(Bee) Trump Announces Plan To Annex Canada And Rename It ‘Gay North Dakota’
Though the monumental change took Canadians by surprise, experts predicted they would be far too polite to raise any opposition to the idea…sorry! “They’ll go along with it,” said one Trump transition team insider. “We’re offering them the opportunity to finally become Americans, which is what they have always wanted. They’ll be nice about it, because they’re Canadians. Sorry, I mean Gay North Dakotans.”
At publishing time, rumors persisted that Trump would also name Justin Trudeau the first female governor of Gay North Dakota.
Says who? Canada’s NDP! From their manifesto.
The struggle to build a democratic socialist Canada must proceed at all levels of Canadian society. The New Democratic Party is the organization suited to bringing these activities into a common focus. The New Democratic Party has grown out of a movement for democratic socialism that has deep roots in Canadian history and the USSR, China and other failed Communist states. It is the core around which should be mobilized the social and political movement necessary for building an independent socialist Canada. The New Democratic Party must rise to that challenge or become irrelevant. Victory lies in joining the struggle.
But only for thee and not for me. So says the leader of Canada’s Socialist Party (NDP). Because I’m not like everybody else.
I couldn’t agree more. So says the deputy leader of Canada’s NDP:
Cause I’m not like everybody else.
For decades Canada’s NDP have tried to distance themselves from the Waffle Manifesto, The Regina Manifesto, and of course Tommy Douglas’s thesis, The Problems of the Subnormal Family. But it appears they have been reborn in the Trudeau government.
NDP and Liberals: Stay out of my life!
Only in Canada can you be penalized for working hard, being frugal and saving your money. Canadian collectivism where everyone is miserable. Remember if everyone is miserable then no one is miserable. That is the NDP’s stated goal: for everyone to be miserable.
The latest from our Prime Minister Justin “Bended Knee” Trudough (sic).
The left’s progressive world and we have to pay for it.
The Liberal Party of Canada just had their annual convention:
Liberals will debate proposals to create a network of high-speed rail lines across Canada, a green new deal for the country and a universal basic income at the party’s virtual convention this week.
This year’s policy resolutions run a wide spectrum, with resolutions on such issues as expanding rural rail…erm…internet access:Canada is taking its lead on the rail line from New Zealand:
Oh Trudeau’s version of across Canada is across Quebec. or code for : this will never happen west of Cornwall under the Libs.
Raising old-age security payments: last time by $6.13 a month – not even enough to buy a 6 pack of beer in Canada. But heh, they can say they kept their promise.
A proposal to create “Canada’s green new deal” calls for a transition to a net-zero carbon economy with a plan implemented over the next decade to transform the country’s industry and infrastructure. The Libs are never creative stealing yet another concept from those dastardly Americans – particularly that US Dem rep Alexandria Occasionally Cortez but Generally Whacko: Code for: Raise taxes like crazy and never accomplish anything. Another resolution from party members in Newfoundland and Labrador calls for the government to provide “meaningful retraining supports,” including replacing income and paying tuition, for workers from industries with high carbon emissions. Code for: let them learn code.It also calls on the government to fund alternative energy sources like solar, wind and nuclear while also developing a hydrogen sector in Canada.
The hydrogen economy.
The Liberal caucus is sponsoring three resolutions, one that would have the government promote Canada as an “agricultural superpower” – giving the farmer what they want with their left hand then shafting them big time with their right.
And another that would bring in national standards on long-term care, something the party has pledged to do. Just like they did after SARS in 2003. How is that working for ya?
The caucus is also one of several sponsors on a resolution calling for the government to move towards setting up a basic income program. The resolution argues the move would save administration costs and help Canadians who need the support. Whoa, wait now. If you set up a basic income strategy then no one will want to work and if no one is working who is going to run that program. Just saying.The great thing about the Liberals is that they know that over 65% of Canadians vote left, or progressive, so they can say anything that they want to entice Canadians to continue to vote for them then fall back on their promises and continue to tax, tax, tax with not a single dime going into any of the so called liberal pledges. Next big tax grab will be a “life tax” on a tax on the air that we breathe.https://youtu.be/EozcNss6A8UNext: The Conservative Party of Canada’s platform.SJ…Out
April 15 ABC Town Hall: “you can’t do it all by Executive Order unless of course you are a dictator.”
Yup… Joe Biden
And by den he had signed 30 Executive orders in his first week. By comparison Trump signed 5, Obama 4, George Bush o and Bill Clinton 1 (Shapiro, Jan 2021)
Like we already knew but had no proof. This is not a conspiracy theory folks. Read the report, second link.
