World of Confusion


This guy is truly demented.


One-time University of Toronto professor and clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson has another fight on his hands these days.

The 58-year-old Edmonton native is, according to the UK tabloid The Sun, now fighting off the coronavirus and a year-long battle with prescription drug addition.

According to his daughter Mikhaila, Jordan Peterson caught coronavirus in a Serbian hospital while recovering from an over-reliance on the anti-anxiety drug Benzodiazepine. Also according to his daughter, Peterson is battling pneumonia for the second time this year.

Hospitals are deadly places. And what does this say about the Canadian Health Care system?


Portland – 68 straight days of rioting with an end nowhere in sight.

Why Portland????

Funny – don’t hear or view much about these riots on the news. Wonder why?

I am saved! I won the lottery.


The Offertory and a new type of collection plate!

You heard it here first: Trump wins by a landslide in November – unless mail in ballots are allowed and of which the Democrats are pushing for.

Who would have thought this could happen in Canada:

Rideau Hall — the office of the Queen’s representative in Canada — is now in the extraordinary position of having a third-party workplace investigation after the Privy Council Office intervened due to the allegations aired in a CBC story of harassment and abuse of staff  by Julie Payette, Canada’s Governor General and a Trudeau croni-ess.

“She was going too fast so we had to slow her down,” said a member of the Prime Minister’s Office.

Er, that’s a governor idiot, not a governor!

While the rest of the world is doing advanced calculus, the woke BLM, Antifa, Leftist movement are arguing whether or not 2+2=4.

Progressive math:

Speaking of movements……………! I’ll be right back.

Came out in the late 60’s


Available for purchase on Amazon.

Dead End Streets.

It is a crazy world:

Dems and Libs worst nightmare:

Black Trump Supporters March in Los Angeles, Champion #BlackLivesMAGA

In support of the BLM movement: the Smithsonian is telling us things such as hard work, planning for the future, science, rigid time schedules, aesthetics, justice, competition, and individualism are inherently white and…only the pale prefer the President.

Joe Biden agrees — if you don’t vote for him, “you ain’t black.”

Also, according to a Democrat, rape victims should not report the incident to police. Tell your mama, go on and tell your pa.

So, according to Dem logic black lives equate to: laziness, live for the day only, pseudo science, tardiness, ugliness, corruption, participation medals and collectivism…”sign me up”… so says my middle age son who currently lives in my basement.

The expression “the early bird gets the worm” has the vegan folks all in a tizzy.

Did ya know that the US has produced more Nobel prize winners than any other country in the world.

That the US’ GNP is about 25% of the entire world’s GNP.

American exceptionalism

Can you imagine a Canadian making statements such as this Aussie makes? Canadian inferiority prevails and underscores our smugness.

I love Americans and the United States.

Only in Canada you say:

Cabinet yesterday approved millions in pandemic relief to marijuana dealers. The Department of Health deferred payment of annual licensing fees, though cannabis stores showed the sharpest year over year sales increase of any class of retailer.

…Cannabis sales in May showed a year over year gain of 116 percent, from $86 million to $186 million, according to Statistics Canada Retail Sales By Industry data. By comparison, beer and liquor stores saw a three percent gain in sales.

Of all the industries struggling in Canada, the weed man doesn’t need government help.

Added to that my lawn still looks crappy.

In other news Doritos sees its sales quadruple.

If you let BLM, Antifa and other leftist progressive radicals get their way then surely we will all be living on dead end streets. Progressivism is destroying our way of life and values.

That’s it. Dead end street was one of the Kink’s earliest hits. Mid 1960’s



Only in Canada you say?……………NOT

A company in Quebec has been awarded $133,486,868 in sole-sourced federal orders to manufacture Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) even though the company didn’t have a factory in Canada to make the equipment. That alone should have rendered a non compliance in the review process.

No matter that! Government hires…wait for it…SNC Lavalin to build them a factory at an additional cost to the tax payer…you and me…of $3M.

Wake up Canada to the Trudeau led nepotism here.

Now I worked in Naval procurement in Ottawa for 12 years and I can tell you that there is no such thing as a sole source – except in name only. It is code for steering a large cost project to Quebec for purely political reasons. This is another reason why Quebec politicians tend to be so corrupt. They can not help it. It is in their DNA.


KFC gets deep-fried after posting ‘black power’ chicken drumstick to commemorate Trinidad’s Emancipation Day

KFC gets deep-fried after posting ‘black power’ chicken drumstick to commemorate Trinidad’s Emancipation DayBut it’s finger lickin good!

First masks, and now a face shield and goggles, Dr Fauci insists. It’s time to resist this madness. Next?…This, of course:

See the source imageSee the source image

Just stay at home and destroy the economy.

On another note re unintended consequences:

Robbery Prevention Tips 101.

