Join the Canadian Armed Forces as there is no life like it. Thank goodness for that. I wonder if he is wearing a skirt!
Canadian military commander demands soldiers support men’s tampons for trans “inclusion”
To align with the Liberal government’s commitment to inclusivity, Canadian military bases and federally regulated workplaces were recently mandated by Employment and Social Development Canada to provide menstrual products, including tampons and pads, in men’s washrooms by December 15.
Sorry, I gotta go.
Whew, back now.
Canadian military base to host “drag queen bingo” for soldiers
Oh – 69….BINGO!
Canada’s top soldier to issue directive encouraging Pride participation.
Alongside our Prime Minister
C’mon guys, join Canada’s Armed Forces as there is no life like it. We need more men like you.
Thank gawd for that!
Law of unintended consequences: Canadian military recruitment is down…a way, way down. But Trudough doesn’t care. More money for Gaza and Ukraine.
Liberal Math
Budget office says Canadians will spend almost half a billion dollars on the Government Services Tax (like the VAT) on….wait for it….you will not believe it…THE CARBON TAX. Yes Canadians have to pay a tax on a tax.
Time to turf out these political clowns.
Liberal transparency and politicization:
Trudough has been accused of politicizing Senate appointments in the past.
In 2021 several senate appointments made by the Trudeau government came under scrutiny as multiple appointees have strong ties to the Liberal Party of Canada.
Out of the eight recent appointees, five have made substantial donations to the Liberal Party, two were former Liberal candidates, and one served as a director of the Trudeau Foundation.
To be fair, the Conservatives are just as guilty of this.
Our system and institutions are broken.
To our Liberal friends it is all just smoke and mirrors:
But, our government’s progressive policies are destroying our country.
By the way: I am not anti LGBTQ+. Whatever you do, whomever you are or with is fine with me. I just do not believe that this community has to promote this lifestyle in such a grand, over the top fashion. Be like everybody else and go about your daily business without flaunting your sexuality.
Would you want to work here?
The University of Waterloo is looking for “gender-fluid” people, as well as women, sexual minorities and non-white people to meet the “diversity, equity and inclusion” quotas of its Canada Research Chairs positions.
“To address legal requirements for supporting underrepresented groups in the CRC program, this opportunity is open only to women and gender minorities, which is defined to include individuals who self-identify as women, transgender, gender-fluid, non-binary, and Two-spirit people,” reads the job posting for a chair position in optometry & vision science field.
The same requirements apply to Waterloo research chair positions in personality psychology, mathematics, computer science and health.
If you work in the public sector in Canada there is no life like it!
My comments are in normal bold font. Crazy, idiotic stuff and comments are in italics.
This is the depth of idiocy that our once famed and respected military institution has fallen to. To rebrand and fix our military in Canada, Canadian acadamian nuts and experts posit and opined various strategies to address the problems as only poshits can opine:
Eichler paints a picture of a “problematic military culture” that is shot through with “patriarchy, colonialism, white supremacy, heteronormativity, ableism, and classism.”
Say what?
After devoting extended paragraphs to each cultural infraction, Eichler concludes that the Canadian Armed Forces must be remade via an “anti-oppression framework” of “feminist, decolonial, critical race, queer, critical disability, and critical political economy theories.”
Say what-er
“feminist intersectional trauma-informed approach to reimagine and transform CAF culture.” Canadian military Journal???
Say what-est? Is this part of Tru-dough’s post national state vision?
We have to rid ourselves of this guy:
Perhaps…for this guy:
Mmm..maybe not.
I kid you not:
The Canadian Armed Forces has a recruitment and retention problem, and the Trudeau government thinks the answer is ranting about settler colonialism, white supremacy and the patriarchy, while offering free tampons in the men’s rooms of military bases.
Folks, the brass at national defense headquarters have lost the plot and their sheet music. No the brass at Disneyland on the Rideau have gone nutzoid.
Canadian brass
As first reported by True North , the latest issue of the Canadian Military Journal , an official publication of National Defence, is obsessed with the blaming all issues in the military on “patriarchy, colonialism, white supremacy, heteronormativity, ableism, and classism.” These, we are told, are the root causes of the problems in the military, along with whiteness, white spaces and conformity.
Is there anything else?!?!
The summer issue of the journal has articles titled “‘I’m Not Your Typical White Soldier’: Interrogating Whiteness and Power in the Canadian Armed Forces” and “Supporting Military Families: Challenging or Reinforcing Patriarchy?”
Solution? Whites need not apply. Get rid of whitey and then see how well recruitment and retention survive.
Throughout the issue, various academics explain that the military, including the food it serves or the regimental traditions that have been handed down over the decades, are simply too white, too Eurocentric.
