My View from Mill Bay.

New Canadian Governor General appointee, Julie Payette, faced assault charges in Maryland in 2011, which were subsequently dropped; divorced her live in “fly boy” boyfriend and did not seek child support, and hit and killed a pedestrian with her car. She was cleared of any wrongdoing in that incident, also in Maryland. Trudeau has stated that due diligence was taken in this appointment and that Ms Payette represents the very best of Canadian values, openness to the world, curiosity, intellectual rigour and inspiration. She will continue to inspire generations of Canadians as she represents us at the very highest level,” Trudeau said at an event in Quebec City. I don’t fault Ms Payette’s personal hardships but I don’t think a man would ever pass Trudeau’s character test.

Just like his $10M payout to convicted terrorist Omar Khadr, who represents Canadian values at the highest level….Geeesh!

Say what? Is this Trudeau’s definition of Canadian values? Ms Payette responded in kind: “I hope that people will respect my private life.”

Sorry Ms Payette. I do feel for you and sympathize but as Governor General you have no private life. Imagine if Harper had made this selection?….Geeesh!


Seems the data from the 10,000 year old chronology of the Vostoc Ice Core temp vs CO2 ice core data doesn’t fit the AGW narrative. Now what? Well, let’s bring in the ‘DATA ADJUSTMENT BUREAU.” Whew, saved by the bell curve. Sort of has an Orwellian taste to it doesn’t it?


American idol is coming back!? I thought it was cancelled. Filling a void so they say. Ryan Seacrest is coming back as host. This was announced to the tune…just give me money, that’s what I want. They say that all good things in life are free…but you can give them to the birds and bees…just give me money…that’s what I want…

America’s Muzak industry is delighted at the news.


A visitor to Toronto’s CN Tower was heard to remark.

“Even from 1800 feet Toronto sucks”

CN Tower: Toronto’s giant phallic symbol. Get screwed. And I saw it go up,up,up foot by foot from a balcony in Etobicoke.



More Crazy Stuff

Finally, Canadian Journalist writes Op-Ed about the egregious payout of $10M to Omar Kadr from the Canadian Government. Finally getting some traction in the US.

Only in Canada you say?…..shitty!

I am ashamed to call myself a Canadian with this wingnut called Trudeau Lite as PM. If I could return to Scotland my family would have gone full circle!

Diversity is out strength! This only applied to Muslims. The rest of us are: (fill in Blank)phobes.


Canadian Standards Association has a new standard on how to “jerk off.” Damn, I wish that this was around 45 years ago. It would have saved me a great deal of money purchasing Playboy and Penthouse, or looking at those Eaton’s catalogues.


San Francisco bans chocolate milk as being racist. I guess white milk is next…..geesh!


Indigenous group fails to attend Premier’s meeting unless they are treated as equals: As Bellegarde pointed out, Canada’s Indigenous peoples see themselves as not just another special interest group: “We are Indigenous peoples with the right to self-determination because we have our own lands, we have our own laws, we have our own languages, we have our own identifiable peoples and we have our identifiable forms of government.”(Nat Post)……but not their own money!

Okay, given you want to be autonomous we’re going to cut the $14.5B annual budget assigned to Indigenous Peoples of Canada…. Heard in passing: “Where is that meeting taking place again”  Hmmm?


Libs revoking Canadian citizenship that is obtained under false pretenses….unless you are a terrorist of course, then welcome to Canada.


Have a great Tuesday…….SJ…..out!

Some More Crappola – Happy Monday

Beyoncé just announced to the world the names given to her twins: “Rumi” and “Sir.” Say what? These people may have talent – questionable to me – but that doesn’t mean they have brains. Poor kids.

Did you know that Malcron’s, (the President of France),  wife is 64.  He is 39! He is said to be high on the “Teat.”

This just in: “Boob jobs could save lives” and Malcron’s marriage.

Trudeau gives $24M to Clinton foundation. That’s a lot of fill Justine.

