Crimes of the Century

Warning: Democrat speak inbound:

Even Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill is a partisan monstrosity that passed both chambers without a single Republican vote. Only 1% of the entire package goes toward vaccines, and only 5% is focused on pandemic-related public health issues. The rest is spending on bailouts for cities and states, and the environmental and social justice priorities of the progressive left wing. Code for: in my back pocket;

Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York, just keeps the lies coming. Ignores his state’s terrible Covid response and moves on to the more progressive scandal of sexual misconduct.

Warning: Canadian Liberal-speak in bound.

Liberal; government stated in their budget yesterday that $10 a day day care was coming…in 5 years!. Where have we heard that before especially given the mandatory government term in Canada is 4 years? The BC provincial government said a similar thing…day care in year 4 or our mandate…then called an election in year 3;

28,000: The number of people, called a Canadian technology corps by the Liberals, who will be sent to help businesses with new technology. Nooooo, we do not want government intervention in anything. Whatever the liberal government touches goes up in bureaucratic smoke. Just look at the cannabis file and the Phoenix IT file;

$5 billion: Money spent over seven years on the Net Zero Accelerator (????) to help companies invest to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. In other words a Net Zero Accelerator equates to going backwards.

We want Moe Money: $18 billion: To support healthy, safe, and prosperous Indigenous communities, and advance meaningful reconciliation. Almost as much as the entire military budget for 1.4M people. Why not just give each indigenous man, woman and child $12,000.00 and be done with it.

Warning: UN Speak Inbound:

UN: US Vaccine ‘Hoarding” Endangers Africa, 

Africa: We Don’t Want Vaccine;

UN: The Wuhan virus did not originate in China.

China: Thank you UN. Here is another gazillion dollars.

UN: US is solely responsible for Climate Change

China: Thanks UN. Here is another gazillion dollars for your Swiss Bank account.

The rest of us: we don’t want Climate Change. We don’t want the UN.

Warning: Univershity speak inbound:

From the Univershity of Texas at Austin: (Page 5) All faculty search committee members must participate in “diverse hiring training” by the UT Provost’s Office. This training will focus on “evaluation of demonstrated skill in promoting or achieving divershity, equity, and inclusivity in teaching, service, or research within applicant portfolios.” 

Code for: Whitey need not apply. The Univershity has given up on systemic racism.

Nice world we live in.






A New Story

This is but a draft.  This is part of the next book I am currently working on. Hope you like it.

The water of the Dart had a slight chop to it. It was the colour of a rich indigo. Its contrast to the sky’s blueness was striking especially when measured against the rich green textures and hues of the surrounding deep foliage of trees and flowers. God’s natural palette. Thousands it seemed of trees and flora, of many colours and descriptions. They graced the hills above the harbour from the beaches, rocks and crevices of the shoreline. Very lush. Looking north up the river this landscape of trees and foliage that hugged the shoreline and hung over parts of the Dart presented an aura of peace, tranquility and contentment. It was heaven, sleepingly so. To the south you could see how the Dart narrowed at the mouth of the estuary before spilling out and into the English sea or channel, with its entranceway guarded on both sides by rocky crags and cliffs as well as the artillery forts of Dartmouth Castle on the west bank with Kingswear Tower on the east side. Both of these castles were built hundreds of years ago as protection from foreign invasion, primarily from the French.

We sailed south and then altered slightly to the southeast following the contour and lines of the course of the Dart. It was interesting for me to look out to the east at Kingswear. I could even make out my house on Church Hill just to the right of and up from the lower ferry slipway that connected Kingswear to Dartmouth. I could just detect the small window of my bedroom where I spent many an hour looking out at the very scene from which I now enjoyed this view-scape. There, looking out of my bedroom window, idling my time and dreaming of a better life from the cruel existence of living with my father.

Before long we were abreast of Warfleet Creek Road. We altered to starboard and made our way to a small landing on the south side of the little bay that was fed by Warfleet Creek. With our help Mr. Sommers had Lilly secured along a small wharf. We disembarked, secured our belongings and made our way up to Castle Road. From there it would be a short half mile walk to Dartmouth Castle.