The city of Minneapolis tells its residents to “be prepared to give up your cell phone and purse/wallet.” It adds that victims should “not argue or fight with the criminal. Give in. And give and give, and give. And for an extra 5 bucks you can also receive an advisory on “Carjacking Prevention Tips.” Unfortunately this advisory does not include a guide on what to do in the event of a sexual assault or battery…or murder. One assumes that the same advice holds, as police cannot be expected to respond to the emergency and simply exist to record details after the crime has occurred. “Just the facts m’am.”

I got no beef with you.!

The Trudeau government has been giving the WWF $1M a year to undermine Canada’s oil and gas industry. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, an anonymous source, has indicated that these funds were diverted from various “Summer Slams” to un-numbered environ-mental agencies headed by Macho Man and the Hulk for the good fight against the Undertaker and Rick Flair. More to come on this story.

See the source imageThat’s a lot of action figures Justin.

You can’t make this up!

Far-left activists in Seattle are now suing the city with claims that they need costly protective gear to protest safely against the police. In other words, they want the city to pay protesters to conduct demonstrations.

The plaintiffs, who claim that “only a privileged few” can perform demonstrations safely, allege that the Seattle police department’s anti-riot tactics have forced them to acquire expensive gear to enjoy their First Amendment right to assemble.

The Seattle city council is mulling over this request.

What a riot!

Even with a pandemic the Darwin Awards just keep on coming:

4 People Dead And 3 Blind After Drinking Hand Sanitizer

Obviously they didn’t read the label.




BLM Means Workin for a Livin

Love this quote:

While this sounds like a scene out of Portlandia, it exemplifies why BLM is shifting toward traditional Marxism. Devotees of intersectional theory are too triggered by the lack of gluten free cupcakes to organize and fight capitalism.

So true.

Oh boy are we being duped. Just some of the headlines out there:

  • BLM, ANTIFA, and the “New” Face of Communism;
  • How Black Lives Matter Is Bringing Back Traditional Marxism

user generatedBLM adopts clenched fist of communism


  • Communists Secretly Organizing ‘Black Lives Matter’ Protests?
  • Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’
  • Communists, Islamists and Radicals Behind the BLM Movement …

To name but a few. This video deserves repeating:

I know, I know. Too political today but after the NHL’s puke worthy tribute to BLM before the opening of their playoffs, I felt this was timely.

Liberal-Speak alert:

Dems claim that People Will Forego $600/Week In Unemployment Benefits To Earn $300/Week Working…. Obviously they have never met a Canadian hoser:

See the source image

Whaaaat? Me work?



SJ Out

For What It’s Worth

Does this guy ever get old? I mean this guy looked like this when he was 20. Well exaggeration perhaps but definitely when he was 40. He is 70 now.

Seems like John McCallum, ex Liberal Party MP and ex Ambassador to China, has remained this way forever. Could he be Canada’s version of “The Picture of Dorian Gray?

See the source image

See the source imageJust as scary!

Liberal Speak Alert:

According to the “Rebel,” John McCallum literally accepted $73,000 in free gifts from the communist dictatorship. And those are just the ones that he’s disclosed! In fairness to him he did disclose this to authorities. In his words:

In some important policy areas such as the environment, global warming, free trade, globalization – is there anything else?-  the policies of the government of Canada are closer to the policies of the government of China than they are to U.S. policies… I believe that because of this political situation with Donald Trump, the Chinese are now more interested than before to do things with us… and with anyone else in the world. In a sense, it’s a good thing for me as an ambassador and for Canada with China because, because of these big differences, it gives us opportunities in China. There is no doubt that Canada wants to do more with China, which is what the Prime Minister told me when he asked me to come here.” 

In other words “John flew over the Wuhan Nest”

How do you spell naivety? M.c.C.A.L.L.U.M.

Democrats and leftists triggered by Joe Biden condemning anarchists, arsonists. Say it ain’t so Joe.

“I need my safe space.” One leftist was heard to say.

Gotta love this:

“anarchist” is not some free-floating category of criminal. It’s perfectly legal to be an anarchist, as protected by the first amendment and it’s a gross violation of the spirit of liberty to imply otherwise. People’s ideology do not make them criminals.”
Leftist logic….
After all, burning down buildings and city infrastructure is really only a form of urban renewal – not some criminal act. C’mon now!
Leftist violence, wholesale destruction and insurrection should be a concern to everyone.
See the source imageLeft wing ideology speaks!
See the source image
Democratic national convention dress rehearsal.
This is not your Portland Rose Festival
See the source image
For what its worth.
(just click on the link, then click again)
At least these 1960’s protests were generally peaceful.
This song was written in 1967….The more things change the more things really stay the same.

If you want to help out a struggling Canadian writer, check out my two published books by clicking on the titles at the top of the screen. They are available at or .ca. Just type in the titles in the search bar or click on the links at the site…thanks. Monk’s Orchard is my third attempt at being a writer. It will soon be out on Amazon. I’ll let ya know when.