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Further proof that our experts are just that: ex…perts. This from the US CDC:
There is not a significant risk of catching the coronavirus from an infected surface or object, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a coronavirus guidance update on Monday.
People generally catch COVID-19 through direct contact with a sick person or droplet or airborne transmission, the nation’s top health agency said.
“It is possible for people to be infected through contact with contaminated surfaces or objects (fomites), but the risk is generally considered to be low,” the revised guidance states.
And now, barely a year later, we learn that we could all have just kept on with the same cleaning routines nearly everyone had been using for ages. I’m not saying it’s a bad idea to clean your home and office regularly, but that was true before the pandemic started. The same common-sense cleaning procedures and products we’d all been using would have been fine. Better late than never, I suppose, but it certainly sounds like a lot of time, money and effort were poured into a process that hadn’t been subjected to serious, scientific scrutiny before the nation was sent stampeding into a panic.
Just like masks and social distancing.
He was just trying to flatten her curves: Hunter Biden (President’s son) has ‘no recollection’ of meeting stripper with whom he had a child; Hunter Biden says he wasn’t ‘keeping tabs on possessions and no religion too’ when asked about the laptop dance.
Under Biden’s Infrastructure plan: paid leave, child care, and caregiving are all considered “infrastructure”
Canadian smugness: ah remember when Canadians were criticizing Americans and the US at great lengths due to their Covid response. That we as Canadians were so much better attuned and equipped to handle this crisis? Remember? Well, guess what?
Canada is on track to surpass the US in Covid 19 and variants cases per capita. US has issued a travel advisory to Americans to avoid travel to Canada at all costs.
I like the term Corona-Virus much better than Covid-19. Corona-Virus sounds like some new type of beer whereas Covid-19, by its name, could be the male equivalent to Chanel Number 5…just sayin.
New Canada Tourism Ad Urges People to Visit Canada to Enjoy Its… Stultifying Social Justice Warrioring
People are supposed to go to Canada so they can enjoy Canada’s respect for indigenous persons?
That’s a selling point?
That, and that Canada Loves The Science?
Oh and of course gay pride parades from coast to coast.
And celebrating little-known Canadian Woman of History – like Viola Desmond???
And not a single Caucasian to be seen.
Nice: Social Justice Warriors and Virtual Signalers in spades. But hey, we cannot be confused with those nasty Americans don’t ya know cause we Canadians are so much better and Lake Superior.
Yet, Canada doesn’t even rate a mention on this Covid chart. Funny, check out where the US is.( ref: WHO).
But. We do rate a mention here. But only by the RBC.
Wait for the super high taxes, coming from a fed near you.
How does it feel to be deemed non essential by our government? Over 3.5 million people have entered Canada since March and were not isolated for 14 days? Why? Liberals deemed them essential. Even those from China and Europe. And with all the stats why don’t they tell us the number of deaths, the age of those who have died and if there were any underlying causes that caused the death? Nope. Will not hear that. Gotta keep the fear going.
Finally. A Canadian Judge with a pair:
Caledonia land dispute: Judge orders demonstrators to permanently leave Caledonia site.
The Pope just released his new encyclical, appropriately called: “Catelli …er sorry Fratelli Tutti.” His true colors come out:
Fratelli Tutti, unsurprisingly, confirms the pope’s solid positioning on the left as an ecologist and anti-capitalist, a stance rooted in the revolutionary doctrines of his Argentine youth among the Jesuits of Buenos Aires—fellow travelers of Liberation Theology and hostile to the economic “liberalism” favored by military dictators. Times have changed, and the poverty that rightly haunts Pope Francis has massively diminished around the world thanks to globalization, free trade, the market economy, and the scientific revolution in agriculture (GMO soybeans in Argentina, for example). The encyclical takes no account of this progress but presses on in the fight with a largely imaginary enemy that the pope, like all leftist intellectuals, calls “neoliberalism.”
Is the Pope Catholic? Me thinks not and I am a Catholic.. He promotes communism, something his predecessor, John Paul II, abhorred. He also upholds the creation as in Gaia and not the creator as in God. He believes in one world government and one world religion, education controlled by the centre. In other words communism. Time to get another Pope.
Advice to Pope Francis: Start saving souls and not the planet. Stay out of politics.
And now for some levity coming up to 03 November.
In deference to the Pope’s encyclical here is a classic:
Hey, is that Barbara Billingsley (the Beav’s mom) at the back in the striped blouse?
With all of the political shyte going on here in Canada I have indeed become comfortably numb. Consider this:
This week in Vancouver, Prime Minister Trudeau said the federal carbon tax, a key pillar in his government’s climate policy, will help protect Canadians from extreme weather. “Extreme weather events are extraordinarily expensive for Canadians, our communities and our economy,” he said, citing the recent tornadoes in Ottawa and wildfires in Western Canada. “That’s why we need to act.”
