Frustration Too

Frustration! That sinking feeling when nothing seems to go according to Hoyle.

And who is that guy Hoyle anyway?

Yet, as much as we try to rectify a situation or make ourselves understood, for whatever reason, we just fall farther and farther and farther into a bottomless pit. No matter how hard we try to dig ourselves out, with every shovelful of dirt, the deeper and deeper we sink into the quagmire.

Is there anything we can do about this?

In my humble opinion there is nothing that can be done. Oh yes, I have checked with leading psychologists and they all tell me that it is just a natural everyday occurrence of life.  Indeed, the local Manotick astrologist tells me that the stars are sometimes aligned against us. It is better just to accept our fate, go with the flow, and disengage until things get better.
I found myself in a frustrating situation a few weeks back that illustrates just what I mean. Consider this:

Once a week I buy my lunch at work, usually on a Wednesday. And I normally go for the cholesterol fix of a greasy burg with cheese and bacon and a side order of onion rings. Now this concoction comes to about $5.75 with tax.  It has been the same price for months.

One Wednesday I wandered down to the cafeteria, checked my money, and noticing that I had only about 6 bucks, decided to order my usual. When the order came up I moseyed on up to the cash and waited for my turn to pay. The cashier, a rather petite French Canadian girl, took my order, rang it in, and told me I owed her $6.50. Just a little surprised and somewhat embarrassed because I was short of funds, and, knowing the price from past purchases, I told her that she must have made a mistake.

“No, says she, That,” pointing to my order, “is the Banquet Burger Special. $6.50 please.”

“What special?” says I

“Banquet burger, fries or onion rings and a drink.” She said

“But I don’t have a drink.” I countered

“Well, get one” she says.

“But I don’t want one. Tell you what. Just ring in the banquet burger and an order of onion rings.”

“I can’t do that” she said. “You have the special and you owe me $6.50.”
Incensed, and totally frustrated, knowing full well that the line was getting longer.

I could feel the customers behind me. Their eyeful stares felt like daggers and their exaggerated sighs and harrumphs seemed to be burning a rather large hole in my back.

My blood boiling, I left the line and went back to the short order cook.  I checked the menu: Banquet Burger – $3.25, Onion Rings – $1.50.  With tax about $5.50. The special? – Banquet Burger, Fries or Onion Rings and a Large Drink – $5.95, with tax – about $6.50.

I waited in line and when the cook asked for my order I showed him mine and told him that I only wanted a Banquet Burger and Onion Rings. Could he please mark my order as such and charge me $4.75.
“Sure.” He said. He took my styro-foam take out box and marked the outside as a Banquet Burger and a side order of Onion Rings – rather than the special. Pleased with myself, I sauntered back to the cashier. She looks at me rather objectionably, looks at the box, then rings up $6.50. I tell her she is making a mistake. Banquet Burger and Onion Rings…only.

“Yes” she says, “the special.”

“No, no, no, says I, rather emphatically. “It is not the special. It is the Banquet Burger and Onion Rings. No drink.”

“Well, get a drink” she says.


“I’m sorry, that is the special and you owe me $6.50.”

“Well I am short. I’ll be right back.”

What could I do? My blood was boiling, my blood pressure, well…pressurized. Totally frustrated in not being able to make myself understood, I left the box on the counter and walked briskly over to the cash ATM that we had in our building. I would take out a 20 and pay for the special. What the hell, a buck fifty for a cash advance plus an additional buck fifty that my bank was going to charge me. 3 bucks plus, PLUS the damn special – $9.50 for the Banquet Burger. I was so mad, but I wasn’t going to take it anymore. I would have paid 100 bucks to get out of this predicament. I felt like George Costanza of Seinfeld fame.

To make matters worse the ATM was out of order. Of course it was, on this day and in this moment in time. It was never out of order. Oh yes but it knew, this machine knew, that poor old Shakey was in a predicament. Yes, yes it knew all right.  Paranoia was setting in. I was close to turning postal, and psycho.

I guess some guy noticed my frustration.

“Hey, if you need some money the convenience store will give you a cash advance.”

“Great” I said, trying very hard to keep my cool and my anger checked.
I walked over to the little store and asked very politely but somewhat impatiently for a cash advance.

“Sure,” said the clerk, “But you’ll have to buy something for 5 bucks.”
What?  What’s that you said. 5 bucks??  Hmmmmm. Okay, okay what the hell: chocolate bar, soap, chips, deodorant. Sure, 5 bucks. “Here,”

“Now give me the bleep, bleep money” – I thought to myself.
Money in hand and with a bagful of unwanted goodies, I went back to the cafeteria, picked up my take-out box, went to the cash, gave her 10 bucks and left without waiting for my change. I was afraid at what I would do.

