Rocket Man

And we don’t have a dictatorship in Canada?

The Heritage Minister refuses to name the newspaper publishers who just received over sixty million dollars in pre election subsidies.

Trudeau owns the press in Canada.

I want my country back:

The latest $320M handout to the Indigenous people of Canada was announced a few days ago. They had to change the building where they announced the largess as the original building, above, was named after our first Prime Minister, which was deemed unacceptable to our current government.

All of the virtual signaling, racism, systemic racism labels, divisiveness, accusations of genocide, denigration of whiteness, unilingual Anglos, destruction of the Alberta energy sector, Quebec favoritism has all come about by our current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. And yet this Peter Pan flake will, in all likelihood, be reelected.

Trudeau has increased our national debt by over $350B in one year. More than all of the past 152 years combined.

Soon to be coming to a Canadian Parliament near you. Removal of a portrait of Winston Churchill – deemed offensive by the Green Party of New Zealand.

Visit Churchill Manitoba while you still can.


Trudeau is bent on destroying the Canada that we know. WAKE UP.

In a special report by the UN on space security Canada was the only nation to demand “Diversity in Space.”

I think it is time that we launched this guy into orbit.


For thee and not for me:

Obama throws 60th birthday bash for over 600 people. Covid rules including masks be damned. “I am the ex and current president of the United States you know…and you’re not.”

Final thought:

Funny. We are probably having the very best summer ever and what is the UN and the media saying about that?



Stupid Is As Stupid Does

See the source image

“Life is like a box of chocolates you know….cause ya never know what your gonna get….” except of course the ones with the nuts…

Consider just how nutty Canada’s policy is on building pipelines:

“We already knew how bad C-69 was when it was introduced as a bill. And of course, it goes without saying, all the bizarre conditions and regulations would only apply to Canadian industry. There would be no gender analysis or Aboriginal analysis or queer analysis or feminist analysis of oil brought in from the U.S. by rail, or brought in from Saudi Arabia by tanker.”

Cause they’re all eunuchs in Saudi Arabia.

Never mind that, what on earth does a queer, or a feminist analysis have to do with the building of a pipeline. Oh you mean that somebody is going to get fooked? Oh, it’s a metaphor. I see and I get it now.. Indigenous analysis. What on earth is that? Oh I get it. That is when a pipeline goes through Indian Land and the natives only get 10 gazillion dollars in royalties. They’re fooked as well. Or perhaps they are smoking something from their pipes. Incredible.

Stupid does what stupid wants: India mission bureaucratic and diplomatic staff were subjected to Canadian government counseling sessions titled “Minding Difficult Conversations”, “Building Civility in the Workplace” and a 3-hour session named “Values and Ethics in the Workplace.” This was done after Trudeau’s disastrous India visit. At the end of it all they were also subjected to 1.5 hour long exercise called the marshmallow and spaghetti challenge. Participants were “divided into teams that compete with each other using certain supplies… (including spaghetti and a marshmallow) to see who can build the tallest structure”. The winner got a box of chocolates, smores and a posting to Parliament Hill.

More chocolate nuts: Trudeau Liberals hiring a climate Barbie whisperer to help Catherine McKenna. Who you may ask?…..why Ken of course. How much? $2M. I kid you not.


And the sad thing in all of this? Polls are indicating that Trudeau is going to win the next election. Stupidity rules.

Nuttier still from the LGBTQ community: an abortion should just be a discussion between a man and her doctor. No one else. Or, better still: I am a lesbian trapped inside a man’s body.

A new paperback is out titled: “Understanding Women”

Should be a best seller. If only you could lift it.

What goes around comes around…or mechanical Karma: Elon Musk’s Neuralink Says It’s Ready for Brain Surgery … The startup just unveiled its plan to implant paralyzed patients with electrodes that’ll let them work computers with their minds. Hands free. Just like his driverless cars. And the patients? Oh those poor sods who believed that Musk’s driverless cars were fool-proof. Well, they weren’t and these fools are proof of that.

See the source image


It’s sad and frustrating when half of the super chargers AT THE TESLA FACTORY aren’t working and the employee inside says the only thing we can do is call and report them. I’ve been waiting to talk to an actual person for <15 mins now.

Tesla’s self driving brain surgery community is all in a tizzy right now.

Yeah, especially when that asshole Tesla operator tells us to press one!!!

A premonition perhaps. In training:

                                                              The rowing machine on the Titanic

This has to make you cry: New York Post reports that at the beginning of the moon landing astronaut John Glenn wrote down those famous words as in…one small step for man…..Life is like a box of chocolates you know cause I is as stupid is as stupid does.