Could you pass the Roti please. More curry? Yes please. Yummy. Roast beef? Sorry, too English. How about some KFC? Oh that was banned as part of the Montreal protocol, along with PFCs and land mines. KFC is too deadly. Got that right. Too bad.
This is all arrived at by using intersectional feminist theory, the academics reveal.
“I apply intersectional feminist and critical race theory to draw connections between concepts from anti-oppressive theory and the military context,” Ash Grover, PhD candidate in Educational Studies at Brick (sic) University, writes in her essay, “Trauma and Military Cultures.”
What on earth does intersexual (sic) feminist and critical race theory mean? Is that like getting screwed? Solution? Stay well clear of acadamian nuts because these guys and gals and others (He, She, It, Bitch) are completely nutzoid.
“Applying an anti-oppression framework that builds on a set of critical theories including intersectional feminist, decolonial, critical race, queer, critical disability, and critical political economy theories to advance culture change efforts is not an easy task, but a necessary one if DND/CAF wants to move the yardstick on culture change,” the pair wrote.
As only an acadamian nut could say. Is there anything left in theoretical terms? The problem with theory is that it’s just not practical enough.
If you understand either of the above quotes from the academics, then you are likely in univershity, a recent graduate or fluent in academic gobbledygook (and unemployed). You are influenced by discredited Marxist theories that use race and gender to divide people. Like Tru-dough’s policies do.
Or you are one stupid ass.
Canadian academia today: Univershity of Toronto
Are we still part of this thing?
The World Health Organization (Who?) quietly appointed a controversial University of Alberta law professor and trans activist to a group tasked with helping create transgender health guidelines.
As in how to cut off your “dick?” – to spite your face.
Florence Ashley, whose pronouns are “they, them, that, bitch,” – with an emphasis on the latter – believes puberty blockers ought to be the “default option” for children and that they shouldn’t require mental health screenings prior to undertaking a gender transition.
Unreal! Canada is doomed as a nation.
Ah, the law of unintended consequences. A true Darwin Award candidate here:
Last year’s Darwin Award winner (post humorously).
The Vancouver man who opened a drug store in the Downtown Eastside selling illicit hard drugs has died from a reported overdose.
Jerry Martin opened The Drugs Store out of a mobile trailer in the heart of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside selling drugs such as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines that were advertised as clean with no impurities or harmful additives…like fentanyl. They lied!
$146 million dollars and 300 acres of land for a solar park in a province that has 563 Trillion cubic feet of Natural Gas. An LNG plant makes power 24/7 and provides heat and electricity. This is making almost zero . We have idiots running this country.
No, we have Liberal mathematicians. It is all part of Tru-dough’s post partum national state.
Canadian military officer calls for a probe into a ground zero ‘Covid’ outbreak at Wuhan forces games TWO MONTHS before world was alerted to the ‘mysterious new illness’
Oh Really? Yes really:
Canadian military delegation in Wuhan parade – October 2019.
No story here folks. Move on….
Chinese military’s high jump winner at the rewards ceremony:
Move on people. Canadians? STFU. Says our Chinese Prime Minister:
“They are extremists who don’t believe in science, they’re often misogynists, also often racists. It’s a small group that muscles in, and we have to make a choice in terms of leaders, in terms of the country. Do we tolerate these people? Or do we say, hey, most of the Quebecois people – 80% – are vaccinated. We want to come back to things we like doing. It’s not those people who are blocking us.” PM Trudeau speaking about non vaxxed Canadians.
Oh the horror of it all.
The Wuhan 2019 military games memorial!
Canadian Health minister is now calling for mandatory vaccines for all Canadians.
Unintended consequence to that will surely be:
Our elected leaders have no clue.
It’s a fundamental human right to decide what goes into your body.
The Nuremberg Code supports that right. We executed a lot of Nazis (rightly so) for failing to abide by that code.
SJ says: “I have been triple jabbed. I decided to because I am in the vulnerable group as in I am 70 years old. But it is my right to decide what goes into my body. The argument that this is for the greater good does not hold water here or anywhere and it didn’t hold water at the Nuremberg Trials of Nazi War criminals.
Thousands take to the streets of Montreal to protest latest wave of authoritarian COVID measures
Quebec is currently under heavy lockdown, with nearly all ‘non-essential’ establishments forced to close, including places of worship, and a nightly curfew being strictly enforced by police.
Thousands of protesters took to the streets on Saturday afternoon in Montreal, Quebec, to speak out against the increasingly oppressive COVID-19 measures presently in effect across the province.
