show.  Actually Quebec runs Canada by its proxy in Ottawa. The West doesn’t exist in their minds and the Maritimes? Canada’s innocent, naïve  playground.

Trudeau 2.0. Mark my Carney words: he is unelectable and will go down in flames in the next election.

Also, Carney considers himself to be European. He is a board member of the World Economic Forum. He holds Canadian, UK and Irish passports. Pick a side Mr. Carney.


Liberal MP Chrystia Freeland, former minister of finance and deputy prime minister, leaves after attending a meeting of the Liberal Caucus, in West Block on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, on Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

As former finance minister Chrystia Freeland prepares to launch a Liberal leadership bid, a source close to her [that would be Freeland] says scrapping the controversial consumer carbon tax will be one of her policy planks.

“She is ready to make difficult decisions to meet our emissions targets and make sure big polluters pay for their outsized emissions. But she will not fight Canadians on a policy they have been clear, they do not support,” the source tells CTV News. “That’s why Chrystia Freeland will replace the consumer carbon price with a system that will work within our federation and will be developed collaboratively with provinces and territories.”

Meaning, the consumer still pays the carbon tax. Why??

she thinks Canadians are idiots.

Yesss. I love vegetarians and vegans. Why?

More Meat For Me!

Have you ever met or seen a happy environmentalist? Protester? Or a contented vegan? No? Me neither.

Oh, in tribute and respect for LA’s DEI driven Fire Department I offer this:

And…the Babylon Bee offers this in response:

Why do we put up with such incompetence?

One of the best songs from a very great but underrated band: Collective Soul. Lead guitar solo here is awesome. Makes one wanna rock…forever!





Medical experts are warning that the U.S. could face a “syndemic” winter as respiratory viruses surge and temperatures plunge. Brrrr.

Say what?

Yes, a syndemic is not unlike the “tripledemics” that health-care systems have grappled with the past two winters — when multiple pathogens, like COVID-19, RSV and the flu converge in a population. A syndemic, however, considers how interacting epidemics have increasingly adverse effects on communities that face systemic and structural inequities.

Say what? So called experts. What does that, this mean? The Covid response by the government at all levels was sinful, hence a syndemic.

Is that like a synod? In the religious sense it is.

So says the USA’s Expert on Health

We’re doomed:

Trudeau government suffers from ‘denominator blindness’ when it comes to big numbers:

Raising taxes on high-income earners, as Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland promised in her 2023 federal budget, will only prompt them to take measures to avoid these higher tax burdens, according to a new study.

Canada’s Minister of Finance having an “Ah Ha” moment. Ah yes, 2+2 does equal 22. The budget will balance itself, the budget will balance itself, the budget will balance itself, the budget will balance itself.


"We'd Like You To Meet Krishna..." | Back to Godhead

Hmmmmm. The Canadian budget will balance itself.


Canadian Conservative MP Jack Nicholson ejected from House of Commons for calling Trudeau a liar. Yesssss! Finally the truth comes out.

Are we still a member of this thingy?

UN climate summit serving gourmet burgers, BBQ as it calls for Americans to stop eating meat.

Saving the World One Cow Fart at a Time - Lift'N'Balance

I agree with that. “Beano anyone?”

Poor cows:

The U.N.'s Food & Agriculture Organization will publish its first-ever global food systems’ road map during an upcoming COP28 session, which is expected to recommend nations that "over-consume meat" to limit their consumption as part of a broader effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Getty Images

“Let it be resolved that cow farts are bad for the planet.” So says the UN General Assembly just prior to breaking for lunch. McDees here we come.

When our central bank says this:

Bank of Canada says immigration hasn’t added to inflation, but has hit housing market.

Helloooo. Housing is now taking up over 60% of monthly expenses…but that has nothing to do with inflation or the high cost of living here. But this has nothing to do with inflation!?!?

What a bunch of oxy-morons those wankers…erm bankers are.

You know we are in trouble. Canada is doomed.

One of my favourites:

A Covid Convoy

Eanie, meanie, mighty Moe

“While hospitalizations (in Saskatchewan) continue to climb, Moe noted the number of patients in Saskatchewan health-care facilities now is still lower than the number who were in hospital in the final quarter of 2019 — before the COVID pandemic started.”