Love this:


Have a great day and have a chocolate.


Happy Monday

Follow da money!

Canadian Basketball fan upset after hearing both Kawhi and Danny Green are leaving the Raptors for California. Even Trudeau gets in on the act, upset as he is and us, for not going with them.

From the Captain Obvious file: How often should you eat to lose weight?……..Never!

Hockey Night in Canada’s  Don Cherry states that he will be back next season. Grammarly is ecstatic on hearing the news. If there ever was an argument for a “best before” date this was it.

And this is news why? Cher, Michael Douglas and other stars are selling their homes. Sooo. I can’t afford them.

Profound statement of the week! A UFC fighter, undefeated after 19 bouts, loses after getting knocked out in 5 seconds by his opponent. Commenting after regaining consciousness: “Well that sucked.” It is a wonder he could say anything at all. Follow da money! is all I can say.

a group of people wearing costumes: TOPSHOT - USA's players celebrate with the trophy after the France 2019 Womens World Cup football final match between USA and the Netherlands, on July 7, 2019, at the Lyon Stadium in Lyon, central-eastern France. (Photo by FRANCK FIFE / AFP)        (Photo credit should read FRANCK FIFE/AFP/Getty Images)

Congrats to the US women’s soccer team for their win over the Netherlands. But yet again CNN sees this as an opportunity to slam Trump.

“You shouldn’t sleep with a fan on.” So says this ad which also states that you shouldn’t even attempt to by one during a heat wave. Grammarly was also ecstatic on reading this ad.

The argument against meat and for “plant based foods.” You can think of it as our great vegetarian blind spot, and it has left us defenseless to the brassiest escalation yet in the cause against meat, the remarkable assertion that eating meat is bad for the planet. Talk about overplaying your hand. Where eating meat was once bad for a person’s arteries, now we are to do so with the shame that it’s bad for all of life upon Earth. Everything is now bad for you, so says the UN in its fight against climate change and for the establishment of one world government led by, of course, the UN.

“But we’re living longer too. Bad for the planet says the UN. Everyone should be dead by 70. To save the planet and to fight climate change. So says the WHO. Who??

The Drug addiction poverty, homeless business is alive and well and doing fine thank you very much. “Vancouver has universal health care, abundant addiction treatment and harm reduction, supervised drug consumption rooms, and a clinic that provides heroin. It also has the same opioid overdose death rate as West Virginia.”

Oxy moron of the week. Diversity professor defends the notion of not dating white guys.

Only in Canada you say: Getting lobsters stoned before cooking. You cannot boil them alive anymore – a practice that has been going on for centuries. But Cannabis know betters. No, no, no. Get them stoned first then beat the crap out of them with a hammer. That will do it says a representative for Cannabis’ food guide.

Another from the Captain Obvious file: Why do so many young people suddenly die? Their hearts stop perhaps? Just saying!

Oh this is cute: “To end fatphobia, we need to dismantle Western civilization,” says Philly therapist Sonalee Rashatwar, after devouring a Philly Cheese Steak sandwich. “No….as I stated above, just stop eating.”

And people are an industry’s most valued ass-et. “Deutsche Bank slashed 18,000 jobs in a restructuring move.”

Kinda slow news day.

This came out in 1971. A great album.

Have a great day.



Nothin Like A Woman Scorned.

So, what is happening at Disneyland by the Rideau River these days.

(with some thanks to Neil Macdonald)

See the source image

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Cool it with a baboon’s blood,
Then the charm is firm and good
Song of the Witches – William Shakespeare


Joy Wilson Rebound (sic) and Jane Stinkpotts (sic-er) end game may be to bring down Pierre Trudeau by kicking him where it hurts – in the butts and therefore to bring down the Liberal leader. Perhaps Rebound would then become the Liberal leader – in all likelihood; fulfil the lifelong dream of her radical First Nation father; and become this second rate nation’s first dis-indigenous Prime Minister.

That’s my theory and I’m sticking with it.

Oxymoronic statement of the week: “both ex minister categorically state that they remain loyal but are constrained by honour and principal”…..hahahahahahahaahahah. That is like my wife saying to me…”honey does this dress make me look fat?”….it’s a no win, no win situation. As a feminist Justinian, you must know by now that you are literally and figuratively screwed.