“Hey, don’t you want your drink,” she said.



Scary Hairy

76 days until Bye, Bye. So long Maldives: according to the UN that is:

Image result for pics of the maldivesHey you guys, better leave soon or you’ll be treading water for a very long time.


If we don’t have enough to worry about comes this:

We are now entering the post antibiotics era. Too many people using them. They are now ineffective. TB coming back with a vengeance, same with Ebola, and the plague and other nasty stuff too nasty to even talk about. Head for the hills I tell you. Stay upwind from a “newfy” fart. It’ll kill ya.

A nasty bug shown here. And I thought it was a satellite picture of the Mississippi delta. Whoa. No this is nasty:

Just bend over and say aaaahhhhhhh!  Ouch.

So we’ll just add this to Climate Change, Global Warming, Yellowstone Volcano Caldera, over population, earthquakes, wildfires, floods, locusts, the bible, Armageddon, Four Horses of the Apocalypse, Revelations, Financial Collapse, Organic Food, Whole Foods, KFC, Trump, etc etc etc. No wonder people are stressed out, just like this guy:

Image result for munchThat is why I do not watch the news anymore. It is all Bull-crap.

“By the way Honey, where are the keys to our bunker!”

Sears Canada is closing. That Canadian mainstay no longer exists. Huge mall parking lots gone. The greenies are ecstatic. With Sears gone at least a million cars will be off the road. “We need more of this, bankruptcies, to further our agenda” one greenie was heard to say. Hey, can I still use my Sears Points?” they added as they were sipping their lattes.

Trump groped somebody. Dems and the WaPo, NYT and the Holly’s Woody in the Morning elite are all in a tizzy over this one. Some big shot in Holly’s Woody in the Morning is jealous. “I am jealous” he remarked as such while having his second Harvey Wallbanger. Same with a late night talk show host who was trying to get one of his skit participants to wrap their mouths around that headline. Also heard from ex guy named Weener who just couldn’t get a grip. While this was going on someone was heard to remark in the background: “I never had sex with that woman.”

Welcome to the green machine: Tesla fires hundreds and hundreds of employees. “Well, all of the subsidies ran out. I just couldn’t make payroll. It’s Trump’s fault I tells ya.”

Markle quits “suits” and skirts all rumours about her impending proposal from Prince Harry. Her socks are all in a knit over this one. Her publicist blew her top when she read about it. “Markle has a leg up on this one.” she added.

BTW, who the F%^K is Markle?

On another note:

Kate reveals the best thing about being a Royal Princess. “Yeah,” says she “I don’t have to work. I can sleep in till noon, and I can be a royal pain in the ass whenever I want to. Life is good!” Princeless!

Kaepernick files suits against the NFL for collusion in keeping him out of football due to his actions of disrespect of the national anthem.

“No, it’s the hair Dude. And those scary eyes”

An ex President’s wife admits in a Brit interview that we, Americans, just elected a guy president who admitted to sexual assault or harassment. “It is widespread and it must be undressed.” Her husband had no comment other than to say: “I never had sexual relations with that woman.” Who? With her?

“Oh but that’s different” the wife said. “He had sex after he was elected, so we had no knowledge of that prior to him being erected, er elected.” she sputtered. “Sorry my Freudian slip needs adjusting.”

Heard in passing at a diverse thought planning meeting. We need  diverse thought to solve problems: “Oh yeah, no way man, oh wait can we do this, no, shit for brains, this was, what’s for lunch, gotta go now. have to take a piss, what’s for supper sweatie, one plus one is three, no new taxes, I hate broccoli, quantum physics, quantum mechanics, me quantum, you idiot How! How about that, I don’t know, wadda you wanna do, oh I don’t know, wadda you wanna do. lets see here…………………………

A successful focus group this diversity thought process wouldn’t you say, or hear. I gotta take a leak……….. see ya.


SJ………………………Outta here.



M and Ms

79 more days until Maldives is historeeeeee, says the UN:

Image result for pics maldivesMaldives today


It is getting  really bad out there:  The Toronto District School Board is completing a phase-out of the word “chief” from job titles, out of respect for Indigenous people. Titles such as chief financial officer, chief academic officer and chief communications officer will see the word “chief” removed and replaced with “manager” or something similar. The changes include 12 chief positions in the professional support services department where the word manager is now used. “The work began a few years ago and is now concluding,” TDSB spokesman Ryan Bird said. The real scandal here folks is that it took them a few years to come up with this decision. A FEW YEARS? How much did that cost?