Trudeau must think we are all idiots. Forest fires that have started naturally by lightening strikes, or by human error are ignored. No, its climate change. Tornados? Climate change. And why you may ask? Taxes, more taxes to pay for his identity political agenda. That is his bottom line. If you think for a second that the carbon tax will prevent natural disasters then I have a meteorologist…or two…for you.
See, see. All of those extreme weather events that they are reporting on in the background….cheers.
And this just in from a Philadelphia radio talk show. Subject: recent tornados in that state. One caller, a good ole boy calls in:
“I know what’s a happenin dere he says. I know what’s causin all of dem dere tornaters. It’s doze damn nuisance roundabouts, doze turnin circles. Ya see, what with all of doze cars and trucks and all going round and round…well…da air gets stirred up like a newfy fart – my Canadian cousins from da rock ya know – and we get dem Tornaters. Get rid of dem going round abouts and doze tornaters will go away!”
This is Canada’s Prime Minister…a real plastic man.
Got ya, you, you climate change deniers. I will carbon tax you all to death.
June 6 D-Day commemoration speeches.
Speaking on the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings in France during World War II, Trump honored the dead and paid tribute to survivors, a solemn duty of American presidents.
The address near Omaha Beach won praise from supporters and critics alike. “We are gathered here on freedom’s altar,” Trump said within view of both Omaha Beach and the cemetery where 9,388 American military dead are buried. “From across the Earth, Americans are drawn to this place as though it was part of our very soul.”
Canada’s prime Minister:
“French Canadians, Anglo Canadians, Indigenous Canadians, New Canadians.” Identity politics at Juno Beach. Why can he not just say Canadians fought at Juno Beach.
Canada’s Governor General, Julia Payette, one of Trudeau’s chosen few elite:
“Collectively speaking, we are all to blame for World War II. It was a collective failure and tragic breakdown of communication.”
Yeah, Hitler was sooo misunderstood. If only we could have been more understanding. Such a cuddly German sauerkraut:
Don’t ya just want to give this guy a hug:
Finally, given that Trudeau now states categorically that Canada committed GENOCIDE against the indigenous population of this country, we are now part of an infamous rogue’s gallery: Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Turkey, Rwanda
and now….Canada can be added to that list.
October cannot come soon enough. Has to be the worst PM this country has ever had.
Given all of this shyte all I can say is that like Homer I am comfortably numb.
This is a poem I wrote some time ago when I lived in Manotick Ontario, a small town located about 10 miles south of Ottawa on the Rideau River. It is about the building of the Rideau Canal – at the time an engineering marvel. The poem is fairly long:
The Rideau Canal
The curtain does fall so majestic and proud
Such a natural wonder, so gracious a shroud
As if a powerful train of glory descends
As a continuous fall at the Outaouais end
A fire alights from the south it did spread
To the north like a plague through its heart it has bled
With a mawkish like cry for freedom and joy
But freedom’s best chance was a fraudulent ploy
From a flicker of flame to a firestorm bred
Death escalates through a life cycle of dread
And taming this shrew with its penchant for blood
Was a foolish man’s bait for poor Madison’s club
Yet the fire would spread in a harrowing scene
From a spark it would roar with a devilish scream
From Niagara on east, to a Forty Mile Creek
To a nondescript farm and a Chateauguay sneak
From Queenstown to Lundy, Detroit and the Thames
The Boxer and Enterprise, surrender of Maine
Through Ohio and Plattsburg, to a Moravian town
The war it did rage for Miss Liberty’s crown
Cities would fall and the towns they would burn
First Newark then York; it was Washington’s turn
War’s firebrand eyes thrust farther to yield
And finally burn in an Orleans field
What came but a draw in this foolish man’s quest
For power and glory are such meaningless guests
Whatever the gain from the lives that were lost
For the hawkish bent men who lied at great cost
And the curtain still fell, so majestic and proud
As if sensing the chaos, so soothing its sound
Like the rapturous strains of a torrent, transcends
To emerge as a call at the Outaouais end
The years fell away and the anger did wane
Rush-Baggot had calmed such a petulant strain
An American age brought prosperity’s peace
As a confidant pace of change was unleashed
But the land to the north so upright and proud
Was paranoid still to the south’s freedom sound
A country that cried for security’s calm
Yet stands all alone ‘gainst a threatening psalm
But this land full of lakes and rivers and streams
Was a natural course for a military dream
For fear set in stride a magnificent quest
To build a canal that was strategically blessed
While the mighty St Laurence was a natural draw
It was fraught with real danger from its rapid rock falls
And upstream it ran with a thunderous roar
Too close to the south with its threatening core
The Ottawa ran to St Laurence’s call
To strike from the north and a western landfall
An historical route that opened the west
Where the traders would meet at the curtain for rest
Yet two rivers did run from a common high ground