And in typical, Trudeau-lese logic comes this response:

Rebound’s and Stinkpott’s torpedoes are further proof that diversity is the strength of the Liberal party in that the Liberals tolerate a diversity of views in their ranks.


See the source image

Machiavellian House of Cards?  Canadian version? Potentially.

Its like an Ottawa girls only coffee clutch, only of parliamentary proportions. They, Rebound and Stinkpotts, are not free to reveal misbehaviour by their other girlfriend Justinian, only to say in whispers that it exists and to tease us Canadians with future revelations. “Tease” being is the operative word here. Males don’t stand a chance. “Strip” down to your bare essentials, cover your sensitive parts and run like hell.  As the old saying goes there is nothing worse than a woman scorned. And in this case two woman with probably more to come.

See the source imageScrew him?…You bet..Betsy

If there is one thing I have learned out of this it is this: I will never, ever, ever vote for anyone who hails from Quebec, ever again.


Have a great Navy day.



California Screamin

Jupiter Drops and here I thought it was a pepperoni pizza with double cheese…from Panagopolis! Mmmmmmmm.

Trudeau denies Wilson-Raybould’s claim of interference in SNC-Lavalin case. “We did nothing wrong.  Me and my staff* have always stood up for the Canadian economy, Canadian Judiciary, Canadian Ethics, the Rule of Law, Canadian jobs and the Canadian way of life. The ethics commissioner will be looking into these allegations…so there!” And with that Trudeau took his mace and went homer.

See the source image Doh!

*Sorry, that should be “my staff and I Justin.

That may be true Justin but: stand fast Alberta, stand fast the Oil and Gas Sector, stand fast Ontario, stand fast veterans.

See the source imageUniforms coming…honest!

Oh and of course the Government Ethics commissioner is a hand picked liberal. How nice. Likewise the judiciary, academia, the press and culture in Canada. If you think the Family Compact of 1837 went away with the Durham Report, think again. It still exists! It is alive and well in Central Canada. Always has and always will.

Underlying issue is that Quebec based companies such as SNC Lavalin and Bombardier are, in the eyes of the Liberals:  “Two French to Fail.”

See the source imageJe me souviens!

And lost jobs at: GM Oshawa? No problem. Kinder Morgan? No problem. Northern Gateway? No problem. 100,000 jobs in the oil and gas sector lost? No problem….and on and on it goes.

A Liberal government equates to corruption and Quebec. Remember AdScam? Quebec construction industry? Macleans in one of their past articles claimed Quebec as the most corrupt province in Canada. Macleans got ridiculed for their article in the house of commons. Of course they did.

Canadians? Wake Up

So why oh why do Canadians continue to elect over and over again liberal governments and Prime Ministers from Quebec. Is it…self flagellation? Poutine perhaps?…who knows.

See the source image I’m voting Liberal peut-ine etre!

By the way, who did Trudeau appoint as Raybould’s successor in Justice and as Canada’s Attorney General?  Why, a Quebec MP of course – David Lametti.

It certainly did. Yeah but they were Canadian prostitutes. “So great Canadian b&^% jobs, Mr Speaker.” Talk about Liberal obfuscation.

Sign of our times: Mother shocked as her 4 year old walked home alone after being locked out of her pre-kindergarten class. She, the child, had dressed herself, went out to play but when she found the school door locked she decided her best course of action was to walk home. She did. Mother is clearly upset with the school, etc. Me? I would have been sooo proud!

From CTV News a while back on the upcoming winter of 2018/19:

“Before you book a one-way ticket to the southern hemisphere or prepare for a months-long hibernation in reaction to the Farmers’ Almanac’s bleak winter forecast this week, you might want to wait for Environment Canada to weigh in.

See the source imageRight over Canada!

Days after the Farmers’ Almanac released its winter forecast calling for “teeth-chattering cold,” Environment Canada’s senior climatologist has teased a more moderate outlook that is sure to be welcome news to many Canadians.

See the source imageLike at Niagara falls.

Senior Climatologist Dave Phillips said Environment Canada is expecting a “milder than normal” winter this year, thanks to El Nino. The routine climate pattern related to warm water in the Pacific Ocean is projected to be weak to moderate this year, Phillips said.”

See the source image“So, Welcome to Canada” he said.

After millions and millions of dollars spent we get a forecast about as accurate as a Canadian Nafta economist’s prediction that trumped everything. Environment Canada’s predictions are about as accurate as this guy’s:

See the source imageSee, even he/she is laughing.

And we only pay him carrots and some greens.

Have a great weekend. Read ya Monday. Stay warm.