….this is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution. – Christiana Figueres UN IPCC, 2015
I mean, it’s the Great Transformation, it’s started, that’s what I would say. It’s begun. Not the way we expected, but it’s begun. – Paul Dickinson, 27 March 2020
I. Introduction
There is a transnational global movement to facilitate a fundamental paradigm shift, a Great Transformation, to a new energy economy that will halt fossil fuel use and development, initially in the western world, in order to create a new global low-carbon, net-zero civilization. The first major petroleum industry target being used to accelerate this global transition is the Alberta oil sands. The anti-oil sands campaign has so far been successful in land-locking production, preventing new pipelines for Canadian consumption or export markets, intimidating investors, and influencing the Canadian government to support these policies. However, the current evolved strategy is not confined to Alberta; it is not about making Alberta or Canada suffer per se; it is about transforming the world and creating a new civilization that is not based on fossil fuels, which means all western economies will be impacted at some point. The global
movement is a psychological, political, and group process, rooted in progressivism, in order to get a critical mass of public support to fundamentally transform western industrial economies and societies. There are various ideas circulating for what will replace the current system, and
although there are differences amongst the various interested groups, they agree on the ultimate goal of ending capitalism and our modern way of life.
This has been called “The Great Transition”, “Paradigm Shift”, “Great Transformation”, “Global Phase Shift”, and many other labels. For the purposes of this report and consistency, Great Transformation will be the
preferred description. Although this inquiry has been overtaken by recent events caused by the coronavirus pandemic, this report provides timely insight into the nature, motivations, objectives, and strategies of the Transnational Progressive Movement to force or manufacture an energy
1 Christiana Figueres, Tom Rivett-Carnac, Paul Dickinson, Outrage and Optimism Podcast, Season 2 #10 (45), 27 March 2020, “Corona and Climate (1): Coming Back Stronger,” 10:07. https://tunein.com/podcasts/NewsPolitics-Podcasts/Outrage-and-Optimism-p1217603/?topicId=140572973 .
transition using the rationale of climate change, cultivating a cultural shift through media and the youth, and implementing various Green New Deals around the world to fundamentally transform the western industrial capitalist economic system. This report also sheds light on the trajectory of
changes proposed for the post-pandemic economic restructuring recovery, and how that will potentially impact Alberta’s energy industry and the viability of the province itself. Indeed, the very future of Alberta is at stake.
In order to effectively address this comprehensive international assault on Alberta’s and Canada’s energy industry, it is important to understand the motivations, structure, and strategies that are being pursued in manufacturing a new global energy transition. This is a long-term
international movement to facilitate a fundamental global paradigm shift. To contest it or resist it, one must understand it. To that end, drawing upon over a thousand website articles, newspaper articles, reports, speeches, video conference proceedings, academic journal articles, and books, this report is divided into six sections: the first establishes the background of the attack on Alberta’s oil sands within the context of the transnational movement to force an energy transition and a Great Transformation of the global economic system. The second examines the nature or motivation of the transnational progressive movement behind the Great Transformation, the climate rationale behind it, and the energy transition at its core. Next to be considered are the groups involved – how they work and communicate, the role of media organizations in shaping the narrative and promoting panic and a sense of emergency, the goals and processes for a cultural shift and the youth movement. The fourth section analyses the various Green New Deals and their common elements, the plans for implementation, and the conceivable impact on modern lifestyles afterwards. The fifth section will first briefly examine the timeframe of the movement’s goals and objectives, and then explore the effect of the coronavirus on the goals and timing of the Great Transformation; and finally, the last section will offer conclusions and recommendations for an Alberta and industry response to these developments in light of a hostile federal government firmly committed to the progressive agenda.2
2 Justin Trudeau, “The Promise of Progress,” in Global Progress: New Ideas for the Future of the Progressive Movement, (43-47), https://cdn.americanprogress.org/wp content/uploads/2016/03/03095509/021716-
GLOBALPROGRESS-web.pdf. Trudeau writes, “In Canada, the defense of liberty has a unique expression . . . it’s about a deliberate and enduring commitment to build a progressive society. . . Canada is – and I hope will forever be – a shining example of the progressive spirit.” (43-44)
Note the footnote above. Yet Trudeau continues to say how much he supports Canadians and their job.
Scary, and this could be Canada’s future under the Liberal’s progressive banner.
“An inspiring choice for VP in @kamalaharris. She becomes the first Black and Tamil women to be on a major ticket in the US. She will be an ardent advocate for minority rights around the world.”
How does he or anyone know that?
Here we go again – identity politics.
And here I thought she was an American.
Canadian Liberals are all in a tizzy over Harris’ nomination. Words like a strong leader, dynamic, forthright. How do they know that. They don’t. Too bad she and Biden do not have a chance of winning – except by Democratic fraudulent means. I don’t like Trump as a person but his policies I can agree with. Biden, sadly, is suffering from early signs of dementia.
On another note:
Trump announced on Twitter: “HUGE breakthrough today! Historic Peace Agreement between our two GREAT friends, Israel and United Arab Emirates…” brokered by the US.
Trump is branded a warmonger by the mainstream media.
CNN brands Trump………HITLER!
Only in Canada would something like this come out:
Obesity should be defined by a person’s health – not just their weight, says a new Canadian clinical guideline.
How much do you weigh? Can you breathe?….Yes?…Great. Enjoy that cheeseburger.
It also advises doctors to go beyond simply recommending diet and exercise.
Can you breathe?….Yes?…OK. I advise you to stop eating!
Instead, they should focus on the root causes of weight gain and take a holistic approach to health.
Can you breathe?….Yes?…Next. Oh and stop eating those holistically garnished cheeseburgers.
The guideline, which was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal on Tuesday, specifically admonished weight-related stigma against patients in the health system.
You are too fat. Stop eating.
“The dominant cultural narrative regarding obesity fuels assumptions about personal irresponsibility and lack of willpower and casts blame and shame upon people living with obesity,” the guideline, which is intended to be used by primary care physicians in diagnosing and treating obesity in their daily practice, states.
For F*&K sakes stop eating you little…er sorry…humongous person you.
Ximena Ramos-Salas, (how do you pronounce that?)the director of research and policy at Obesity Canada (there is such an organization??)and one of the guideline’s authors, said research shows many doctors discriminate against obese patients, and that can lead to worse health outcomes irrespective of their weight.
Man she’s hot. Step right in and I’ll measure your Body Mass Index.
“Weight bias is not just about believing the wrong thing about obesity,” she told the BBC. “Weight bias actually has an effect on the behaviour of healthcare practitioners.”
Wanna go for a burger after this medical?…Huh?
Obesity Canada’s theme song. Burger World…Love it.
Are you going to San Francisco:
You think this couldn’t happen here in Canada? Victoria? Vancouver? Just keep up those progressive policies.
The danger of leftist logic:
Seattle Mayor, a democrat, again blames Trump after rioters blew open a police station using a van full of explosives.
Portland entering its 70th straight day of peaceful protests.
Note to self: stay well clear of left coast cities
This is where progressiveness is taking us. Women, er sorry, wo-people are marrying trees to save the planet. The greenie progressives have taken tree hugging, Gaia worshipping, to hole new levels. Unintended consequences occurred during the subsequent wedding night where the police had to be called to cut down on the screaming and yelling coming from these brides. They surely got the shaft here…or short end of the stick…or…well, let’s be somewhat romantic here and play this tune:
The wedding song…yes…dedicated to all of those wannabee tree hugging brides out there…”Unchained Melody.” This guy get’s it.
And her:
Hmmm. Then again, maybe I was a bit too hasty here…………Sign me up!
Then there is this bit of progressiveness. Gorilla statue that had been in a children’s playground for 19 years was removed due to a few complaints that said it was racially insensitive. A Gorilla..insensitive?…really?Okay…gone…poor kids.
If only we could do something similar to this guy:
If I complain about him being racially insensitive or racially inappropriate will they remove him? One can only hope. Oh we only do that to kids huh? Sorry, not progressive enough I guess.
Be careful what you wish for as a progressive. Progressive Nirvana? It is spelled………… V..E..N..E..Z..U..E..L..A
And for all you progressive climate cultists out there comes this.
This is what happens when we run out of greenhouse gas. We freeze!
“It is the end of snow” I tells ya.
The Oscars are coming up this weekend. Soon to be called Oscar Myer Weiners. Organizers, in their tribute to climate change, global warming and the UN IPCC, as well as all those Alligators out there, agree that 2017 was indeed the Hottest Year on Record. Ole Harv could only smile. Oprak grinned in acknowledgement. And that is why I will not be watching. In fact I do not watch any of these award shows except maybe the Country Music Awards – good clean family fun. Just ask Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert.
Why I hold no credence with respect to Holly’s Woody in the Morning? Well, up for best picture this year: “The Shape of Water.” Progressive physics run amok. Water has no shape. It is fluid. No matter as this movie is anti family, anti American and anti values. And that is why, Auntie Maxine, that I will never watch it. Movies such as this flaunt and celebrate a toilet, gutter value system and an overtly selfish me generation. Count me out.
Song for today: Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit: