Muh,muh, muh, my Sharia!

Seems the Canadian New Democrat Party has a new leader. A Sikh. Diversity is our strength, they say. I say beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. With his turban attached he promises to stand tall for all Canadians. Yes, to drive us all back into the stone age. He has stated that he is against the extraction of oil and gas of any kind, even the kind that comes out of our conservatives’ asses. He is surely to become Canada’s Moonbat leader. Sikh and you shall find. I say Shriek. I am not racist but worried that the NDP will use the racist card to promote their leader. They are already playing into the hands of a separate Quebec: “Singh said this week that he would “immediately” work to support the province’s decision in the event of a majority ‘yes’ vote in a referendum.”….Just great and just what the Quebec separatists want (HuffPost).

We want a leader who will do everything to keep this country together, not tear it apart with identity politics….Geesh

Canadian government agency going after people who claim the sun is the primary component of our climate. Eeegads! call out the thought police…now! Middle aged thinking there for sure. Canadian judicial wants to bring back the “rack” to punish these scientific heretics.

Canadian government kills another nation building project in Energy East. Mayor of a major Quebec City laughed so hard when he heard this that he shit his pants – literally and figuratively – as he released millions of litres of raw sewage into the St Laurence River – all going downstream to the East Coast I may add to that.

Image result for pics of trudeau and pipelines

“I have a dream” Trudeau was heard to say. “That someday the world will rid itself of….. pipelines. You thought I was going to say Carbon didn’t you? Bahahahahahahahahahahaha…that’s a good one. Hey I talk the talk but would never walk the walk or walk the talk or talk the walk or use talk-um powder or whatever to wipe my ass. Hey, how do you like my carbon socks?” As he takes another sip of his carbonate of soda.

Toronto District School Board wants its students to recite Muslim greeting after the singing O Canada. Why not just sing:  “Muh, muh, muh my Sharia”

No wonder Canada’s primary currency is called the “Loonie.”

This just in from Canada’s Finance Department. Every one is in a titter over this one.  “We are going to conduct a gender-based analysis on finalized proposals, to ensure any changes to the tax system to promote gender equity. About 83 per cent of passive investment income is earned by Canadian-controlled private corporation owners making more than $250,000. About 70 per cent of these individuals are men. “The women were so tired of getting the shaft from the financial men” some financial guy was heard to say. This is titillating stuff.  The whole plan can be summarized in two words: “TITS UP.”

News Flash: Climate models wrong.

Image result for pics of funny model buildings

Told ya it was the glue. You read it here first at Shakeyjay

Have a happy Tuesday!





It Was All His Fault

It was all his fault:

  • Hurricanes Irma and Harvey;
  • Katrina too
  • Spain’s 50% youth unemployment
  • Italy’s “boo, hoo, hoo”
  • The poor and the hungry
  • And the Asian Flu
  • All of the above
  • Can be blamed on you!
  • You must be a genius
  • In driving this zoo.
  • It must be the hair
  • That carries you through

Amazing what you have done in just 9 months in office. Wow!


Have a great weekend




Flush Twice

Well, Turd-dope must be happy today. Same with McKenna, Butts, Weaver and Horgan. Trans-Canada pipeline and Energy East is bailing. Getting out of Canada. Too bloody riskaaay here for business. So, here we are a country rich in natural resources that could be energy independent but no, no,  noo, Canadians being so smug we are going to save the planet at the expense of our own economic well-being and continue to import unethical dirty oil from the middle east.

Energy East faced intense opposition in Quebec, where the province’s premier said the line posed a significant risk to its freshwater resources.

Mayor of a major Quebec City was heard to say at a photo-op recently near a city outfall on the St Laurence River not too long ago: “Energy East posed just too high of an environmental risk to our fresh water resources here. Oh, s’cuse me, s’cuse me for one moment guys” he interrupted the reporters. “Okay guys open up those flood gates and turn on the pumps. High volume. Get that shit out of here NOW,” as 2 gazillion litres of raw sewage was pumped into the river. Now get those pumps going full tilt as it’s a long way to the east coast.”

He then told all of the residents of the city to flush twice!

Canadians are really bad with math. We have embraced the new math as well. You know the new math recently discovered by archeologists. It is so up there with the math that Canadians value:

The 3,700-year-old Babylonian tablet Plimpton 322 at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Columbia University in New York.

You know the one:                        1 + 1 = 3

Its called Self Destructive Math.

Investment / Innovation / Entrepreneurs = strong economy = good paying jobs = good revenue stream = good tax base = great social programs = great quality of life.

Yeah, but with the new economy we’ll have barista and joints on every street corner in Canada. Instead of smelling the roses I can’t wait to smell the grass man.

