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Yes, really:

Oh, but he is a conservative so it must be true. Us liberals are just doing stretching exercises here. No story…move on.

Really? Yes really.

Journalists Horrified As Village People Perform Double Hitler Salute

Article Image


Israeli female hostages Romi, Emily, and Doron were kept in United Nations/UN shelters during their time in Hamas captivity. Read that again.


Yes, really. The United Nothings is just that. A nothing organization that harbours anti-Israeli terrorists and dictators of the world. Time to get out of this nothing organization.

Oh really? This Just-in:

If Trump wants a “golden age,” then “that will require more steel and aluminum, more critical minerals, more reliable and affordable energy, more of everything to run the American economy full steam ahead. Canada has all those resources and we stand at the ready to work with the United States to create a booming and secure North American economy.

This has been Danielle Smith’s approach all along.

Really. Butt, butt, but, there is no business case for that, so says Trudough and Trudough sought to characterize Smith’s approach as anti-Canadian, treasonous. Trudough has always been against Canada’s natural resource sectors: leave the oil, LNG and minerals in the ground. That is Trudough’s reality.

So says Canadian Chief Two Face.

Two faced! Really? You bet.

Hudson in Los Angeles in 2008 (Getty Images)

Garth Hudson, a Canadian from Windsor Ontario and the last remaining member of the Band dies, age 87.



The United Nations, unsurprisingly, was generally gutted to learn that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi — known as the “butcher of Tehran” — died in a helicopter crash over the weekend. In a Monday meeting of the U.N. Security Council, a “moment of silence” was held to mourn the dead murderer rather than his thousands of innocent victims.

That’s like giving Hitler a nod and a song on his birthday. Maybe give him some cupcakes…eh Biden?

That is, an American ambassador stood to mourn the death of a mass murderer whose government endorsed “death to America.” Yet another weak and shameful moment for the Biden administration and the UN on the world stage.

Time to get out of the UN.

Time to get out of Canada!

The Canadian Human Rights Commission was so upset by a backlash over Christmas it says it feared for staff safety. The Commission in 2023 provoked an uproar in Parliament after publishing a report denouncing Christmas as a racist observance “grounded in Canada’s history of colonialism.”

Our House of Clowns. Typical Liberal obfuscation. How can any Canadian vote for the Liberals.

Law of unintended consequences:

All the Aid From Biden’s $300M Gaza Pier was Seized by Hamas.

“But…but. They lied to us.” A US and UN spokesperson said of HAMAS.

You can bet your aahh…sss they did.

Liberal delusion or illusion!

Canadian Housing Minister Sean Fraser yesterday said critics must “not interfere” in his plan to build 3.9 million homes. Fraser’s remarks followed an observation from one MP that the construction target would require a new home to be built every 60 seconds: “Have a field day.”

“If we say we are going to do something, we mean it. That we are going to do something, I mean…to address the crisis that we are responsible for. After all doing nothing is doing something, even if its nothing…right?

And this:

Confused about carbon taxes and rebates? Here's what you need to know |

There’s a lot of talk about the Conservatives having no climate plan. What’s often overlooked is that the NDP/Liberals don’t have an effective plan either. Jerry DeMarco, commissioner of the environment and sustainable development, states “Canada is the only G7 country that has not achieved any emissions reductions since 1990.” He goes on to state that the Liberal/NDP plan relies on “overly optimistic assumptions” about the success of climate policies, lacks deadlines and clear predictions about how measures will actually slash emissions.

Obfuscation is the Liberal way. The Carbon Tax? It is a turbo tax on breathing. None of the money is going to fight climate change. It is a huge scam.

BTW that is steam and water vapour…not carbon.

This is sweet…if you can get some:

Canadian taxpayers have been billed over $30 million to enrich diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) consultants across all federal departments since 2019.

Diversity, equity and inclusion contracts across dozens of federal ministries were found going back to Jan. 1, 2019. Government contracts reveal a cabal of consultants trafficking in the dark arts of gender ideology, systemic racism theory and other ideological demagoguery.  Federal consultant contracts for sex change seminars at the Veterans Review and Appeal Board, pipe ceremonies at Correction Service Canada (I thought smoking indoors was a no…no), Indigenous cooking (Bannock anyone?)  and bead working lessons and a batch of transgender pride flags (great job if you can get it.)

