


From Pirate’s Cove Blog

New Canada Tourism Ad Urges People to Visit Canada to Enjoy Its… Stultifying Social Justice Warrioring

People are supposed to go to Canada so they can enjoy Canada’s respect for indigenous persons?


That’s a selling point?

That, and that Canada Loves The Science?

Oh and of course gay pride parades from coast to coast.

And celebrating little-known Canadian Woman of History – like Viola Desmond???

And not a single Caucasian to be seen.

Nice: Social Justice Warriors and Virtual Signalers in spades. But hey, we cannot be confused with those nasty Americans don’t ya know cause we Canadians are so much better and Lake Superior.

I think I’ll visit North Korea instead.

I like this one better. It still resounds:

or this:

Our real National Anthem.

SJ……….Out and disgusted



The Taxman








Be careful, be very, very careful of what you say or what you do because if we do not like it we will come after you. Woke manifesto 2020:

“San Francisco to rename Abraham Lincoln High School because former president did not demonstrate that ‘black lives mattered to him’ – as woke renaming committee also takes aim at Democrat senator Dianne Feinstein and Teddy Roosevelt.”

  • San Francisco Unified School District’s renaming committee decided Abraham Lincoln High School will be renamed 
  • Under his watch, Indigenous peoples had much of their land taken from them through the 1862 Homestead Act and the Pacific Railway Act
  • In 1864, the Lincoln administration oversaw the deportation of the Navajo tribe from their land in Arizona to march a brutal 450 mile journey to New Mexico
  • Lincoln was also behind the largest mass hanging in US history, where 38 Dakota men were condemned to death in Minnesota in 1862
  • But Lincoln also abolished slavery in 1863 with the Emancipation Proclamation 
  • 44 of the 125 schools in the San Francisco Unified School District to be renamed
  • Other names include George Washington, Herbert Hoover and Thomas Edison 
  • Senator Dianne Feinstein’s name will be stripped from the Dianne Feinstein Elementary School for allowing the Confederate flag to fly outside City Hall 
  • The renaming of the schools comes as part of a nationwide reckoning around racial justice that has seen statues toppled and military bases renamed.

Woke up from this Burn, Loot and Murder (BLM) nightmare.

Warning: Liberal Speak inbound:

Leading up to the last election, former Canadian Liberal environment minister Catherine McKenna told us that the government has no intention of increasing the carbon tax beyond what they already told us about ($50 per ton). Well, guess what? Turns out that was a lie. But it’s not just Trudeau’s former environment minister, because Trudeau himself is breaking a promise. It was only a few months ago that he told us he wasn’t going to be increasing taxes, that he wasn’t going to be saddling Canadians with higher costs and now we find out that there’s going to be a massive carbon tax hike – up to $170 per ton.

This will kill Albertans.

Under the Liberals:

Oil Pipelines….not;

West Coast Tanker Traffic….not;


“Yeah but its not a tax on the middle class.” he said. “We will be taxing major corporate polluters, not the users, so it is false to say this is a tax on consumers so we have kept our promise in not raising taxes on Canadians.”

In your dreams Justin.


“Yes Justin”

“What’s an economy.”

“I don’t know Justin. Ask your mother.”

See the source image

Harken back to 2001 when Dalton McGinty was running for the Ontario premiership. “If elected I will not raise taxes.”

He was elected and the first thing he did was impose an $1100 per year Health Levy on a family of four. When questioned about this he said, with a Liberal straight face: “Well this isn’t a tax it is a levy so I have kept my promise.” and he remained in office for many years after. Ontario voters are sooo stupid.



I Always Knew This

Truth be told:

I knew this all along having worked at Disneyland on the Rideau – Canada’s National Defense Headquarters – for 12 years:

“And I get paid $345K per year for being a talking head. Life is soo0 Covidly good, don’t ya know”

“We are the elites after all…and you’re not.”

As a Naval Officer Supervisor in Ottawa I had to write annual evaluation reports. There were 3 levels: Immediate Supervisor Comments (me) followed by Section Head comments, or second level review (me again) followed by the Director’s Comments or third level review (yes, me again). The Section Heads and Directors never, ever wrote anything on the people who worked for them. The First Level reviewer or immediate supervisor had to write all three levels on an individual so that video is of no surprise to me.

