C’mon Haz. Just a little peck…..
He’s my partner, my coalition partner…coalescing, cuddling, don’t ya know.
Canadian Revenue Minister Diane Lebouthillier yesterday dismissed an auditor’s report warning taxpayers are unlikely to recover billions wasted on pandemic relief programs. At least $32 billion was paid to underserving claimants after the Canada Revenue Agency failed to make cursory background checks: ‘I want to tell them how proud I am.’ so says the minister, “so I doled out $32B for the dole.” My comment in italics.
Without a doubt we have here in Canada a government that is completely delusional and out of touch with Canadians – except of course Liberal Canadians.
Liberals win handily in West T.O. byelection. Eee gads.
Senators last night questioned one clause in a 172-page budget bill that would see Finance Minister Chrystia Freelunch spend $2 billion on shares of a company that doesn’t exist. (Blacklock)
Fantasialand on the Rideau: “That is okay,” an anonymous finance beaurocrat named Smith said: “The company that doesn’t exist would draw private investment in green technology, which doesn’t exist. The green transition which doesn’t exist will cost a good deal, really a lot, because it doesn’t exist and fantasies cost a lot of money these days don’t ya know and lord knows we need moe money.”
Canada’s finance ministry is a ministry which doesn’t exist, does it?
“Nope. More like the ministry of silly talks, I would say lads.”
And…and common sense in Canada DOESN’T EXIST!
Housing in Canada after 500,000 new immigrants per year? ESG scores through the roof? High density? Divershity? Coming soon to an Official Community Plan (OCP) near you….or Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and a host of smaller secondary cities like Victoria….
Canadian modern architecture and shitholes….
No Thanks.
But if you are not happy about living in Canadian shitholes, well, we do have this….(BB):
Would you like to be fried with that?
These days, E Bike sales are on fire with the lefty woke crowd.
I wonder if Freelunch was alive in 1959 and heard this classic.
Take it to heart. Unfortunately for us Canadian taxpayer…she did!
Check out my books. All available through Amazon. They would make great Christmas gifts. Go to www.johnmorrisonauthor.com or .ca for more information about these books, or me, plus reviews.
Have a nice day.