The largest recipient of DEI spending was the Department of National Defence with the Liberal government dumping  $9,326,278.67 to reform the Canadian military into an institution rooted in DEI ideology and sex change operations…because we need more women in our military, don’t ya know.

Consultants? An individual(s) noted for their ability to make the simple, complex. DEI is code for DIE!

Calling someone incompetent is racist…don’t ya know. House of Clowns Speaker Greg Fergus yesterday saved his job with NDP support after again breaching rules on non-partisanship. Fergus earlier complained critics held him to a “higher standard” because he is Black: “Being the first, you are held to a higher standard.” Yes, a higher standard of incompetence.

Speaking of incompetence: Trump will be found guilty because the Judge and Jury are all democrats and the fix is in in this sham of a trial. He will win on appeal though.

What’s Going On?

My comments are in normal bold font. Crazy, idiotic stuff and comments are in italics.

THE CANADIAN ARMY Because TANKS are really expensive | Army humor ...47 i see your canadian navy and raise you a canadian air force Training ...

Pin on funny miletery

This is the depth of idiocy that our once famed and respected military institution has fallen to. To rebrand and fix our military in Canada, Canadian acadamian nuts and experts posit and opined various strategies to address the problems as only poshits can opine:

Eichler paints a picture of a “problematic military culture” that is shot through with “patriarchy, colonialism, white supremacy, heteronormativity, ableism, and classism.”

Say what?

After devoting extended paragraphs to each cultural infraction, Eichler concludes that the Canadian Armed Forces must be remade via an “anti-oppression framework” of “feminist, decolonial, critical race, queer, critical disability, and critical political economy theories.”

Say what-er

“feminist intersectional trauma-informed approach to reimagine and transform CAF culture.” Canadian military Journal???

Say what-est? Is this part of Tru-dough’s post national state vision?

We have to rid ourselves of this guy:

Perhaps…for this guy:

Mmm..maybe not.

I kid you not:

The Canadian Armed Forces has a recruitment and retention problem, and the Trudeau government thinks the answer is ranting about settler colonialism, white supremacy and the patriarchy, while offering free tampons in the men’s rooms of military bases.

Folks, the brass at national defense headquarters have lost the plot and their sheet music. No the brass at Disneyland on the Rideau have gone nutzoid.

2019 Canadian Brass Masterclass - Music

Canadian brass

As first reported by True North , the latest issue of the Canadian Military Journal , an official publication of National Defence, is obsessed with the blaming all issues in the military on “patriarchy, colonialism, white supremacy, heteronormativity, ableism, and classism.” These, we are told, are the root causes of the problems in the military, along with whiteness, white spaces and conformity.

Is there anything else?!?!

The summer issue of the journal has articles titled “‘I’m Not Your Typical White Soldier’: Interrogating Whiteness and Power in the Canadian Armed Forces” and “Supporting Military Families: Challenging or Reinforcing Patriarchy?”

Solution? Whites need not apply. Get rid of whitey and then see how well recruitment and retention survive.

Throughout the issue, various academics explain that the military, including the food it serves or the regimental traditions that have been handed down over the decades, are simply too white, too Eurocentric.

Could you pass the Roti please. More curry? Yes please. Yummy. Roast beef? Sorry, too English. How about some KFC? Oh that was banned as part of the Montreal protocol, along with PFCs and land mines. KFC is too deadly. Got that right. Too bad.

This is all arrived at by using intersectional feminist theory, the academics reveal.

“I apply intersectional feminist and critical race theory to draw connections between concepts from anti-oppressive theory and the military context,” Ash Grover, PhD candidate in Educational Studies at Brick (sic) University, writes in her essay, “Trauma and Military Cultures.”

What on earth does intersexual (sic) feminist and critical race theory mean? Is that like getting screwed? Solution? Stay well clear of acadamian nuts because these guys and gals and others (He, She, It, Bitch) are completely nutzoid.

“Applying an anti-oppression framework that builds on a set of critical theories including intersectional feminist, decolonial, critical race, queer, critical disability, and critical political economy theories to advance culture change efforts is not an easy task, but a necessary one if DND/CAF wants to move the yardstick on culture change,” the pair wrote.