Trudeau say Canada will never negotiate with terrorists?? Hmmm? Are we that Khadr stupid to you Justine. But Malcron says that Terrorism is caused by Climate Change. Better stay on your wife’s teat Mr Malcron. More credibility there. How on earth did these guys ever get elected.

Drooping boobs caused by Climate Change. See Malcron’s wife. She’ll know.

Climate change responsible for wild fires. No, humans are, and lightning.

Because of climate change, Polar Bears could now eat humans. Just like lions and tigers Billy! No, really.

Maldives will be underwater by the end of this year, according to 1988 UN Climate expert report.                                                                                         Looks fine to me.                            

Holy Shyte Batman

Climate cultists want people to have less babies, perhaps none. This only applies to the great unwashed – you and me. The elites will continue to have children because, after all, they are elites. They have to propagate, don’t you know.

Tell that to the Muslim population where their stated goal is to take over western civilization, not by the sword, but demographically. For every one baby a westerner has they will have 10!

They are advocating sterilization. I say go for it. The less whackos we have on the planet the better.


Woman lost the chance at a $1M prize during a CFL game Thursday night. All due to a very bad call by the referees.


Union files grievance over University’s plan to use goat, sheep to clear lawns. Seems that they’re upset that Wellingtons were not issued to the local union reps.


Leading psychologist says that having a gender revealing party will scar a child for life. Never mind forcing a “he” or a “zey” to wear a dress  and identify as a women while he is playing with “he’s” GI Josephine.


Seattle bans the cleaning of poop off of its sidewalks. Apparently it is racist. Someone was heard to say “No Shit!” No, lots of it.


Home ownership may not be viable says climate alarmist. Agenda 21 anyone? Yeah, old Lenin, Stalin had it right with those housing mega-plexes. There is a reason Berlin tore those ugly monstrosities down after unification.

Time to get off….Geesh.

I wish I could but I cannot make this stuff up.

SJ……..Out…….Have a great weekend. Read ya Monday

Nauseating Stuff

Sorry….server was down for two days.

Have you ever wondered why so many sick people go to health food stores? Hmmm?

My wife was checking out at a grocery counter the other day when the cashier told her that she had to have her own packing bags as they no longer gave out plastic bags for groceries to save the planet. She said this as she was packing hamburger wrapped in plastic; chicken wrapped in plastic, cleaning stuff wrapped in plastic; confectionaries wrapped in plastic and small toys wrapped in so much plastic that one needed a chain saw to open it…Geesh.

The planet doesn’t need saving. We need to be saved by idiots like this!

The other night I went out and ordered an Organic Pizza. It was green!!!

President of France…Malcron…says that terrorism is cause by Climate Change. I kid you not. No wonder Trump saw fit to remove America from this madness. I only wish that PM Trudope had the gonads, i.e., balls, to save Canada from these idiots and get us out of this accord as well. Oh, wait a minute, PM Trudope is a feminist therefore…no balls.

Majority of Canadians (71%) are outraged that Trudope agreed to a $10.5M payout to Khadr, the guy who killed an American medic in Afghanistan. But then again, the great unwashed, us, don’t really have the intellect to understand the really big “Picture.” that Trudope does.  Just another selfie huh Justinian?

Hey, I am going to start walking now and get into shape because I have just bought a $200 Pedometer…yesss!….Geeesh!

In the US military Transgendered Men must now be given “dignity and respect” while in Women’s showers…no, they don’t want dignity and respect they want to get laid…are you kidding me??

South Australia experiencing major electrical blackouts due to their intent to rely solely on solar and wind for their electricity needs. “Its sad” someone was heard to say “as Australia has a lot of gas”…..I know…I know….Ottawa does too. Same with France…see Malcron above.

My Quote of the Week……They say that “Humour is good for the heart; laughter is good for the soul….Perhaps, but giggling drives me nuts.”

And who are they anyway???


That is all for today

SJ out.