…The majority of us passed out successfully. A few, like my friend “Hercules Mike,” didn’t make it and were sent home. The Franco’s had their own parade, separate from the rest of us. The reviewing Officer of our parade was a hero of the Korean War. That was cool. The Jamaican maan received the Ceremonial Sword for the highest achieving candidate. His Army mistress could be seen beaming, she was so proud. Each of the so called “African Corp” received awards and performance medals: for leadership, or marksmanship, military theory, drill, or fitness (running), whatever. It was all so politically obvious, so politically barf worthy. Then there were the rest of us: our nation’s military peons. No awards for us. And after the “this is the best time to be joining the military” spiel, we were all dismissed.
I learned afterward the real dirt about the international students. The Jamaican maan was a distant relative of some Jamaican big shot, who was also a World War Two veteran. The five Officers of the “African Corp” would have passed out with honours regardless. Failing or barely meeting the minimum standard, as they did, was not an option for these candidates. Doing so, officially, would have brought discredit to their nations and would have meant immediate execution on their return home.
Accordingly, to their military’s credit, their military’s philosophy and their military’s “take no prisoners” mentality, they would have been struck down like the rabid dogs that they were…
…The Africans stayed to themselves for the most part. They were extremely lazy and racist – toward us and surprisingly toward themselves. They wouldn’t respond to orders from the rest of us during the leadership tasks until such time as the leadership role passed to them. Then watch out. They ran us into the ground trying to impress the staff with their field acumen. It didn’t work though for their field acumen lacked common sense or intelligence. And there weren’t any Batmen to order around or bail them out. I remember one task in particular. The Cameroon Officer was in charge. The task was to find and rescue a paratrooper who was caught up in the bush somewhere. It was our job to find the man, render first aid as required then bring him home. A time limit of three hours had been imposed. Once the scenario began and the Cameroon Officer’s Orders Group completed, off we went at the high port. He literally had us running through the jungle; he didn’t accept advice and was adamant that his way was the only way. In spite of his incompetence we did locate the wounded paratrooper who was, for exercise purposes, entangled high up in the trees. On starting the extrication and first aid process he shunned us all away and stunned us, shamed us, by taking out his revolver and, for exercise purposes, taking aim then shooting the casualty. Good thing we only had blanks. Shocked and amazed he then told us in no uncertain terms that his country had a “take no prisoners” philosophy, especially wounded prisoners, for whom in his mind’s eye were no better than rabid dogs!
Our basic training finished late November. I finished around the middle of the pack. I did have a couple of close calls with respect to a “cease training” career review board. Christ! The Career Review Board was a military “Star Chamber” and a nice way of saying WE DON’T WANT YOU! One of which was called due to my inability to meet the standard for the 9 mm pistol. No matter that I excelled with the FN C1 rifle achieving marksman status at 1,000 yards. The Army had rules after all. Luckily I was able to convince them that being in the Navy there was no need to be able to fire a 9 mm hand gun at close range. The days of “hands to boarding” were long gone with the death of Nelson some one hundred and seventy five years previously. The Army was like that though: stubborn and strong on rules and outmoded traditions. Yet cooler heads prevailed after telling them that the only gun I would be firing would be a 3in70 anti-aircraft gun weighing in at some 20 tons.
The other incident was more traumatic and emotionally painful. Toward the end of our training the powers that be had this survey completed by all of us recruits. It was called a Peer Review Survey where each and every one of us could assess the ability, leadership potential and personality traits of each other. If one received an adverse assessment from the other cadets a Career Review Board could be convened and the candidate in question ceased training and sent home. It was up to the candidate to convince the powers that be that he or she was up to par. Under no circumstances however should any of us have put another recruit down, no matter how despicable he or she may be. The repercussions were just too serious. Unfortunately, maturity was lacking among the majority of the recruits.
This was brutal. Unfortunately I received an adverse assessment from another cadet, one out of almost 90. Of course we were never told from whom. I couldn’t believe it as I always felt I was friendly, easy going and a team player. I got through it but it was a hurtful process especially to be told that someone in the group felt that you were not up to snuff or you were an asshole, a proctologist’s apprentice perhaps. It wasn’t until years later that I found out who it was, only by happenstance, as this individual anonymously tried to have me relieved of my duties from a staff position at Headquarters due to some perceived slight on my part toward his character. He did this without my knowledge. A falsehood as it turned out but it brought me right back to the Peer Review Survey that was done some 30 years previously. Ah yes, it was him, a colleague from Basic Training. The only saving grace for me was that this individual was an alcoholic, extremely obese and cowardly to boot. I don’t know where he is today or if he is still alive but I remain steadfast in amazement at his ability to smile to your face while imparting a knife in your back.
Interestingly, after a few years, that Peer Review Survey was discontinued…