With Every Breath You Take We’re All Going To Die

I knew it was coming. I have been predicting this for years:

Say no more.

But I think our climate betters should lead be example and take themselves out of the gene pool.

Justin? Joe? Big Al? Macron? Sunak?

Just sayin is all.

Another virus should do it.

It is coming….for you and me.

Wake up. Get out of the UN…NOW!

With every breath that 8 billion people take, CO2 is emitted. Think of it?

And they, the UN, will be watching you. With every breath you take. And that my friends is why Climate Change Armageddon is the biggest hoax and fraud perpetrated on the human race by the United Nations and big Al Gore: climate change’s first billionaire.

Climate Catastrophe Or Skullduggery

Love it:

Over the weekend a “transnational committee” finalized plans for a “Loss and Damage Fund” that was agreed to at last year’s UN Climate Change Conference, COP27, in Egypt. It was dubbed the “Flagship Achievement” of that meeting.  

The plan is to send billions of dollars to poor nations to compensate them for climate-change damages, which were supposedly caused by your internal combustion engine, your home central heating, and your appreciation for steaks.

Dictator, HD Movies, 4k Wallpapers, Images, Backgrounds, Photos and Pictures

Yessssss. Bring it on. I need more medals and I love Rib-Eyes. Medium if you please.

Love it more:

Even Feds Won’t Buy Electric

Canadian Federal departments are avoiding electric cars as too costly, says a federal report. The finding follows in-house research by the Department of Natural Resources that most drivers are also reluctant to buy zero emission vehicles: “Electric vehicles and the infrastructure obviously are an important part of addressing the climate crisis.” 

Or could it be:

Trailer Full Of Teslas Bursts Into Flames In Nevada And Nobody Knows WhyTeslas being delivered to the Canadian Department of the Environment.

Love this even more:

Canada and other major fossil-fuel-producing countries are failing to meet targets to keep global warming in check. Countries are planning to produce 110 per cent more fossil fuels in 2030 than is consistent with keeping global warming to 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels, and 69 per cent more fossil fuels than what’s in line with a 2 C target.

“These plans throw the global energy transition into question. They throw humanity’s future into question. Governments must stop saying one thing and doing another, especially as it relates to the production and consumption of fossil fuels,” wrote Inger Andersen, executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme, in a foreword to the report.

But…but politicians are adept at talking from both sides of their mouth.  Think about this. How arrogant to think that we can control the climate to such an extent as a variable such as 1.5 degrees Celsius. But it doesn’t matter because the UN says “the world is going to end by 2030….unless we can have one world government controlled by us.”

Canada’s plan is underwater:

Federal emissions reduction plan still coming up short: environment commissioner

Are we that stupid? I guess we are. The UN will destroy us. Time to get out. Think of all the money we have wasted on the UN’s skullduggery.

No one can control the climate.

“A liar and a con man…” just like the UN.

Not even me!

Love it.


No Joke

Truth, Justice and the Canadian way:

Criminal illegal immigrants are flooding into Canada and bringing their firearms and drugs with them. Why?

A man facing 40 months in jail for gun and heroin charges won’t have to serve any of them due to his Metis heritage . This individual was convicted of heroin trafficking and possession of an illegal firearm in 2018, but on appeal the B.C. Appeal Court ruled that the man’s heritage reduced his “moral blameworthiness” (sic) enough to justify skipping a jail sentence.

Wow. Remember, Metis are half breeds. One half is traditionally indigenous while the other half is traditionally French Canadian. In Canada that mix equates to a get out of jail free card and free money.

“Wow,” one illegal half breed immigrant was heard to say. “Life here in Canada is really, really good. Living the hallucinatory dream man, living the hallucinatory dream with no consequences whatsoever. And, with Canada’s lax immigration laws, I’m bringing in all of my extended criminal family just as soon as I find a good BC lawyer. Man, life is really, really good.”