This equation is so simple yet something our politicians and so-called leaders can never seem to grasp. Their math is the new math which is out of whack with just about everything else. But then again, we being Canadians, we are smarter than everybody else. Reminds me of a Kink’s song:

Speaking of the middle eastern culture, this just in: seen on a beach somewhere on the French Riviera. This year’s Miss Muslim Worlds…three contestants of this years burqa wearing segment. Representing which countries? Well we just do not know.

It was very difficult one judge was heard to say. There was no clear winner here! I think the new rules starting with the 2020 Miss Muslim Worlds will see some colour coordination during the contest. Whew!


Another WHY, WHY, WHY OH WHY moment. They’re bringing back Rosanne. I guess we just have not had enough with the gay, now transgendered lifestyle being rammed down our throats and other places in our body mystique. Will and Grace returns, now Rosanne and her totally dysfunctional family. Only this time we are going to have a grandchild character who is “Gender Fluid.” Gender fluid? What does that mean someone asked someone from Holly’s Woody in the Morning” crowd. “Well like, you see like it’s like this man like, or is it a woman like, or perhaps a boy or maybe a girl like or like zey, zirt or like zits buddy-ess likeness…wow”

Say what?

“Oh I get it, Gender Fluid is like as in Trans-mission fluid like, to keep that engine going”

“Hey that’s cool. Transmission Fluid. I like that, like maybe for next falls lineup.? Cool. perhaps a new action drama like in:

“Trans Mission Impossible”

Somali refugee charged with Edmonton terror attack was a refugee but he was a Canadian refugee, so that’s better an official was heard to say. “Well how do you know that?” a reported deemed to ask. “Well, hahhahaha, he yelled, hahahahahah….. Alahu Akbar eh? as he was mowing down pedestrians. So funny eh?”

Trudeau’s response to this attack: “we have to embrace diversity, openness. Yes, we have all kinds of terrorists here in Canada. Not just Somalis. No, no, no, but we embrace diversity so we’ll allow these guys and gals to come in here from anywhere in the world because, like all things, Canada is the world’s first post national state……………….of chaos.

Gawd, where’s Maxwell Smart when you need him!

Leafs win their first game of the 80 plus game season. Quick, somebody, organize the parade now!

Trudeau also booed on Parliament Hill by Indigenous women on the Murdered and Missing Women Inquiry, which has been going on now for over 2 years and is in serious trouble. 7 officials resigned already for reasons unknown.

“We want more transparent….money. Rack up our per diem…now!” they chanted to wild cheering.”







In the world of sports: Five Bold Predictions for the NHL this year:

  1. Leafs will lose;
  2. Leafs will lose;
  3. Leafs will lose;
  4. Leafs will lose;
  5. Leafs will lose;

I mean they can’t even spell for cripe’s sake!

Image result for pics of maple leafs

I’ll add my own 6th prediction in that: The Leafs will lose! Bigly

See, even these guys agree…………………………Leafs suck.

Image result for pics of kim jung un and his militaryNorth Korea’s 2017 Landley Lup Lampions. Team photo.

War of the nuclear hair styles. Should be fun to wash:

Image result for pics of trumps hair   Who will be drawn out Image result for Kim Jung Un hair


And on top of everything else: “Huge Solar Storm is Coming”…$20 Trillion in damages. How do they know that?

Provincial Premiers give Tru-dope an earful concerning the legalization of Marijuana. BC Premier stated that, “Y’know, we’ve been doing this for years now. We kinda know what to do here. We have all of the dispensers in place now.”  And where has that gotten you BC:

Image result for pics of vancouver's downtown east side

Slippery slope I would say.

“It’s really important to me and I think it’s important to Canadians that they see our leadership regularly sitting down to talk with each other about issues where we are working together, about issues that are challenges,” Tru-dope said. ……There’s that transparency word again folks.

Trudeau also expressed support for BC Premier Notley as she deals with the fallout from a weekend attack in Edmonton, promising to work with her to ensure “we stay true to the values of openness while keeping our communities safe.”

Values of Openness? What about protecting our citizens. Oh we’re open to more of the same are we? Open to more Tolerance, Peace and Goodwill are we?…Geesh

People…………wake up! Throw these guys out.

Oxymoron of the week:

Methodist Lesbian preacher calls Jesus a bigot!


Warmist’s are making a big stink now to address Cow Flatulence. Can’t make this up folks. Meat eaters are destroying the planet. Therefore ban cows now and kill them off.

Here’s one for all of those organic protagonists out there: Grass fed beef is bad for the planet. See BC grass comment above. “See, see organic really is the Latin word meaning grown in pig shit.

Do these guys know that 18.3% of their body’s are composed of ….dum de dum dum…..CARBON! Show some example here folks and eradicate yourselves off of the planet before you start killing off these cows. Show some leadership! And hold your breaths for a minute out of every 5 minutes to cut back on your own CO2.

Only in Canada would you have a national Holocaust memorial and fail to mention anywhere in that memorial anything at all about the Jews and their suffering. Only in Canada you say?……………….shitty!


Pray for the families of the Vegas victims.