Ruth was excited and beside herself as she ran up the shallow slope to Castle Road. Looking east and then south she became enamoured by the sight of a long dark tree tunnel that was formed by a canopy of leaves and deciduous bushes and hedges that lined both sides of the road, as if they were, according to Ruth, ancient guardians and sentinels of the medieval castle itself. A broad imagination Ruth had.

“Oh daddy, daddy look. Look at this.” she said. “A wondrous tree tunnel that goes on and on forever and ever. To our magical castle estate. “Oh King Sommers.” lowering her voice. “Come your highness, King of Wessex itself. And I am Queen Matilda, or Empress Maud, a woman who would be King of all of England.”

“Yes you are my darling Ruth.” Mr. Sommers said, laughingly, looking at me with a high browed grin.

“But who am I your Highness?” I mocked at her.

“Oh, oh” she paused, unsure of herself for the moment. “Well never mind you…you…you are just my servant boy, my peon of east Meon. You shall do as I say…as I order you or you shall curse the day that you were born. To the chopping block and off with your head if you refuse my bidding” She laughed then giggled and then ran down the shadowing laneway. Happy and excited, exuberant. I followed suit while Mr. Sommers walked slowly behind us, enjoying this moment with his daughter.

You could see the shadows dissipate as the tree tunnel ended with a burst of brightness of the mid afternoon sun. There we were, at the entranceway to the castle. In the gathering area just outside of the main gateway…or drawbridge as Ruth would refer. We were the only ones there. She ran ahead as we followed her into a narrow passageway that was lined with ancient stone walls, ramparts and buttresses. It was almost 600 years old and along with a castle on the Kingswear side Dartmouth Castle protected the entrance to the Dart estuary from French invasion. It held an array of cannon in its tower as well as a mechanism to use a cable that was used in conjunction with Kingswear on the opposite bank to halt the ingress of enemy shipping.

The castle was imbued with many passageways and lookouts that were focused on the entrance to the Dart and approaches to the estuary from the channel beyond. There were gunrooms and powder-rooms, storerooms, quarters, cooking houses and various laneways. Many of the rooms were connected by narrow, dark passageways with low hanging stone ceilings. It was very cool, almost cold in these dark and damp rooms that were only lit by the natural light that came in from the outside through cracks and doorway openings. In one spot Ruth became frightened and held on to my arm. As her anxiety lessoned with my presence beside her she moved her arm down until she could feel the warmth of my hands. There, she entwined her fingers through mine. We were holding hands. I felt a slight tinge and weird sensation through my entire upper being. It felt strange but wonderful.

We held hands and felt our way back up a flight of stone steps and then out and into a small open square that was surrounded on all sides by old stone walls. They were only about four feet high except on the southern side where the wall formed part of the gun tower. We walked over to the east side of the square where we could look out at the expanse of the English Channel. It was so bright and clear that you could almost see across to France or Guernsey. But not really. We looked around and back up where we could see Mr. Sommers above us on a stone rampart. We waved.

“Let’s eat.” He yelled down at us. “Meet me outside the gate.”

Ruth and I left the square to make our way back up through the various rooms and passageways to the outlying path that led to the entranceway to the castle. On our way, Ruth abruptly stopped and turned toward me then gave me a peck on my cheek, and then another. She smiled at me and said. “You may be a poor peon from East Meon Nigel but you are my peon and I like you very much. You may be my knight Mr. Filtness. Rise Sir Nigel.” as she tapped me on my shoulder. And with that she ran off ahead of me giggling and excitable like the young schoolgirl that she was to meet with up with her father.

We spent the next hour or so having a picnic of mutton chops, some salad, chips butty, tea sandwiches and some tea. I could not remember how that went or if the food was good for my mind was racing with that short memory and sweet innocent embrace from Ruth. I may have only been thirteen years old but it did not feel as yucky to me in the least. I was smitten.