Ah, the common sense factor:

“It’s time for us as a government to manage COVID as we move forward, and it’s time for us as a society to understand that we are going to be living with COVID for some period of time …

“The goal is to remove all of these restrictions when we are able.”

Hey Bonnie? Are you listening? Nope. Restrictions in BC will remain as is until June 30th.

June 30th? Are you kidding me?

On another note:

And where is our dear leader Trudeau? Hiding?

Where is Waldo?

They will never find him, he is a master of disguise>

I mean, he was front and centre taking a knee for BLM. Indeed “The US and Canadian governments are more upset about this peaceful protest than they were from BLM street shutdowns (and looting, arson, and assault)…in fact, they’re more upset by this than by some terror attacks.”

And then there is this:

The Trudeau government has committed itself to purging or rewriting hundreds of historical plaques and monuments commemorating Canadian history in a revisionist attempt to “decolonize” the country.

A tenth of federal historical landmarks erected since 1919 are going to be revised or completely removed.

The purges will include “major political figures” like Canada’s first prime minister Sir. John A. Macdonald, those “associated with Residential School history” and anybody “associated with the eugenics movement.”

Except of course Laurier or any other Liberal Prime Minister.

I want my country back.

More unacceptable views from the minority fringe of white supremacist’s:


Have a nice day.



Canukistan Covidiots

Canada eh? Canukistan Idiots:

Liberal environment minister Steven Guilbeault said in a recent interview that he hopes to phase out fossil fuels within two years.

“My timeline is two years,” Guilbeault said. “So in the next two years, more stringent methane regulations, zero-emission vehicle standards, net-zero grid by 2035, cap on oil and gas and obviously phasing out fossil fuels – all of these things must be in place in the coming eighteen months.”

Nonetheless, the fantasy that “green” politicians have that it’s a snap to switch from a gasoline or diesel fleet to an electric one is behind the federal Liberals’ announcement late last week that by 2030, half of all passenger vehicles sold in Canada must be electric. (Lorne Gunter)

What if we, Canadians, don’t want one? What makes the Trudeau government think it can force a 19-fold increase in just nine years simply with flick of a wrist?

Covid anyone? Mandatory vaccines and passports?

And that is the slippery slope, Canadians, that we find ourselves on with the Liberal government’s Covid mandatory vaccine policy. The government can do to us what it wills for us according to their ideology and there is nothing you or I can do about it.  We will have no choice. Because, we are all in this together.

When Covid is finally over…Climate Change…wait for it. It is coming. No more travel, no more meat, all fossil fuel use will be banned…and on and on it will go.

Covid has taught me that individual rights in Canada, in accordance with our Charter, is just an illusion and can be trampled on at any time by the whim of the government….for the common good. Hitler said that too.

Whatever happened to government for the people? An illusion.

Here is one. Protest Covid lockdowns and curfews and you are one of:

Trudeau’s racist misogynistic, bigoted radicals…from Montreal:

How on earth did Trudeau get elected…three times??

But…but…we know better Karen.

Ah, but for the good ole days. Remember these gals?

And then there is this:

BC: Stop measuring this virus in terms of “cases.” You will never achieve zero Covid…never. It is a fool’s game.



It Wasn’t Covid…Whew!

Insanity. Covid, Covid, Covid…but…but

In BC more people have died from Fentanyl overdoses than anything else.

627 Malaria deaths in 2020 alone; 580,000 in 2019 and who knows about 2021. But…but…it’s not Covid….whew!
According to WHO’s latest World malaria report, there were an estimated 241 million malaria cases and 627 000 malaria deaths worldwide in 2020. This represents about 14 million more cases in 2020 compared to 2019, and 69 000 more deaths..


And then there is this…sad:
At least it wasn’t Covid:

“Week by week, I watched Glenn shrink and fade. It was, in part, the cancer but, even more, it was the enforced isolation that took its toll on him. He did, however, remain safe from COVID-19; the disease did not spread in his nursing home during his residence, and he was never infected.”

“During our visits, he told me that he spent his days alone in his room, with no sense of time passing. Except for the occasional visitor – like his kids or me – his experience was essentially solitary confinement. Nursing home staff would set his meals outside of his room and leave before he retrieved them. No contact. Once, he fell while taking a shower, and it took a long time before a staff member found him unconscious. Far too long.”

The cancer got him…but…but…no Covid. Whew!
People…Wake up. We’re walking on a thin line: