
Wind energy a huge failure in Germany. They finally admit that. The greenies are all bent out of shape over that announcement.

See the source image

See? Woo Kim breaks putter and uses driver to put at Masters:


Unfortunately CNN used wrong photo of the Asian golfer. In their defence their producer was heard to remark:

“Well, they all look alike don’t they?”

From the Prince Philip playbook.

Follow the science means more government control.

During the whole pathetic episode of last year, people turned wildly against physical things. No sharing of pencils at the schools that would open. No salt and pepper shakers at tables because surely that’s where Covid lives. No more physical menus. They were replaced by QR codes. Your phone probably has Covid too but at least only you touched it. Covid was everywhere.

The demonization of surfaces and rooms stemmed not just from active imaginations; it was also recommended and even mandated by the CDC. It offered a huge page of instructions on the need constantly to fear, scrub, and fumigate. Well guess what? It was all BS in follow the science.

So much for the many billions spent on cleaning products, the employees and the time, and hysteria and frenzy, the rise of touchlessness, and gloves, the dousing of the whole world. The science apparently changed. Still it will be years before people get the news and act on it. Once the myths of surface transmission of a respiratory virus are unleashed, it will be hard to go back to normal.

Doesn’t matter. The majority of the sheeple will not believe it and will continue to wipe things down in fear of wiping themselves out.

Which one are you?

And yet Trudeau’s pandemic approval rating is soaring?

Go figure:

Check this out about Vaccine Passports

The good Canadian sheeple: Baaaaa…



Shitty, Its A Pity


Check them out. Just click on the links at the top of the page.


“There’s a lot of folks who think that, due to climate change and due to the globalization in general, it is inevitable that we’ll deal with more and more viruses like this,” Dr. Fauci told Meet the Press. Fauci’s paper insists. “Living in greater harmony with nature will require changes in human behavior as well as other radical changes.”

It goes without saying that the proper way to live in harmony with nature would be to live in caves, hunt buffalo for food, and die at an average age of 38. Fauci’s $2 million D.C. house with its 5 bathrooms and 6,500 square foot lot size, is not in harmony with nature.


His Wesley Heights neighborhood was one of the country’s first “planned communities”: it’s described as “desirable” and “affluent”, and originally banned Jews and black people.

But living in harmony with nature and radical changes are for other people.

Hypocrisy knows no bounds. I think I’d prefer Dr Pepper
Or does it. Escape “from the surly bounds of earth.”
Biden’s pompous Climate Envoy John Kerry is currently in Asia promoting the Biden Admin’s climate change agenda while his family jet-sets from Boston to their vacation estate in Idaho.
Someone always has to be in charge.


But we’re not racist: Coca-Cola has imposed racial quotas on outside counsel staffing, and forced employees to take online courses to learn to be less white.
In Canada new federal hiring is looking to hire more Indigenous people, Francophones, women and people of colour. Whitey need not apply. This will ensure divershity in our workforce.
Everything the government touches goes to shit. Even diversity.

Boy are we being deceived: Black Magic Woman
Wake up


Imagine if Trump had done this:

Biden Sends Unaccompanied Migrant Children to Former Japanese. Internment Camp – Media and Democrat Frauds are Silent.


So Sad And Disturbing

Check them out by clicking on the links above.

So you want to know just how fooked up a society the US (and Canada) have become?

They want to name schools after this guy:

The autopsy report found that George Floyd had meth, fentanyl, cannabinoids and morphine in his system when he died. Floyd was also COVID positive.

Black Lives Matter activist Maya Echols, who is also a signed model (not a role model) with IMG Worldwide, warned that “cities will burn” if Police Officer Derek Chauvin is not convicted in the death of drug addict and thief George Floyd.

Echols says, “All hell is going to break loose!”

Sooo, justice for all or guilty, guilty, guilty is a foregone conclusion in the US…if you are whitey.

Or…asking people to show an ID when voting is racist, racist, racist I tells ya.

Biden says we should look up to our athletes as heroes and role models.

See the source image

See the source image

Oakland Raiders National Anthem Kneeling (37444579735) (cropped).jpgyeah….role models.

Cases of youth anxiety, depression and suicides are skyrocketing. Then again they have their athletes as their role models.

And the Pusherman. Tombstones in their eyes…

The US is self imploding. Canada will follow suit.

Stay well clear of big city centres. They’re toxic




Canadian Smugness

Check these two books out by clicking on the links above. Thanks.

Further proof that our experts are just that: ex…perts. This from the US CDC:

There is not a significant risk of catching the coronavirus from an infected surface or object, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a coronavirus guidance update on Monday.

People generally catch COVID-19 through direct contact with a sick person or droplet or airborne transmission, the nation’s top health agency said.

“It is possible for people to be infected through contact with contaminated surfaces or objects (fomites), but the risk is generally considered to be low,” the revised guidance states.

And now, barely a year later, we learn that we could all have just kept on with the same cleaning routines nearly everyone had been using for ages. I’m not saying it’s a bad idea to clean your home and office regularly, but that was true before the pandemic started. The same common-sense cleaning procedures and products we’d all been using would have been fine. Better late than never, I suppose, but it certainly sounds like a lot of time, money and effort were poured into a process that hadn’t been subjected to serious, scientific scrutiny before the nation was sent stampeding into a panic.

Just like masks and social distancing.

He was just trying to flatten her curves: Hunter Biden (President’s son) has ‘no recollection’ of meeting stripper with whom he had a child; Hunter Biden says he wasn’t ‘keeping tabs on possessions and no religion too’ when asked about the laptop dance.

Under Biden’s Infrastructure plan: paid leave, child care, and caregiving are all considered “infrastructure”

Canadian smugness: ah remember when Canadians were criticizing Americans and the US at great lengths due to their Covid response. That we as Canadians were so much better attuned and equipped to handle this crisis? Remember? Well, guess what?

Canada is on track to surpass the US in Covid 19 and variants cases per capita. US has issued a travel advisory to Americans to avoid travel to Canada at all costs.

I like the term Corona-Virus much better than Covid-19. Corona-Virus sounds like some new type of beer whereas Covid-19, by its name, could be the male equivalent to Chanel Number 5…just sayin.