I guess the word “How” is next!

My question. What about the military. No More Chief Petty Officer, Chief Warrant Officer? Commander in Chief? No more “hey Chief, what’s up today. Hey Manager” just doesn’t have the same ring to it. Or “Hey Mang or Hey Manage”…Geesh. While were at it let’s get rid of the name Indigenous, or First Nations,or Aboriginals, or Indians, or the Redman and call everyone………..Canadian, without any hyphens. Hey how about calling them the “Big Kahunas” or “Shit Disturbers”

Weinstein. Love this:


Weinstein and Holly’s Woody in the Morning was built to keep the silence. Weinstein brought Holly’s Woody in the Morning to a whole new level.

Weinstein off to Europe for sex addiction rehab. Where Sweden? Germany’s Reeperbahn? Amsterdam’s Canal Street? Sex addiction rehab? Sounds oxymoronic to me. How’s that going to stack up? It’s like taking coal to Newcastle. Forget about us deplorables, eh Weinstein?

“I started a petition for the restaurant to remove seal meat from the menu because it is sourced by the commercial hunt and not the indigenous hunt.” A dead animal — albeit a delicious one — is still a dead animal, and it’s no more righteously dead depending on the race of the person who killed it. Hey where’s the Chief Cook here? I’m sure the seal knew that as well. The restaurant is named Ku-Kum Kitchen for a reason. After all of this mayhem they are going to change the name to Sku-Kum!

SJWs are always so concerned about paternalism and colonialism, but here they are with their animal rights colonialism trying to tell an aboriginal entrepreneur what to do with his own business. Do Black Olives come with that seal steak? You know Black Olives Matter to all SJWs.


Image result for pics of trudeau and pipelines

I have a dream. That the world will be rid of pipelines. That baristas and joints will be the order of the day and on every street corner. In the villages, in the towns, in our cities, across our great land. Yes…I have a dream. That the grass will always better in BC. I had a dream….and it was sooo cool….man!

Trudeau’s war on oil and gas is hitting BC hard 0- 60B and counting. Only one more to seal (see above) the deal. Cancel Kinder Morgan. Yeees I had that dream too…and it was a nightmare!


Why is Lake Superior’s water level so high? We’ve gotten a lot of rain and snow in recent years. But the Strib hints at a darker possibility:

“Is it climate change? Or is it just a cyclical thing?” Buck wondered aloud. “What can we do? What can we expect?”

But wait! Just a few short years ago, we were told that Lake Superior was drying up, as water levels were, for a while, below average. What caused the level of the Great Lakes to fall? Climate change, of course. And low levels, like high levels, are bad.

“It’s the Goldilocks Syndrome I tells ya,” some hick from rural Wisconsin touted.


California’s climate change alarmist Governor Jerry Brown is thrilled at more laws in the state being passed with the ultimate goal of phasing out vehicles that run on fossil fuels:

California power              Image result for pic of hamster on a treadmill

Utility Company

is on the go!

Yeah, that’ll work in the Moonbat State.


Bitcoin, Climate Change and now Shit-coin: all crypto currencies or the currency of the damned!

Eminem: In what is perhaps the fiercest and the most exhaustive attack against Donald Trump in hip-hop, Eminem “came to stomp” Tuesday night, calling the President everything from “Donald the b—-” to a “racist grandpa” in an explosive 4.5-minute freestyle rap. “That’s how he gets his rocks off and he is orange….”say what.

This from a guy who hails from that mecca of urban righteousness and renewal….Detroit! Or the guy(Slim Shady) who presents a video showing a woman taking a dump and wiping her ass. Yeah, that’s real visual art man…..shitty!

Oh Lord hear my prayer. Please give us back Hendrix and we’ll give you Eminem.

And here, all this time, I thought they were referring to candy called            Em – n –  Ems. I like the yellow ones best!



SJ……Out….Have a great weekend.


Off the Grid!

Hey, only 80 days until the Maldives disappear…according to UN Officials who remain nameless and faceless!

Image result for pics of maldives underwaterLatest Maldive government cabinet meeting. “The one good thing to come out about all of this?” one government official gurgled. These damn meetings are over in one hour. But sometimes the chairman at these meetings can drive one around the bends. And when one farts we are all overcome by bubbles!

