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Bulk Carrier Paralyzed On Lake Erie As Ice Coverage Exceeds 50-Year Trend

Climate misinformation and disinformation, relentlessly pushed by far-left corporate media outlets, had their readership believing they were on the brink of perishing on a fiery planet—blaming everything from Taylor Swift’s private jet travels to cow farts in late 2024.

Then came ‘Old Man Winter,’ unleashing a polar vortex across the eastern half of the US, bringing record-low temperatures in some regions. Multiple winter storms traversed the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, including an incredibly rare snowstorm that battered New Orleans (bordering Gulf of America waters) that nearly surpassed a snowstorm last seen 130 years ago.


Yeah, butt, but, it is dry ice!! So say the climate activists. “Don’t touch it or your hand will shatter. And, it is Lake Erie mineral water.

Must be a Liberal.

Holy tamale wars

“That’s why we will look, as we have in the past, at things that have replacements for Canadian consumers that wouldn’t be tariffed,” Trudough said. “The example from last time was Heinz’s ketchup being replaced by French’s ketchup because French’s was still using French Canadian tomatoes in its ketchup.” – as opposed to an English tomato.


“Because it is French, Frenchy, French’s. Everything that is good in Canada, including me, comes from Quebec. If it is French’s then it must be good.” So says Trudough.

Heinz is fascist. No he’s not! He’s from Ontario!

Sieg Heinz

French Canadian version of the Nazi salute:

A B.C. museum says it’s preserved the railcar from which Pierre Trudeau gave the finger to ...

This comment and salute caused quite a stir in English Canada.


“With the exception of the five years from 2015 to 2020, we have made HEINZ Ketchup in Canada for more than 100 years. We were resolute in our decision to bring the production of HEINZ Ketchup back to Canada in 2020 and are proud that HEINZ Ketchup is made in Canada, by Canadians, using Canadian tomatoes,” wrote the company in a statement.

Yeah, but it is not a French tomato.

French Canadian anthem: Separate! Separate! Dance to the music.

Holee tamalee! We do have eejits for leaders in this country.


 La Tomatina is a vibrant and energetic festival held in Buñol, Spain, where thousands of people from around the globe come together for an enormous tomato fight. The streets are transformed into a se

Liberal stock party – in Leamington Ontario. “Let them eat poutine.”

Only in Canada you say? Pity… and shitty Monsieur.

Everyone is a fascist. Even her!


I Am A Protester And You’re Not or…I’m Not A Happy Camper

Ah….101 days until Le Puy. Can’t wait but have started my training regimen. This time? Hills and more hills.

You must see Le Puy en Velay - a Medieval Treasure on the Pilgrim's ...

I want to get out of Dodge. Just think: no TV, no news, no protesters…no hate…for 40 days. Just a beautiful walk in the natural park of southern France…and no noise. Love it.

Speaking of a walk in the park.

Pro-Palestinian protesters attempt to disrupt New Year's Eve festivities in New York City ...

Protesters. What do they want now?

Yesterday??? Climate Change

Today??? HAMAS and the wholesale destruction of Israel. Kill the Jews… and Jewish state.

Tomorrow? The World.


Climate Change is sooo…sooo yesterday man. Sooo… out of it. HAMAS is in baby. Oh yeah, we also want to destroy the west to become an alphabet culture. Everybody will love somebody…as long as it’s queer. HAMAS will love us…you’ll see.

Hamás: la persistente espina en el costado de Israel

We love you. C’mon over and see what we mean by that.

“How dare you!”

Greta is not too happy about all of this as this narcissist is no longer the center of attention.

I need a climate change exorcism.

Get lost Greta. Don’t you know that HAMAS is the in thing now? Not the planet!

Climate: Big Time Deception

View this:

Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) English (

It doesn’t matter anyway because Climate ideology is a religious cult. It has become the new Reformation of religious thought. It is a matter of faith to most climate zealots and believers. Science be damned.

There will be a reckoning though, led by the working masses, people such as you and me.



The End Is Nigh

So says Bill Nye, the science guy.

What happened to Bill Nye? Arrested? Drugs, Net Worth, Bio

All climate change denialists should be, or need be…should have… glasses.

I do not trust anybody who wears a bow tie.

Take your pick.

Why? Because the UN wants ultimate control and one world government. It has nothing to do with climate but everything to do with control. Climate change is the ruse to scare people, especially young people, to coalesce into the UN’s way of thinking.

Solution? Get out of the UN……..NOW! Canada? Wake up.

The End Is Nigh by Esmeralda

Now, that guy I do believe.

Beggar cartoon Royalty Free Vector Image - VectorStock

The 21st century mantra. “Hey Buddy. Got any climate change?”

And the only people fighting back are the European farmers.

Dutch farmers' protest party celebrate shock win: 'What the f ...

Have ya read or heard anything about this in Canada or the US? Nope? Didn’t think so.

Quote of the week that has just begun.

This week the 81-year-old president bumbled and glitched his way through a series of public events, including a meet and greet (and awkward grab) with “Queen Rihanna” (it’s Rania) of Jordan at the White House, where Biden boldly claimed that “every innocent life in Gaza is a tragedy.”….WOW!

Religion of peace:

France: Muslim on train station platform screams ‘Dirty Christians, I’m going to kill you all.’………Nice

Canada’s minister for islamophobia applauds.



Lies And More Lies

McKenna was Canada’s minister for climate change. She drank the Al Gore climate Kool-Aid.

Many Canadian public ministers also believe CO2 is a poison, not a life sustaining compound element of the Periodic Table – nature’s table of life on earth and earth’s reality.

Every single climate change prediction has fallen flat. Every one. Yet highly educated people of the United Nations, The World Economic Forum and other world wide defined organizations continue to believe. “Well, it is a matter of faith don’t ya know.” Yes it is. It is a matter of faith, belief and worship on the environmental altar of the creation (Gaia) and not the creator. This is what happens when God is taken out of the equation.

In 100 years this will happen. In 100 years that will occur. In 100 years I will be physically dead and my physicality returned to the earth as carbon. That is reality. Spiritually I will live on.


WHO says? Prove it. But…but…I’ll be dead. Oh lucky you. No  culpability in today’s world.

Polar Bear populations are increasing to such a degree as to make them a nuisance (Inuit).

Susan Crockford, a world expert of polar bears, was fired from the University of Victoria after finding polar bears thriving despite the climate change hysteria.

A polar bear walks over sea ice floating in the Victoria Strait in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. (AP Photo/David Goldman, file)

Ms. Crockford accused officials at the Canadian university of bowing to “outside pressure,” the result of her research showing that polar bear populations are stable and even thriving, not plummeting as a result of shrinking Arctic sea ice, defying claims of the climate change movement.

Follow da money and not the science.

It couldn’t happen in Canada you say? Shity:

Canada’s Green Plan 153% Over Budget

A federal program to pay $5,000 rebates to electric car buyers went more than 150 percent over budget, say auditors. Rebates cost taxpayer more than three quarters of a billion and were “an ongoing concern.”

And I am still waiting for my promised grant for the home energy program. To date? Nada.

It is a sad state of affairs when it comes down to this:

Last year, Health Canada published an assessment report on the effects of climate change as it relates to health.

The report titled Health of Canadians in a Changing Climate claimed that climate change increases the risk of mental health impacts such as post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety.

“Studies are also showing that people can become distressed about climate change itself, resulting in increased anxiety (often termed eco- or climate anxiety), grief (often termed eco-grief or climate grief), worry, anger, hopelessness, and fear,” claimed the report.

My solution? Wake up in the morning, look outside and go from there. Stop watching or listening to the news, go outside for  a walk and let the children play…have fun…no anxiety.

Jordan Peterson revealed and the College of Ontario Psychologists acknowledged that he has been “sentenced” to mandatory retraining in order to retain his license to practice clinical psychology in Canada. Why? It is alleged that he criticized Trudeau’s government policies.

Just in case you didn’t know, Pierre Poilievre is the leader of the opposition Conservative Party in Canada, meaning that Jordan Peterson is literally being punished for criticizing the current Prime Minister and retweeting the statement of his political opponent–and a mainstream one at that.

What have we come to in Canada?

Canada has an elected dictatorship. Always has had one.

I can tell you this: given my Covid experiences and the lies of government officials, their cancel culture and faux science institutions, I have absolutely no trust that my fellow Canadians would do the right thing “if push comes to shove.”

I now understand the German problem.

You will also hear from our government officials of the need for integration, collaboration and cooperation of private businesses and government to address the world’s problems or perceived problems such as Climate Change. It is sometimes referred to as Public Private Partnership. By any other name, if that occurs, what we will have is:


It will not end well.

Forget all of this crap, turn on some tunes, get up and dance.

Will be away for a bit.

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