Maldives – 32 days and counting, Hey I am just following the UN’s dire prediction from 1988. Everyone believes the UN right?
Let’s hope there is a lot of air in that tank. You’ll need it!
Draining the swamp of swampy, swarmy critters. Matt Lauer is now gone. Why? Sexual misconduct allegations. It’s a foreskin conclusion, er, foregone conclusion, a senior staff’s member remarked. We do not put up for this kind of conduct. Meanwhile:
Fallon’s late night ratings dropping like a stone. Colbert passing him. Why? Colbert and others hate Trump and regularly lampoon him on their show. The audience loves it. Then again their target audience captures those dudes in the 18-49 year old age group who are basement dwellers, suck on their parents teats and who are unemployed. The real audience, the one that really matters, is not watching these shows because they are usually asleep getting sufficient rest prior to next days hard working grind. Besides, I don’t know about you but I do not find Colbert funny at all. No sense of humour. Take away the laugh track and there would be dead silence.
See, even these guys are happy that the Argos won the Coupe de Gris / Grey Cup
These people? Not so much.
Wahhhhh. Calgary Lost?? Wahhhhhhhh. Say it ain’t so Bo!
The hidden meaning behind Harry’s hand gesture.
“Gawd Meghan. Those Tacos are not sitting well.” While the senior royal men look like this with their hands behind their backs:
“Ooooo, that was a good one Harry. Warning next time please.”
Slow day today. Happy Wednesday. Or for those of you living in Qatar: Happy Hump Day!
Whew! It’s still there. Thought for a minutes the UN was right to predict the Maldives would be underwater by Jan 1 2018. Nope, still there with 33 days to go.
From a post last year. Sorry, posts will be down as I am dealing with a sickness in the family:
Don’t you know:
Climate change is a feminist movement. Why, because it’s always changing man…..;
Carbon is a transgendered element of the Periodic Table. It is stuck between that borion “B” and that nitrogen-der;
Cow farts and flatulence contributes to Global Warming and is therefore a masculine threat. Why? Because women never, ever fart. And if they do their farts never stink. It must be stamped out immediately. See #1 above;
The other day an activist told me that Archimedes worked for big oil. This was in response to a discussion I had with him that he needn’t worry about major flooding and sea level rising if the Arctic Ice Cap melts
Eureka! The Arctic Ice Cap is not melting. It’s expanding. It must be a feminist movement as well. “Am I getting bigger. Do I look fat to you honey?;”
Global Warming causes hot summer weather;
Global Warming causes cold, frigid winter weather;
Frigidity is a feminist movement and must be stamped out at all costs;
Global cooling is therefore, a feminist threat, and must be met with #3 above;
Under peer review, as temperatures rise the warming effects of global warming will offset the cooling effects of global cooling as a result of the global warming. Got that? Yeah? cool! Chill man, er woman, er ne, ve or ze, er wo…oops…man
Pesticides found in Marijuana! Ban marijuana now before it kills us;
Pot for kids! Ban pot now because you can’t call the kettle back;
Under the new marijuana legislation, every pot has a lid man, er women, er ne,ve or ze!;
Heaven help us if the kids are our future…see #12 above;
Hooray for natural gas…see #3 above.
Liquid natural gas? Well a good dose of Keopectate will take care of that;
Greenpeace and US activists protest First Nation sponsored aqua-culture…What?;
Ne, Ve or Ze are Clockwork Oranges.
Smoking kills but smoking pot is alright now man. It’s out of sight, out of mind, and out of body; and
Thank God that I will be dead soon…see #s 19,14 and 12 above.
Maldives: The New Normal. Ironically, humans are now caught in a huge aquarium for the delight of the fishies. “What are they eating mommy,” one fish was heard to say. “Looks like Captain Highriner,” the mother said with that fishy lisp of hers.”
Finally, there is a gawd. Yesterday it was Robert Mugabwe, today its Charlie Manson.
Charles Manson is in grave condition.
Time to meet Lucy, turd. I hear she’s hot!