Also, in Canada:

It is perfectly acceptable for Ottawa to bar grant money to non-profits depending on whether they support abortion, according to a new Federal Court decision . In 2017, the federal government required any organization applying for summer jobs program funding to sign an attestation declaring their support for “the right to access safe and legal abortions.” After Toronto’s Right to Life Association brought a court challenge alleging the policy infringed on their religious freedoms, Federal Court Justice Catherine Kane concluded it had, but not enough to matter.

“But, there is no narrative here so move on” so says Canada’s wishy washy justice system. “It is but it isn’t.”

Again in Canada:

In the last parliament Quebecer Steven Guilbeault was the face of Bill C-10, the Liberal’s push to censor the internet harder than any other Western democracy. Now he’s the Environment Minister. Guilbeault becomes the first person in the office to have once been arrested for unfurling a banner from the CN Tower that read “Canada and Bush Climate Killers.”

Who says crime doesn’t pay? This guy is an avowed anti fossil fuel activist with a criminal past. He will do everything in his power to shut down Alberta’s and Canada’s oil and gas industry sector.

My thanks to the National Post’s “First Reading.”

Next up. Victoria changes name to Camosun. Victoria Day is changed to Pierre Elliot Trudeau Day. British Columbia is changed to Columbia Gold or BC Bud.

This is no joke:

The Supreme Court of Canada is ruling this week on whether it was illegal for a Canadian comedian to tell jokes.

I kid you not. Now this is a joke:

Melanie Joli is appointed Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. Canada’s beleaguered senior military staff who were once posted overseas are shaking in the boots over this one. Trudeau was heard to remark. “Just as our budget will balance itself, I have no interest in foreign affairs, unless our senior military staff are involved.”

Lester Pearson is rolling in his grave no doubt.

Only in Canada you say? I want my country back.

To all of Trudeau’s cabinet, especially the 25% from the province of Quebec, I give you this:





Ta Da…

You may or may not agree that climate change is real and is caused by human activity and that is your right to have an opinion on this but this is downright scary and is indicative of the progressive narrative.

“Google has announced a plan to ban advertisements and will stop funding any media that contradicts the “scientific consensus” on climate change. The move is the company’s latest attempt to stamp out alternative voices that have questioned the claims made by progressives and the green energy lobby, which argue that human activities are the main driver of global warming.

The prohibition is the result of Google’s consultation with authorities responsible for the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The crackdown on climate change questioners is set to begin in November.  

Bloomberg reports that the prohibition will apply to ads placed by Google, as well as websites and YouTube videos that run Google ads. The commercial ban will affect any content that denies any human contribution to global warming, or treats climate change “as a hoax or a scam,” Google said in a blog post on Thursday.”

2021 or 1984 redux.

Funny that.

Environ-mentals claim that the only way to fight climate change is to rid the world of fossil fuel for renewables as in wind and solar. Guess what? The wind across Europe isn’t cooperating and traditional fuel prices for heat and electricity are skyrocketing. Why? No wind and more cloudy days. Why?…………………………………………Ta Da

Climate Change

In Canada right now…no jab, no travel, no jab, no job, no jab, no show, no jab, no eat, no jab, no fun….Have jab? Isolate. The government has taken fun out of our lives and replaced it with…….ta da:


Hey even the CBC has come out with a new western series as in

Have Jab…Will Travel

Who said totalitarianism is dead. In Canada it is alive and well and growing only most Canadians do not know or understand what is happening to them. Bend over as the big shaft is coming.

WarnerBrosCanada.com | Shaft's Big Long Weekend Message ...

When Covid finally runs its course…and it will, the next existential global crisis that will need a full economic lockdown and restrictions on just about every human activity, will be…ta da:

Climate Change

Hey you know what? Climate changes….all the time.

Here in Victoria the beggars and street people are getting in on the act:

“Hey buddy, can you spare some climate change?”

I know…groan.




Ta Da.

This is what our country, Canada, has come to under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:

I kid you not.

Imagine: The anarchist’s anthem and love song.

This is the best version.

Breaking news:

The UN reports that we only have 9 years left to come up with a new climate change catastrophic time line.