As only an acadamian nut could say. Is there anything left in theoretical terms? The problem with theory is that it’s just not practical enough.

If you understand either of the above quotes from the academics, then you are likely in univershity, a recent graduate or fluent in academic gobbledygook (and unemployed). You are influenced by discredited Marxist theories that use race and gender to divide people. Like Tru-dough’s policies do.

Or you are one stupid ass.

Canadian academia today: Univershity of Toronto

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Are we still part of this thing?

China Health Organization : memes

The World Health Organization (Who?) quietly appointed a controversial University of Alberta law professor and trans activist to a group tasked with helping create transgender health guidelines.

As in how to cut off your “dick?” –  to spite your face.

Florence Ashley, whose pronouns are “they, them, that, bitch,”  – with an emphasis on the latter – believes puberty blockers ought to be the “default option” for children and that they shouldn’t require mental health screenings prior to undertaking a gender transition.

Unreal! Canada is doomed as a nation.

Ah, the law of unintended consequences. A true Darwin Award candidate here:

25 Darwin Award Nominees - Darwin Awards Gallery | eBaum's WorldLast year’s Darwin Award winner (post humorously).

The Vancouver man who opened a drug store in the Downtown Eastside selling illicit hard drugs has died from a reported overdose.

Jerry Martin opened The Drugs Store out of a mobile trailer in the heart of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside selling drugs such as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines that were advertised as clean with no impurities or harmful additives…like fentanyl. They lied!

$146 million dollars and 300 acres of land for a solar park in a province that has 563 Trillion cubic feet of Natural Gas. An LNG plant makes power 24/7 and provides heat and electricity. This is making almost zero . We have idiots running this country. 

No, we have Liberal mathematicians. It is all part of Tru-dough’s post partum national state.

Sadly, Marvin Gaye was shot by his own father.


Guess who said this:

April 15 ABC Town Hall: “you can’t do it all by Executive Order unless of course you are a dictator.”

Yup… Joe Biden

And by den he had signed 30 Executive orders in his first week. By comparison Trump signed 5, Obama 4, George Bush o and Bill Clinton 1 (Shapiro, Jan 2021)

Like we already knew but had no proof.  This is not a conspiracy theory folks. Read the report, second link.

The site is: and the most damning of the supporting reports is

….this is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.
– Christiana Figueres UN IPCC, 2015

I mean, it’s the Great Transformation, it’s started, that’s what I would say. It’s begun. Not the way we expected, but it’s begun.
– Paul Dickinson, 27 March 2020

I. Introduction
There is a transnational global movement to facilitate a fundamental paradigm shift, a Great Transformation, to a new energy economy that will halt fossil fuel use and development, initially in the western world, in order to create a new global low-carbon, net-zero civilization. The first major petroleum industry target being used to accelerate this global transition is the Alberta oil sands. The anti-oil sands campaign has so far been successful in land-locking production, preventing new pipelines for Canadian consumption or export markets, intimidating investors, and influencing the Canadian government to support these policies. However, the current evolved strategy is not confined to Alberta; it is not about making Alberta or Canada suffer per se; it is about transforming the world and creating a new civilization that is not based on fossil fuels, which means all western economies will be impacted at some point. The global
movement is a psychological, political, and group process, rooted in progressivism, in order to get a critical mass of public support to fundamentally transform western industrial economies and societies. There are various ideas circulating for what will replace the current system, and
although there are differences amongst the various interested groups, they agree on the ultimate goal of ending capitalism and our modern way of life.

