This and That

Thinking about all these never ending Left and Right protests these past few years. I consider myself non partisan but I wonder how people would feel about me if they knew:

  • That I am a practicing Catholic;
  • That I believe in God and a higher power;
  • That personally I am a pro-life type of person – although I believe a woman has the right to choose;
  • That I was in the Navy for 37 years;
  • That I love my country;
  • That I believe in national sovereignty;
  • That I believe in the “Rule of Law”
  • That I respect our History – warts and all;
  • That we should live within our means – everyone, governments included;
  • That some things are worth fighting for;
  • That I am not hypocritical;
  • That I respect our Police and authority;
  • That I respect our constitution and Bill of Rights;
  • That my political views are between me and the ballot box;
  • That criticism and debate of progressive government policies will brand you a racist, a bigot and whatever phobia exists, by the federal Liberal government;
  • That the family compact of 1837 still exists in Canada, especially in Ontario and Quebec;
  • That I love to walk;
  • That I loved my late wife and I love my family;
  • That one should work hard to get ahead in life;
  • That handouts are for dogs and cats, not humans -troubled people excepted;
  • That a social safety net is important, except for cats and dogs;
  • That current music sucks;
  • That today’s news is oxymoronic;
  • That journalists have no work ethic and are dishonest, misleading;
  • That all mind altering drugs are bad, including marijuana;
  • That parents should teach their children morals and not their teachers;
  • That political indoctrination at school is a form of child abuse;
  • That graphic sexual education and promotion of transgenderism to young impressionable minds before puberty is a form of child abuse;
  • That changing the English language is not negotiable by University students;
  • That a good pint of bitter is nirvana;
  • That a good steak is wonderful;
  • That PETA sucks;
  • That Black Olives Matter, especially on Pizza;
  • That you cannot compromise or have a debate with a greenie;
  • That organic pizzas are green;
  • That the word Organic is a Latin word meaning grown in pig shit;
  • That the word Commune is a Latin word meaning shithouse;
  • That going to University is not a god given or atheist given right, its a privilege;
  • That one should pay their own way through school;
  • That climate change purported by politicians is the biggest fraud in history;
  • That Orwell was right and we are now living proof of this;
  • That the Baby Boomer generation was the most self absorbed, self centric generation in history – and I am one of them;
  • That the Baby Boomer generation is primarily responsible for all the shyte we are now going through;
  • That you cannot make your school change the date of a solar eclipse to meet your child’s scheduling demands;
  • That the song “Imagine” is well past its best before date;
  • That bitcoins and climate change are the currency of madness;
  • That to “Make Love, Not War” was not the rallying banner we all thought it was but a thought process of the 1960s that produced a lot of bastards;
  • That I am a Toronto Argonauts fan (thanks Ted); and
  • That’s all she wrote.

And this is all I have to say about that……….

Obviously I am a (insert whatever label here) phobian. So be it but I am happy.

Why can’t we all just get along, be treated equally under the law and be Canadians first and foremost?

Have a great Navy day.




From the obviousness file comes this:

Rapper, er sorry, Crapper denounces Trump’s Arizona speech as scary. No it’s scary having a name like that.

Crapper made his obvious comments on CNN, which will be covered by the Washington Post and New York Times, all known supporters of Trump!

Crapper got really excited by Trump’s racist comments “about the need for unity and inclusion.” Yup, downright scary. No this is scary: “What a riot man!” Antifa coming to a neighbourhood near you.

Or this from last fall:

The Left’s Sunday picnic at Berkeley. It was a BYOB, “Bring Your Own Bombs” affair. Hell of a party. The bar was kept pretty busy. “Everyone wants a Molotov Cocktail these days.” A volunteer worker was heard to say. “I ran out of olives pretty quickly and at an event like this Black Olives really do matter.”

When kids are left alone with dad! Love it! (c/o twitter / facebook)

From the “I Can’t Make This Up File” comes this:

Success of future MARS mission dependant upon astronauts urine and CO2 emissions. I thought CO2 was poison man. Say what? And shit for fertilizer! They are going to call the first MARS expedition “The Call of Nature.”

Beach goers in a state of fearful frenzy as shark devours a seal. “Where is PETA when you need them?” One vegan on the beach was heard to say. “Gawd this can’t be right.” In response another was heard to say that “this is nothing but the call of nature.”

Cannabis not really effective against pain and PTSD, new study shows. They tried to treat patients suffering from chronic pain and PTSD with cannabis but couldn’t wake them up to determine efficacy. “Well, if you want to sleep all day then I guess it is okay for that,” a prominent researcher, Dr. Walter White, who wanted to remain anonymous, stated.

An Asian ESPN Sports announcer by the name of Robert Lee pulled from doing the play by play at a UVA football game. On another note an Asian entrepreneur who owns a string of Chinese restaurants was forced to change the name. “Holy Chow” was considered too religious for some patrons to stomach. He changed the name to “Holy Cow.” It is expected that PETA may have something to say about this new branding scheme. Meanwhile sales of his food chain skyrocketing in India.