Off the grid. There is this HGTV series out now where this woman is building a dream house in the middle of the sticks because she wants to be off the grid. Not this but you get the idea here:

Image result for HGTV: Off the gridFor all you environ-mentals out there this (above pic) isn’t off the grid. But this is:

Image result for pics of puerto rico power outages Or this:

Image result for pics of puerto rico power outages Or this in Easter Ontario, Quebec in 1998. I lived through this and was without power for 14 days in sub-zero temperatures. Not nice or fun:

Image result for pics of 1998 ice stormNow, that is going off the grid. So, for all you environ-mentals who want to take us all off the grid, please move to Puerto Rico and see just how much fun this is. Let us know how she goes by sending a report by carrier pigeon.

Got to go now as a old bud of mine just called me from South Africa. More tomorrow.


SJ……………………..Out………… and off this grid.

1.5 Hour Work Week!

According to the UN, there are just 81 more days until the Maldives disappear due to Global Warming and Climate Change

Maldives today

Image result for pics of the maldivesBe scared, be very, very scared…of the UN!


The new, old TV program, “The Good Doctor” has been given a full season…great, can’t wait. Is this “The Good Wife’s” offspring or a regurgitation of “Dougie Hauser, MD.” C’mon guys get original here. We are not stupid. I pray for a miracle continually: “Please God give us back “Breaking Bad” and we’ll give you “The Good Doctor.”

New Canadian $20 coin honouring “snowflakes” everywhere. Millennials should buy this up fast. But snow is white. It is white privilege I tell you.” Shame on you Canada. Change the name immediately to “blow.” At $20 a crack, This Blow Matters.

News Flash: “New California law allows jail time for using wrong gender pronoun, sponsor denies that would happen. “Yes, Zir, no zir, your shit-bags full zir is zall I have to zay about zat. It is really a German pronoun you know” the government official stated.  A major San Andreas fault event can’t come soon enough. Yes, more on LGBTABCDEFHIJKLMNOPQURSTUVWXYZ stuff as most of northern California is burning.

Washington Post caption to the picture below: “Emissions spew out of a large stack at the coal-fired Morgantown Generating Station on Oct. 10, 2017 in Newburg, Maryland.” Dirty dirty, dirty coal. But you see the two stacks on the right are old stacks, decommissioned, while the one on the left is a new generation scrubber stack which extracts just about all of the dirty stuff. What you see there is clean steam arising. But the environ-mentals will not mention that dirty little secret.

NATO is there to protect Canada if North Korea poses a threat….hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah….Oh, you mean these guys:

Image result for pics of north korean hats

Yeah right and the UN is going to admit that Climate Change was an elaborate hoax. As I remember NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Last time I checked North Korea was nowhere near the North Atlantic. But hey, who am I to judge an organization that is broad on politics but widely illiterate on geography. All Canada needs to do to take out these guys is an effective electron-magnet.

Wow. What’s good for the gander is bad for the goose, or so the saying goes. York school board takes down school’s 43-year-old totem pole after one complaint lodged. Try doing that out here in BC and you will be in for one huge native insur-erection.

Canadian Liberals lied after blowing budget to lecture TRUMP. They meant snow rather than blow but that is so white privilege that they changed the wording somewhat. “Apparently their noses were out of joint,” one official snorted.

Truth and Reconciliation committee announces a $750M payout to Indigenous people who as children were forced out of their family situations to adoption and therefore lost contact with their culture. Truth and Reconciliation is Canadian Liberal code for “the Gift that keeps on giving.” When is this going to end? On the one hand living in an isolated community in an area whose only claim to fame is the size of the black flies and mosquitos is terrible for youth suicides, drunkenness and domestic violence, while on the other hand taking them away from this toxic environment is akin to genocide and a blatant attack by racist governments on their culture. It is a win, win situation for the Indigenous people and a lose lose situation for the government of any day, today and for generations of governments to come….Geesh.

Death of the “Energy East Project” puts New Brunswick’s economy at risk. Who or what is a New Brunswick? They manufacture pool tables don’t they? They have an economy? They’re liberal are they not? End of story. But they do have Quebec’s raw sewage to contend with. “Shit happens man and it flows downstream to the place of least resistance – New Brunswick. From one liberal shit riding to another. Who cares?” a Liberal insider was heard to comment on the situation.

Angela Merkel won again. Someone said she is far right. No she is far out man!

Sweden starts a “Death Cleaning” initiative. De-cluttering your stuff before you depart. Wow. I do believe Sweden is twinned with California.

Macron is in big trouble with his constituents. How do you spell France? G…R…E…E…C…E.  Like Greece, French workers are ticked about their 1.5 hour work week. It is too much to ask, s’il vous plate!


SJ…..Out…Bon Jour aujourd weed