As we sat down to our late lunch on a grassy embankment close to the outer western wall of the castle, Mr. Sommers told us about the history of the place and the role it played during the many wars with France including our most recent past of World Wars I and II against Germany. It was a fascinating account of adventure, bravery, fools, pirates, kings and queens, smugglers and rogues. He also touched on the varied history of Dartmouth and Kingswear as well as the advent of the Royal Naval College and Britannia. Ruth would look at me from time to time during this discourse to steal a glance from me and to share a smile. I was beginning to see Ruth in a different light. It was wonderful to know her and Mr. Sommers. Indeed it was wonderful be alive I thought if even for a short respite on this perfect, sunny August afternoon in Dartmouth. For soon reality will bite me squarely in the ass as I make my way home. I tried not to think about it.

We sailed back hardly saying a word. We were exhausted. The wind had come up somewhat but ours was a run before the wind, so it felt as if it was a nice comfortable leisurely sail. A few times Mr. Sommers had to grasp the tiller firmly in this wind and following sea so as not to lose control. Nevertheless the strength of the wind never became apparent to me until we altered directly into it as we came to the mooring buoy on the Kingswear side. It was brisk. Finally, safe and secured to our buoy, Mr. Sommers guided the punt to take us ashore one by one. Saying goodbye to Ruth and thanking Mr. Sommers for everything I made my way home.

1953 was a seminal year for me. I was fourteen years old. My father had come down with a serious disease from the booze. Cirrhosis they called it. I thought something may be amiss for his tendency to hit me or strike me was beginning to wane. He seemed to be tired all the time. Even the verbal abuse and taunts lessened somewhat. He was sick. His skin had a yellowish hue to it all the time. He hardly ate. A putrid sickly smell permeated throughout the house. At times his gut seemed to expand in size, round and very hard to the touch. But he kept drinking.

I do not know how he did it but he would go to the clinic on his own accord from time to time for help. They must have done something for his gut, drained it of fluids perhaps, for it was a normal size when he returned home. But that cure was only temporary for the size of his gut would grow again. Expand to a large ugly mass of skin and putrid flesh marked with red sores. You could almost watch it grow on its own.

One time he did not return home. Concerned, I made it up to the sanatorium to check on his whereabouts. A nurse met me at reception and took me up to his room, or dorm, as there were at least ten men in beds clustered in that one room. My father was down at one end by a window that looked out and over at the hills above Kingswear. I walked down the middle of the corridor that separated the rows of beds and stood at the end of his bed. There was a pan at his right side that was overflowing with a sickly, stinking yellow fluid. I could hardly stand the smell or look of it. I went over to his left side and pulled a sheet over that separated his bed from his neighbour who was also unconscious.

I did not know what to say. I didn’t know why I was even there. I had only known cruelty and neglect from this man. No love. He was not deserving of any love or attention on my part, yet here I was looking down on a decaying, repulsive corpse, barely alive. Yet whatever his failings as a man, as a human being, as a father, he was my father. I felt pity for him. I felt sorrow for what might have been. I also felt self pity and grief for a man who was my lot in life. He was my gift from God. And I for him. Ours was a gift that was considerably flawed but a gift nonetheless.

Check out my other books by clicking on the links at the top of the page:



Comfortably Numb

Warning: Liberal logic inbound.

“So we’ll just let more of them in.”

Toronto Sun: PHAC finally got back to me on why Canada quietly dropped enhanced screening for travelers from Brazil — they said since the P.1 variant (Brazil) already has a foothold here, extra effort screening passengers from Brazil didn’t seem necessary, so says Patti Hadju, Canada’s Minister of Health:


But…Trudeau’s popularity numbers are soaring. Go figure.

The definition of insanity:

From Trudeau: “This third wave is incredibly serious. Cases are rising rapidly. In several places across the country, numbers are higher than they’ve ever been before. Our hospitals are stretched far too thin. Here’s some of what we’re doing to support the provinces and territories:

“Wear a mask, social distance and wash your hands.”

But…but…the CDC says washing and disinfecting does not work.

“No matter, wear a mask, social distance and wash / disinfect yourselves.”

Wipe yerselves out.

Doin the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result!

Millennials are all in a tizzy. “No, no, no not the Apple Store and Vegan Grill.” Oh, just another day in Portland, where affordable fire insurance rates are a fad from a bygone era.

Portland Rioters Set Fire To Apple Store; Smash Up Church, Veggie Grill, Historical Society


You don’t say: In 2020, Venezuela surpassed Haiti as having the highest poverty rate in all Latin America, perhaps the world.  Amazing what socialism can do for ya.