Or this: Unscripted Trudeau…makes no sense to me

Unscripted Obama:

or this:

He is pissed I tell ya cause I know that look first hand. His handler will be handed his walking papers.

Or this:

“Four more years of George!” So says President elect Frank!

And this reality: These guys never write their own speeches. They are like puppets.

Reality bites:

The big takeaway from the US election is that, as most predicted well over a year ago, whichever side lost was not going to accept the outcome. That’s been the case since Democrat Al Gore took the results of the 2000 presidential election to the Supreme Court. The 2016 presidential election wasn’t 10 minutes old before the Democratic Party stated that the results were tainted by Russian interference and this year the Republicans are disputing the results because of allegations of voter fraud and malfunctioning voting machines.

Non partisan objections.

So there!





Zo, Zu Me

Hey Yu? Zu me.

It makes no sense to me except that our PM admires their basic dictatorship. They can change their economy on a dime.

He is obsessed with China….Why? Because his dad did.

Meanwhile, two Canadians – known here as the two Michaels remain in a Chinese prison for 2 years now. And no change.

Vaccine development and collaboration?

I just cannot believe Canadians continue to hold Trudeau in such high regard and esteem. It makes no sense to me.

He is going to destroy our country.

Hey Yu….Zu me.

What ya doin man?

Oh, I am just sitting here thinking outside the box:


How Should You Lead Your Life? Greek Philosophers May Have ...

Small Businesses How They Will Survive the Big Box Stores ...Big-box store - Wikipedia


This is Rich

John Kerry appointed Climate Czar for the US. He is going to change the climate and save the world.


And coming to a snake oil salesman near you. We are all doomed.

If you think censorship in social media is a right wing conspiracy theory, think again.

First step: Climate lockdown and a ban of all consumption of red meat. PETA is all in a tizzy over this one.

You can see the whole video here.

No sane person believes that the federal government can improve the weather by imposing a climate lockdown. But one will happen anyway, as soon as the Democratic Party has the political leverage to impose it – January 22, 2021.

This is rich:

“Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, says: All Canadians deserve access to world-class health care.”

Yes we do and no we don’t have world class health care. I am sure you have heard all of the horror stories of extremely long wait times. My own son had to wait 18  months for an ACL operation and my other son is still waiting for an operation on his serious varicose veins condition – 3 years and counting.

If you have an acute life threatening problem then yes, our health care system responds well but even that care is compromised due to procedural and diagnostic delays.

Canada’s health care system is a joke. Why? Because it is government run. Just like their Cannabis file, the entire Canadian system is smoke and mirrors.

This is even richer

The President of the CBC Lives In Brooklyn and commutes to Ottawa.

The rules are meant for thee and not for me for I am an elite and considered essential and you’re not. So there!

BTW I make almost $450K a year and you don’t. So there!

Only in Canada you say.

And she has pink hair to boot.

Y’know, I don’t trust anyone who has pink hair or whose name in Lance.

And the richest of them all?

Notice the middle guy wearing the pearls. Yes the President or is it Chairman of the Communist Party of China, the man responsible for all of the shyte we are currently going through – photo-shopped in btw.

What a world we live in where a President wins the Nobel prize for doing nothing and a President elect is considered a Person of the Year for doing nothing and a tyrant is also considered Person of the Year (by many) for infecting millions and millions of people with the Wuhan virus, then lying about it (tongue in cheek). And Kamala??????

And yet no mention of the two scientists who invented the Covid vaccine. It wouldn’t have fit the progressive narrative to the folks at “Time.”

Oh wait. That yellow man is still president isn’t he?

Latest bit of 1984

YouTube (owned by google) takes down Scott Adams (Dilbert creator) video criticizing Democrats. Facebook censors anyone critical of Biden or Democrats.

That is why I am no longer on Facebook and why I no longer use google or Bing as my browser or search engine. You can do something you know to fight this madness.

My nomination for Person of the Year is:

See the source image

So there.
