More Stuff

Just read Steyn’s article about Canada Day. Unbelievable bit of fluff, that day. What was once a very proud country is slowing drowning itself with self loathing, cultural genocide. Multiculturalism has not worked and will never work if our leaders continue to encourage newcomers to this land that Canada is a post nationalist state and therefore, you can keep your self identify whatever that may be. Canadian – not. U2 can be whatever you want.

The whole world is watching Canada. Well, no. They aren’t. Canada is way below the radar horizon of any country out there

Cut a comment the other day about Dylan. What a great guy. Best ever songwriter. It got me to thinking. Here is an artist with a God given talent that cannot be denied but who: has total disdain for his fans. Has total disrespect for his audience at his concerts – his back to the audience for an entire concert comes to mind. Snubs his nose to those who recognize his talent and contribution to the literary world, i.e., The Nobel Committee. So how can I ever respect an artist like Dylan who has absolutely no respect for me. Aw but he is a genius so his attitude is entirely acceptable. Well, not to me. Besides why on earth would I ever want to go to a concert where I am more depressed coming out than I was going in. Hmmm? Hmmm?

Debunking white privilege in high school homework!  Say what? I never saw any cause I never did mine!

Austria cancels their plan to beef up border security against illegal immigrants after Rome threatens action. What close down the Brenner Pass? No more pasta. Excommunication? What the…Geesh. Where is Guido when you need him?

Clooney moves to L.A from London for security reasons. The refugee, migrant activist want to see more countries bring in more refugees. Just not in my backyard huh George. L.A. Safe? Are you kidding me. More money than brains.

It is a bad thing when your country cannot celebrate its 15o years without “effin” it up in its cloak of Indigenous, post national state claptrap….Damn.



Happy Monday

I was reading an article today and the writer was talking about Hegemony. Why can’t they just say Power Projection, Supremacy, Control, Dominion etc. But Hegemony? Same with Homogeneous:  Something off the same kind – Similar, Alike, Uniform. I thought that it was some kind of milk.

Homogeneous? Then again Japan comes to mind. Same with China, Korea and other Asian countries. But Canada has to accept everybody. Same with the US and many European Countries. Why?

Hamburg riots by far left anti capitalist dogs, don’t you know. Why? Somebody told them to “Get an Effin Job.” They went nuts and took to the streets.

Climate change dogma. UN doesn’t give too shits about climate change. It has always been about world domination. Create a global crisis, i.e., climate change run amok, then provide the global solution. One World Government led of course by the United Nations. George Orwell for President, yes. Luckily for me I should be dead within 10 years thereby contributing to the carbon sink that we know as mother earth.

CBC’s Post Apocalyptic Climate Change Doc can be summed up in 6 words: “We are all going to die”…Geesh. I can’t believe people fall for this crapola.

Pope is blaming Western Hegemony and Homogeneous (there I dare use these words) nations for the plight of the migrants coming from Africa. Never mind those corrupt African dictators and the UN international bodies that support them. Or the Climate Fund lining the pockets of 3rd world dictators. No, no no. It is the west’s fault…Geesh. I wish that the Pope would stick to saving souls and stay out of the political arena. Its a lions den out there your Holiness. Oops, sorry bad analogy for Catholics out there…like me… sorry!

Everyone at the G20, well journalists and left wing nuts really, are in a tizzy that Ivanka Trump sat in for her dad at one of the meetings. Anyone who has ever attended similar events like this – me with NATO – knows for certain that these things are non events. The work has already been done so these high level get togethers are nothing more than gabfests with talking heads. If you look at the official photo Merkel looks really uptight but the Chinese guy standing beside but slightly in front of Ivanka, who has her hand behind him, has a huge smile on his face. Hmmm, wonder why?


Happy Monday



Cheque’s in the Mail

Khadr got his $10.5Ms buck from the Feds pretty quickly. Asked about his case from reporters Khadr said he couldn’t comment because it was before the courts. Turns out he already cashed the cheque. Gawd, if only the Feds treated the military vets the same way instead of: “Be patient”

If this incident is truly our fault then fire the bastard(s) who made this international faux-pas of a human rights abuse. Then again when did murder and terrorism become a fundamental in the war on human rights?

A while back I came through the Vancouver Airport and was amazed, dismayed at the lack of Canadianna anywhere displayed. It was all First Nation…oops…Indigenous People’s art. Now, it is beautiful and striking but is that all there is to our country? Is Trudeau right when he says that there are no Canadian core values, culture? What about the Bannisters great 4 minute mile run during the Commonwealth Games in 1954. Or the Japanese Canadian contribution to the fishery. BC’s war effort, colonization efforts, Trans-Canada Railroad, Chinese contribution? and on and on it goes. There are many things to be proud of in this Province. Not just First Nations. Of course if one complains there are immediately branded a racist. Sad.

I want my country back.

Is the History Channel about history or about American / Canadian Pickers, Forged in Fire, Pawn Shop. Where is the history in all of that. CNN now #10 in list of broadcasters in the US. That high up? Wow. Where is Christianne Amanpour when you need her? You know that highly over rated female journalist. Like Bawbwa Wawlters!


Short today: have a great weekend…..SJ…Out.

It’s All Over But the Cleanup

Finally over. Canada Day and the 4th of July. Hope everyone had a great time. Back to normal.

Canada Day celebrations in Ottawa were a fiasco, a bust, a disaster. Typical bureaucratic cluster F$$k. Anything to say Ms Joli? Having worked in Ottawa for many years I know exactly how all of this transpired. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians, oops sorry, Natives, oops sorry, Aboriginals, oops sorry, First Nations, oops sorry, Indigenous Peoples. You get my drift. I mean how could we ever organize an event such as this when we can’t even get the name of the Indigenous People right. Garbage detail had quite the cleanup on the hill. Now if only thet could clean up the other waste up there.

Only in Canada do we compensate a terrorist by giving him $10.5 Million Dollars and an official gov’t apology. My sincere condolences to the Sheer family. We are not all as anal as our flake of a Prime Minister. He doesn’t speak for me or my wife. If I was Ms Sheer I would go after his settlement.

Have a nice day….SJ out.