CNN calls Trump demented, sexist, racist, a Nazi – “is there anything else in the lexicon that we can use?” Wolf was heard to say. I’ll let their own words speak for itself.

Trump sending troops to Afghanistan. New mission and aim. Destroy ISIS and terrorists. Kill them! No more pussy footing around. A prominent Canadian who wants to remain anonymous, wearing his new black and white socks, became outraged when he heard this new directive coming from the White House.

Other Stuff

Some of my latest least favourites:

Least favourite colour……………………… Green
Least favourite word………………………… Transparency
Least favourite food…………………………..Tofu
Least favourite song…………………………..Imagine.
Least favourite team…………………………. Leafs
Least favourite French expression…………..Je suis (insert whatever here)

From my other “I Can’t Make this Up File” comes this:

Newly elected Democrat Ocasio-Cortez has everyone on the Left in a tizzy about her proposed New Green Plan that MUST be implemented by 2030.

The more important parts of this plan are:

  • Ban all airplanes;
  • Built a train track across both oceans for pan oceanic train travel;
  • Demolish all buildings and houses across the US and start over;
  • Guaranteed living wage for all Americans;
  • Free Health care for everyone (heck, even in Canada health care isn’t free);
  • Nobody has to work if they do not want to; and
  • Ban all cow flatulence to save the planet. That means “Where’s the beef?”

Her response when asked who is going to pay for all of this?

“Easy peezey,” she said as only a millennial can. “We’ll print more money!”

When asked about facts and details of her plan she responded:

“Don’t bore me or challenge me with the facts. Being morally correct “Trumps” all facts or details as far as I am concerned.”

I kid you not. Her remarks remind me of this: Dum de dum dum……DUMMMM!

“Just the facts ma’am.” Good ole Joe Friday knows a thing or two about finances. And doors were poorly made in those days.

Crapper’s remarks, name and Cortez’s cow flatulence ban reminded me of this. Now, to a old fart like me who has a juvenile brain this scene was really funny. Flat-out humour:

I guess the Dems will try to ban all humans next!

Song of the day: It’s just the name of the game, that’s all. Badfinger cover by Anthony Harty:

Have a great Navy day.



States of Confusion

The latest lunar eclipse reminded me of an earlier post when we had the major solar eclipse back in September 2017. Here is part of that post:

Craziness of the day:

Fall 2017

Leads to mass hysteria!

Mother in Texas demands that the local museum, which was holding an eclipse learning event at the library, reschedule the eclipse for a more opportune time for her children. I do hope that this woman viewed the eclipse without protective glasses………Geesh

Journalist (sic) states that the solar eclipse is racist and white privilege because the path of the eclipse crosses predominantly white states in America……Geesh….Geesh.

The solar eclipse is / was caused by climate change. “But the sun has no bearing on the climate. Everybody knows that.” one person was heard to say. Saying this, while the temperature dropped significantly when the sun was obscured by the moon./..Geesh…Geesh….Geesh!

The solar eclipse is Trump’s fault. It would never have occurred if Obama was back in office. “This event eclipses everything. Trump has to go and go NOW!” Geesh….Geesh….Geesh….and more Geesh!

Seems that EU cucumber harvest severely impacted by the solar eclipse. All cucumbers suddenly turned crooked and reverted back to their natural growing state. “250 EU regulations be damned,” a farmer was heard to say…good gawd…good!

Solar panel company’s bottom line severely impacted by the eclipse. Vows to ensure that it never happens again. Gaia followers nod in agreement.

Environ – mentals state that the UN and western countries must spend trillions of dollars NOW to prevent an eclipse from ever happening again. If we can change the weather and the climate on this planet then surely this would be a “walk in the dark.”

I am confused

Have a great Navy day.



Just a Regular Guy

Hey, this headline from Toronto’s Sunnybrook Hospital caught my eye:

“Take a ‘Movement Break’ For Better Health.”

Of course my juvenile sense of humour kicked in almost immediately until I read the article to find out that they were referring to exercise as in…walking. Get off your butt and move regularly for better health.

Perhaps, but a strong movement break is exercise enough and one of life’s simple pleasures. Because when you gotta go you gotta go. Everything else is irrelevant. Just ask Einstein about his “Theory of Irrelativity.” Space and the time is all you need if you are constipated. And let’s not even talk about that. That is hard core exercise to be sure.

Enough of that. It’s Friday so let us see what kind of useless fluff is making the news today:

Meghan Markle’s new car is awesome:

See the source imageThe new Tesla.

Meghan’s new hairstyle is one we didn’t see coming. And this is news why??

She copied it from her role model. The Obama Bun!

See the source image

Or maybe this guy:

See the source image

New Paleo Soup is hearty and promises to keep you warm all night.