Seeing and hearing about this makes me feel old. I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when his madness surfaced back in 1969. I had just turned 18.
Turd-dough has handed over control of our military, as small and as insignificant as it is becoming under his leadership, to the UN. This will not go over well. Look at those eyes. Madness I tells ya.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is defending a new approach to peacekeeping that will hand the United Nations a key role in deciding where to deploy Canadian troops while keeping peacekeeping resources at their lowest levels in decades. See , the Liberal way: kill two birds with one stone. Scale back resources and funding for our military and turn over all decisions about our military’s deployment to the UN. If they, the UN, screw it up, then True-dope can wash his hands of the whole mess. He takes his cue from Hilarious and the Book of Benghazi……..I want my country back.
In another note look at this:
True-dough’s just told Dirty, the Filipino Pres, that he doesn’t have to worry about a thing as Canadian Peacekeepers will be deployed though the UN to help him in his war on drugs. Dirty could only laugh. True-dope could be heard singing: Can – na – bis, That catchy ditty from out centennial celebrations back in 1967 during that awesome summer of love. He really wants to change our national anthem to the “Cannabis Forever.”
Looks like an Apocalypse Movie?
Unfortunately not. This is real. The Lac-Megantic rail disaster. This is what happens when we let those radical environmentalists run loose. Ban pipelines huh? Sad.
Heard at Bonn’s COP 22. A huge cop-out fun fest on our dime. People, wake up.
Now the Pope is in on the Climate Change discourse. Stick to saving souls Pontiff and leave the planet to the experts. This lastest bit of papery comes from an organization that has a great deal of knowledge and expertise in dealing with heretics. BTW, CO2 is not a pollutant, CO2 is not a poison. CO2 is necessary for our existence on this plant. CO2 is a compound element. You exhale CO2 with every breath you take. Carbon comprises 18.3% of your body. If you really believe in what you are saying then lead by example and take yourself out of the gene pool.
Maldives: Going, going, gone in 46 days, according to the UN.
See, even these guys are getting out of “Dodge”
Trump sentenced to death by North Korea……..Trump is shaking in his boots over this one. Perhaps this really is a new self defence move he is practicing:
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Take that!
I don’t know what would be worse. To be sent to death by some NK stinkpot or have to wear this:
Another dire prediction comes out of Business Insider. We’re Fooked as a planet by…………you guessed it……………………..100 years from, now. So let’s start donating gazillion dollars to third world dictators run by the UN’s climate fund. Yup, even these guys are excited about it. Or are they just excited about their new washroom logo. Hey I have to take a “dump.” “Which way to the wo-or – mans washroom. I’ll keep the lid down after I go. I promise.” eeee gads.
Stick to business guys and stop trying to save the planet one stool at a time.
There is a God after all.
Robert Mugabe, 93, and the UN’s latest goodwill ambassador is apparently under house arrest in what appears to be a coup of some sorts in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, His wife was seen fleeing to Namibia. “No story here” she touted. “Just going on a shopping spree. Tell my babe-we, my Muga-babe that I’ll be home for dinner. Now how many Ak 47’s did he want anyway?”
Soldiers take over ZBC – Zimbabwe’s state broadcaster. We here in Canada should be so lucky! Take note CBC!
Eatery in Chicago protested by cultural miss-appropriationists because it is not Mexican enough. No the owners are of Korean and Filipino descent, providing affordable meals starting at 7 bucks. Not good enough these SJWs commented. We want Mexican, Tacos, Nachos, Burritos. Black Olives Matter you know. Besides, they don’t provide free Keopectate to consumers after a meal, like the Mexican restaurants do.
“Can I have the Burrito Combo. You know a burrito and a Molotov Cocktail?” Someone SJW was heard to order. A dangerous combination!
Venezuela economic failure and humanitarian crisis. This is where the NDP’s Leap Manifesto and other radical left-wing policies want to take us:
All in their delusional effort to save the planet from ourselves. Wow!