This has been called “The Great Transition”, “Paradigm Shift”, “Great Transformation”, “Global Phase Shift”, and many other labels. For the purposes of this report and consistency, Great Transformation will be the
preferred description. Although this inquiry has been overtaken by recent events caused by the coronavirus pandemic, this report provides timely insight into the nature, motivations, objectives, and strategies of the Transnational Progressive Movement to force or manufacture an energy

1 Christiana Figueres, Tom Rivett-Carnac, Paul Dickinson, Outrage and Optimism Podcast, Season 2 #10
(45), 27 March 2020, “Corona and Climate (1): Coming Back Stronger,” 10:07. .

transition using the rationale of climate change, cultivating a cultural shift through media and the youth, and implementing various Green New Deals around the world to fundamentally transform the western industrial capitalist economic system. This report also sheds light on the trajectory of
changes proposed for the post-pandemic economic restructuring recovery, and how that will potentially impact Alberta’s energy industry and the viability of the province itself. Indeed, the very future of Alberta is at stake.
In order to effectively address this comprehensive international assault on Alberta’s and Canada’s energy industry, it is important to understand the motivations, structure, and strategies that are being pursued in manufacturing a new global energy transition. This is a long-term
international movement to facilitate a fundamental global paradigm shift. To contest it or resist it, one must understand it. To that end, drawing upon over a thousand website articles, newspaper articles, reports, speeches, video conference proceedings, academic journal articles, and books, this report is divided into six sections: the first establishes the background of the attack on Alberta’s oil sands within the context of the transnational movement to force an energy transition and a Great Transformation of the global economic system. The second examines the nature or motivation of the transnational progressive movement behind the Great Transformation, the climate rationale behind it, and the energy transition at its core. Next to be considered are the groups involved – how they work and communicate, the role of media organizations in shaping the narrative and promoting panic and a sense of emergency, the goals and processes for a cultural shift and the youth movement. The fourth section analyses the various Green New Deals and their common elements, the plans for implementation, and the conceivable impact on modern lifestyles afterwards. The fifth section will first briefly examine the timeframe of the movement’s goals and objectives, and then explore the effect of the coronavirus on the goals and timing of the Great Transformation; and finally, the last section will offer conclusions and recommendations for an Alberta and industry response to these developments in light of a hostile federal government firmly committed to the progressive agenda.2

2 Justin Trudeau, “The Promise of Progress,” in Global Progress: New Ideas for the Future of the Progressive Movement, (43-47), content/uploads/2016/03/03095509/021716-

GLOBALPROGRESS-web.pdf. Trudeau writes, “In Canada, the defense of liberty has a unique expression . . . it’s
about a deliberate and enduring commitment to build a progressive society. . . Canada is – and I hope will forever be
– a shining example of the progressive spirit.” (43-44)

Note the footnote above. Yet Trudeau continues to say how much he supports Canadians and their job.

Scary, and this could be Canada’s future under the Liberal’s progressive banner.

Poor Alberta.




Statues commemorating great men of historical significance continue to be ripped apart or struck down in many US cities. Here in Canada we take more of a selective approach than in the states in that our Canadian protestors bring down only those statues that reflect those men of a Conservative bent, like John A Macdonald.

See the source imageWhat a mean ole codger. ” I’ll take mine neet please…a double.”

See the source imageCould have been twins except for the stache.    Only this guy assassinated Lincoln.

John A  Macdonald, Canada’s first and third Prime Minister, is now in the Canadian anarchist’s – I didn’t know we had any – cross hairs. Yes, John A  was a dastardly bastardly drunk; a phobia’s phobia in that through his tireless and selfish, self centered, racist efforts the nation called Canada was born. Just think, if we had not allowed John A to do what he did, and maintained our native, nomadic way of life, the “wheel” as we know it today would have yet to be invented in “Kanata.”

That’s in Ottawa isn’t it?

Just think:

See the source image                            Imagine? And no pollution too.

Our best export would have been Prairie Firebrand or Canadian Shield Lager.

We would have lived on the traditional lands of (insert whatever First Nation that comes to mind here).

We would have become an international leader and innovator of fashion:

See the source image

Potlatches instead of Potlucks.

Fun stuff like raiding parties and slaves.

Great music.

Great lawn furniture.

See the source image

Bring back the good ole days before 1867 I tells ya.

Why I cancelled Facebook and Twitter:

Twitter, Facebook Censored Trump, Campaign 65 Times, Leave Biden Untouched;

More Liberalism

Democrat Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer admits it: No release from lockdown without a vote for Joe Biden…nice;

Cases rise everywhere but Covid deaths are down, way down. No way!…way.

“When will this madness end so that the insanity can start.” Post Nov 3rd I guess.

Here is an oldie. 1964. Remember the Shangri…las. I had a serious crush on the lead singer.