“Bring it on,” so says ANTIFA, BLM and oh yeah, Bernie Sanders and the Dems.

Stick to computers Bill:

Bill Gates wants to spray dust into the sky to control the Earth’s temperature.

Definition of essential to me:

“If it is paying the bills and putting food on my table then it is essential.”

Given all the craziness out there, I remain comfortably numb


Now that was a guitar solo.


For Fauci’s Sake

Check these books out. See links above.

We are in a perpetual lockdown mode. Interesting article here:

When pooled the American people had more credibility for Dr. Pepper than Dr. Fauci

“Well, it doesn’t leave a foul taste in your mouth” one American was heard to say.

When told about this Dr. Fauci could only say: “Go Fauci yourself.”

Hey, if you want to rid yourself of anxiety, depression and other social ailments cut yourself off of Facebook, Twitter, all network news and newspapers. I did and I feel great for doing it. (SJ).

Chelsea Clinton Calls on Facebook to Ban Tucker Carlson Video After His Takedown of Dr. Fauci Goes Viral.

Who the F&^K is Chelsea Clinton anyway?

She was told to go and Fauci herself.

See. It’s to keep the fear going:

Global Warming Rebranded as “Climate Emergency” A number of major news organizations worldwide, ranging from Scientific American and The Columbia Journalism Review to The Guardian and Al Jazeera, have signed a pledge to begin referring to “climate change” as a “climate emergency” in their reporting. Why? Because the world is going to end by 2030 if we do not accept One World Government led by the United Nations that’s why.

Signed a pledge from W.H.O.? Dr. Fauci?

Go Fauci yourselves, for Fauci’s sake.

Why is China getting a free ride through all of this?

Trudeau’s spin doctors: 2021 $2.5m Harrington Lake upgrade “important work” for sustainability. He also spent $7 million on renovations at Harrington Lake in 2020

I only wish I could sustain my place like he can.

Funny thing is it still looks the same:

Trudeau spent over $7 million on renovations at Harrington Lake in 2020

No wonder he is smirking.

Well, for Fauci’s sake anyway.

By the way. Are we supposed to say: For Fauci Sake or For Fauci’s sake. Just asking. Would love to see your comments on this in the comment’s section.

Cause I’m a roller, I’m a high roller baby. And I am Justin Trudeau and you’re not.

Guitar work is awesome. April Wine was one of Canada’s best bands but got little credit in this country that they were due. Typical Canadian response to a great Canadian Band.




Check them out. Click on the links above.

I’m going to DISNEYLAND:

The BBC’s diversity chief has claimed black actor Idris Elba’s TV detective Luther ‘isn’t black enough to be real’ because ‘he doesn’t have any black friends and doesn’t eat any Caribbean food’.

Perhaps Idris hates Caribbean food. Just sayin.

Pirates of the Caribbean, here I come.

Or Maybe AdventureLand:

Arctic sea ice grew 27 percent last year, the Canadian Department of Environment reported yesterday. The only problem is that the figures contradicted claims by then-Canadian Environment Minister Catherine McKenna that the Arctic “is literally melting”

Or FutureLand:

Canada’s Public Safety Minister Bill Blair’s department is endorsing a legislated ban on universal criminal background checks as discriminatory to convicted felons. The proposal follows new research indicating the jobless rate for parolees is fifty percent: “Employer bias is a barrier that individuals with criminal records commonly encounter.”

Yet, to coach Little League Baseball or minor hockey for my two sons I have to have a criminal background check and a character reference examination.

Well I did promise transparency in our Government Trudeau said.

Liberal MP caught naked during a “zoom” call.

Its China’s fault.

Will Amos appeared in the nude on the screens of shocked lawmakers

At least he is from Quebec.

Geesh, only in Canada.

Even the UK and the EU have noticed how badly Canada has been run:
With respect to Canada, this from a UK Politician:‘ It would sound to me, like with the EU, there’s a lot of fake news in what he is saying. He (Trudeau) should butt out of UK affairs and concentrate on running his own country, which he doesn’t seem to be doing very well.’

Biden’s urban renewal project:

Biden’s International Renewal project

Have a great weekend.