To the south and the north from Lake Rideau their sound
From the shallows and falls through the marshes and swamps
From King’s town to Wright’s town, two rivers as one
To build a canal through this wilderness screams
Of a madness and curse of the military’s dream
A task so immense, so daunting and brash
That only the British could fathom this task
But the British did find a man of the Corp
A Wellington man from the Peninsular War
A man who had held the Canadian Shield
So right for this task with indefatigable zeal
John By was a Colonel and a leader of men
Ahead of his time and a genius, well bred
An engineer’s man with a passionate streak
For simplicity’s beauty with its functional tweaks
With orders to build a navigable path
From the Outaouais south to Ontario’s wrath
To rise from a bay named the Entrance – way crept
Up flight after flight, like some nautical step
A plan was developed and contracts were signed
Engineering so simple with symmetrical lines
Pure genius at work with a heavenly hand
To guide and instruct a magnanimous man
With Drummond and Redpath, Phillips, MacKay
Canadian contractors, strong men of their day
These artists of stone were men of their word
So forthright and loyal to the Colonel’s accord
The sappers and miners and mason’s stones lay
Stonecutters and woodmen, all of the trades
For comfort, their spirit; their love of the crown
Romantic and colourful, these men of the realm
But the marvelous work that was soon to unfold
Was dependent upon the poor labourer’s code
The back wrenching work to clear out the land
And dig such a ditch with just spades in their hands
Such men from hard times, forever were cursed
To fight for survival and work through their thirst
Through backbreaking strains as their calloused hands scream
As they toiled and they toiled for this military dream
The Frenchmen held sway with their skill and savvy
So noble these men and their role as navvies
Independent of mind with a will to succeed
Just pride in their work and their songs and their deeds
But an Irishman’s fate to arrive at this place
To rescue one’s life from some wretched like fate
The scourge of the earth in the Englishman’s eye
Forgotten at home, they severed all ties
For a pestilence spread to drive them afar
From an emerald isle to this devil’s back yard
Though beauty may rest on the eye from beyond
A hellish nightmare was reality’s song
Just rags on their backs with their wives by their side
With children so weak from starvation and pride
A thousand would fall from a dengueish like hue
And die from this work’s laborious flu
Poor brothers would cry as their graves had been marked
So blind to the danger and the peril from sparks
As the powder was set with a magical link
Their lives were extinguished from the death blast’s cruel drink
Yet the lakes and the streams, swift water, rock falls
Were captured and tamed by this engineer’s call
Magnificent feats what By had achieved
In this harsh, hellish wilderness was hard to conceive
The entrance way blessed by a protestant prayer
The first stone was set by John Franklin with care
Not mindful as yet that his greatness was cast
To die in the Arctic from an arctic cold blast
The curse of Hog’s Back; an Isthmus scourge
The tranquility of Chaffey’s; Long Island was purged
At Burritt’s and Black, these rapids were tamed
And Merrickville’s beauty, a religious refrain
With names like Poonamalie, with its cedar incense
An Indian aura in a wilderness sense
Opinicon’s names and a Cranberry fog
The curse of the labourer to die in this bog
The dam at the falls known locally as Jones
Is a testament still to its magnificent stone
Block upon block in a crescent like stance
Like a rampart of genius or an engineer’s dance
The work underway, six years to progress
The locks were completed and the dams were well dressed
Through steamy hot summers, through sweat and death’s fear
Through winter’s ice jams; hell’s nightmare those years
The locks and the dams, wastewater and weirs
The cut at the entrance, eight steps to the piers
The breadth of this work remains unfathomable, sealed
As a masterpiece set in the Canadian Shield
The threat from the south was all but contained
For the status quo boundary was all that was gained
From the firestorm set in those years long ago
Extinguished for good as a friendship would grow
Poor tragedy’s mark on this cornerstone lay
On the heart of a man who held the Rideau at bay
Called back by a King who questioned his deed
A question of funds from some zealot to heed
An inquiry would set the tone through the years
To diminish By’s feats; he was ignored by his peers
His spirit would die from his countrymen’s chill
And not from the bog or the Isthmus ills
Yet his legacy flows for our nation to see
A wonderment still, a magnificent deed
To balance such beauty with a functional stream
Through a Canadian wilderness with just minimal means
But the jewel in the crown of this engineer’s quest
Was not the canal or a technical best
For a town had been born in the Outaouais scene
In this land full of lakes and rivers and streams
By the Barracks Hill shanty near the Sapper’s stone bend
A magnificent tower of peace would ascend
From a lower town swamp to an upper town’s view
A great city would grow with great values imbued
For this capital’s crown of achievement remains
From the peaceful green flow of the Rideau, contained
The seeds of a city and a national theme
To build a great country with the freedom to dream
And the curtain still falls, so majestic and proud