Slide 1 of 14: When you're sticking to a paleo diet, you need some go-to soups to help you meal prep like a pro. With these delicious and hearty soups like chili, cauli soup, and pizza-inspired soup, you'll hardly feel like you're dieting at all. For more paleo ideas, check out these paleo lunch ideas.Problem is you wake up looking like a paleotologist. Or maybe one of these guys:

See the source image

Come to Chicago they said. The view of Lake Michigan is to die for:

Love this. What was that old Nazi saying? If you propagate the lie long enough it becomes the truth:

  • Gov. Andrew Cuomo told reporters that New York did not have hurricanes in the past.
  • Cuomo also said Buffalo did not get 7 feet of snow, saying such events were part of a “new reality.”
  • However, Cuomo is absolutely incorrect on both those counts.


New York has experienced dozens of hurricanes in the past 200 years, and there are even records of major storm strikes before 1800.

While this winter has been snowy in Buffalo, that’s nothing new. The city has broken multiple daily snowfall records this season and is within 6 inches of breaking the snowfall record for January — that honor is currently held by January 1977 with 68.3 inches.

But Canadians being so smug…the smuggest nation on the planet…that no matter what the science and weather is telling them…it cannot be true as it doesn’t fit the narrative so we welcome the new Carbon Tax. Tax, tax and more tax for we are the most taxing people on earth, don’t you know?

And this from the “Don’t You Know” file:

Most people think that Hurricane Katrina was the worst disaster to have occurred in the US and is further proof that Climate Change is real.

Well, they would be wrong. The Galveston Hurricane of 1900 was the worst natural disaster to have befallen the US…E.V.A.H. Check it out.

From the ratest Japanese Canadian Newspaper comes this bit of news:

“Tludeau wants to implument a guarlanteed wage for aurr Canadians.” I am sure that this will be an erection (sic) prank in his next campaign.” says a plominent Japanese leploter

They tlied this in Finland and it was a complete failure. Why? The Finlish government could not flind anyone to lun the ploglamme.

When I can’t go I think of this song:

Have a great weekend.

Read ya Monday.



Ccccccccold Outside.

Seems it is really cold in the Midwest of Canada and the US. New terms coming up like “Frost Quake,” “Shiver Me Timbers,” and “Baby its F*&kin Cold Outside.” Bring it on. Seems the global warming crowd is all in a tizzy fit over this one. This is God’s way or Gaia’s way of saying: “so you think you can control the weather do you?” Even Al Gore is non plussed about all of this.

See the source imageIt’s Trump’s fault.

An irate Chicagonian on his commute to work today:


See the source imagePeople, wake up to the global warming / climate change scam. Trudeau’s Carbon Tax is not going to make one bit of difference. It is a tax scam. Don’t be duped.

Meanwhile in Mill Bay:

See the source image

From the “How I love Tofu file” comes this:

Disgusted by food? Well someone somewhere did a poll so you don’t have to. The results are in. And who did the poll:

“We polled some of those insiders—people who know the business and work daily to evict pesticides, genetically modified organisms, animal cruelty, social injustice, and unhealthy foods from the food supply—to find out what they know about the dark side of “convenience” foods and what they will eat. Take note so you, too, can avoid the worst of what grocery stores have to offer.”

No bias here.

And the public reaction to this poll:

Even Steven Harper hates this new Canadian Food Guide!

And the results of this poll?

See the source imageDarn, wrong result.

From the “why is this news file?” comes this little bit of fluff:

“Meghan Markle Looks Incredible in a Black Pleated Dress and Givenchy Coat for Her ACL Visit”

My knees would go out too.


Oh yeah? Take that will ya:

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg gestures during media statements in Bucharest, Romania, Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2019. Stoltenberg urged Russia to respect a major Cold War-era missile treaty saying its missiles are nuclear capable and could reach European cities. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)Oooooo. NATO Chief says “China must treat arrested Canadians fairly.” Check out the subliminal message from his finger!

Ottawa may have overpaid Trans Mountain Pipeline by $1B. No, Canada overpaid by $4.6B and it will get worse if Tru-dope sells it to the First Nations for another $4.6B. Hey but the Trans Community has Trudeau’s back on all of this:

See the source image“We have his butt…er back on this for sure”

Another one bites the dust:

“Montreal’s all-electric, app-based taxi service, Téo Taxi, has reached the end of the road. After a failed cash call last week, and suspicions that Taxelco (Téo Taxi’s parent company) would be placing itself under protection of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Téo has finally announced that it will cease its operations. François Bonnardel, Quebec’s Transport Minister, has called the Téo Taxi business model “broken,” according to the Gazette.”

Not to worry. Trudeau will bail you out because it is a business that is “too French to fail!

Song of the day. Appropriate I would think by Cold Play.

Makes me think of this:

See the source imageThe new flavoured yellow snow cone. Have fun Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, the Maritimes and most of the US states.

Do they eat yellow snow in Europe? Perhaps my European friends could answer this important question in the “Leave a Comment” section at the top left of this page.

My quote of the week.

” If things are good in moderation then they must be great in excess!”

Have a great Navy day