It appears Canada’s finance minister – More-Dough – gets teary eyed while watching the Lindsay Lohan “Parent Trap” movie with his family. I had only one word to say when I heard that one……………….”We’re doomed.” Oops that’s two words, but who says I am wrong here with the new math. See Monday’s post. Perhaps 1 + 1 is 11!
Oh, this is a good one: Typical Liberal financial smoke and mirrors:
Result Anticipated: Balance the budget over the long-term and continue to reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio. Italics are mine:
As noted in the 2017 Fall Economic Statement, the fiscal framework does not forecast a balanced budget in 2019/20. Important fiscal investments were made to kick-start the economy, support the middle class and address the long-term challenges that were limiting Canada’s potential – tax, tax, tax. more-dough for those Liberal Twins More-dough and True-dough. Especially True dough’s home cabinet drawers.
Canada is now seeing the strongest economic growth in the G7 and increased consumer and business confidence. Yeah, Italy is a good role model. But mommy my 6 other friends at school have all jumped off the financial cliff, so why can’t I? As a result, the current fiscal track shows steady improvements in the Government’s budgetary position along with a continued decline in the federal debt-to-GDP ratio. But it’s still debt you morons………..The Government will maintain this downward deficit and debt ratio track – preserving Canada’s low-debt advantage for current and future generations. Oh you mean Generation Screwed!……………………………Geesh!
That’s just the Feds. Now this coming from a province near you:
The official balance sheets of provinces across the country mask billions of dollars in debt related to a series of megaproject follies being pursued by provincial governments and government-owned power utilities. While their debt doesn’t officially appear on provincial balance sheets, taxpayers will be left footing the bill when the electricity rates needed to pay them off become so economically crippling and politically unpalatable that they will require a bailout.
The province(s) will hide that debt from its own balance sheet through a series of accounting and regulatory maneuvers.
It’s called the “Smoke and Mirrors” economic policy. That Keynesian shyte didn’t work so we have all decided to adopt the Venezuela model” one financial minister was heard to say.
Do you know what one billion is?
A billion seconds ago it was 1959;
A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive;
A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age;
A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our governments spends it.
Now think about our debt to GDP ratio. That would probably take us back to the “Big Bang.” You know that shower of celestial natural gas shyte that exploded way back when and started all of this current shower of shyte that we are experiencing.
Canada has already given away about $3 Billion dollars to the UN’s climate change green fun…er fund. That equates to Jesus and two of his brothers or sisters.
Man, my head hurts
Show me the money (Zero Hedge)
30 million Americans who woke perfectly healthy yesterday morning are now suddenly in need of expensive hypertension treatments after the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology decided to lower the definition of “high blood pressure” to 130/80 from the previous trigger of 140/90. According to Reuters, the change means that nearly 50% of American adults, or roughly 100 million people, now suffer from high blood pressure.
Colonoscopies are next!
Someone asked me once how can I come up with stuff everyday – well Monday to Friday anyway. This being the human condition it is very EASY. Daily news is the gift to me that just keeps on giving.
Don’t worry, be happy.
This from our fake news file, comes this from 1966. The Kinks were so far ahead of their times:
Hey, only 80 days until the Maldives disappear…according to UN Officials who remain nameless and faceless!
Latest Maldive government cabinet meeting. “The one good thing to come out about all of this?” one government official gurgled. These damn meetings are over in one hour. But sometimes the chairman at these meetings can drive one around the bends. And when one farts we are all overcome by bubbles!
Off the grid. There is this HGTV series out now where this woman is building a dream house in the middle of the sticks because she wants to be off the grid. Not this but you get the idea here:
For all you environ-mentals out there this (above pic) isn’t off the grid. But this is:
Or this:
Or this in Easter Ontario, Quebec in 1998. I lived through this and was without power for 14 days in sub-zero temperatures. Not nice or fun:
Now, that is going off the grid. So, for all you environ-mentals who want to take us all off the grid, please move to Puerto Rico and see just how much fun this is. Let us know how she goes by sending a report by carrier pigeon.
Got to go now as a old bud of mine just called me from South Africa. More tomorrow.