Fossil Fools

Green Party of Canada won the Nanaimo By-Election. Party claims that voters want immediate action of Climate Change. Not true. The Green Party of 2 wants immediate action on Climate Change.

Vote Green? Destroy the Canadian economy. That is the Green Party’s message to Canadians after the Green Party By-Election win in Nanaimo. If you thought gas prices are bad now stand by for heavy rolling if the Greens ever won federally. Oh, and don’t get sick.

Climate Change or Global Warming has now become a religion. No amount of factual evidence to the contrary will ever change the minds of these zealots. We are doomed if we let them have their way. Progressive thought and policies will destroy our way of life…if you let them.

Climate Change is not the #1 priority of Canadians. It is with the Greenies though and they want to destroy our way of life.

Of course this is the lefty elite’s view of the world.

Good God, we need a famine!

This is cute:

REGINA — Canada’s Minister for Public Safety Ralph Goodale, an oxymoron, says right-wing, white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups, liberal code for Conservatives, are an increasing concern and threat to Canadians.

Goodale says the federal government is working with Internet providers to eliminate the issue. Ban free speech for all conservative thinkers.

This coming from the same folks who gave Omar Khadr, a convicted terrorist, $10,500,000 taxpayer dollars and an apology.

This coming from a government that just removed Sikh and Muslim Sunni / Shi-ite from the Canadian terrorist lexicon. Just a wee reminder Ralph:

See the source imageShame on Canada!

Progressive policies result in this:

Coming to a Canadian city near you. Vancouver? Victoria? Left coast progressiveness? Now this is a crisis. Not climate change.

More progressive thought: Well my wife, @Jsoosty has been suspended by @Twitter because she pointed out some basic facts to a silly 19 year old boy. People with penises are male, they can’t be lesbians.  That’s the truth, ban me if you wish, I wouldn’t want to stay in any club that threw my darling out.

Heard in passing: “Hey, I’m just a lesbian trapped in a man’s body!”

Everything the progressives touch they destroy. Venezuela comes to mind as a progressive model of economic destruction.

Modern Canadian journalism, especially the CBC, is all about deciding what facts the Canadian people should know as it might reflect badly on the Liberal Party of Canada.

Metropolis was made in 1927. As a society, progressive thought would have us move in this direction:

More and more tourists are falling to their deaths in the Grand Canyon. Solution? Ban the Grand Canyon. Hey, if we think we can change the climate well, heck, banning or eliminating this geological marvel should be a walk in the park.

With respect to like climate change kids who are like, on the march like:

Well, Warmist parents, go for it. And don’t forget to stop giving the kids rides in fossil fueled vehicles. They can walk or ride a bike. Heck, non-Warmist parents of Warmist children should do stuff like this, show the kids just what ‘climate change’ policies bring. Limit their ability to re-charge their smartphones and tablets to two days a week, because energy will be really, really expensive, plus all the brownouts and blackouts, thanks to ‘climate change’ policies. Limit their shower time. Start “taxing” their allowances. There really are so many ways to make it personal in showing kids what their beliefs will bring.

C’mon climate change proponents. Get out of your SUVs now and lead by example (see video above). No more talk. Action is required…NOW!

If only Canada had balls: Hamas launched a cyberattack during rocket barrage, so Israel blew up their cyber command center.

A different time. When governments and men had balls – women too.

Have a nice day.






I’ve Been (Group) Thinking Lately.

See the source image

NASA hides page saying the Sun was the primary climate driver, and clouds and particles are more important than greenhouse gases.

Nooooo. Really! Why? Well, it doesn’t fit the narrative of the environmentals, that’s why:

Cut and paste into your browser as it is a good article:

Who would have thought. And what about climate Armageddon? Given all of the dire prediction over the years, none have come about. Of course the latest being that if we do not address climate change by contributing trillions of dollars to the UN slush…er climate…fund by 2030 we are doomed.

UN predicted in 1982 that the Maldives would be underwater by January 1 2018 because of rising sea levels. Well, guess what?

See the source image

2019: Yup, can’t you see how worried she is?

Polar bears will be extinct by 2018.

See the source image

Bifurcation, or tipping points, of our planet have been predicted numerous time over the years by non climate scientists like Prince Charles (he had a few), Elizabeth May and others but primarily the UN, which has had a host of dire warnings of climate tipping points that will impact our planet’s survivability. Too many to list here but: 1982, 2002, 2007, 2014, 2015, 2017,2018, and now its 2030…to name but a few.

Katrina, a Cat 3 hurricane, was the worst natural disaster in US history. No, the Galveston hurricane of 1900 was. Check it out. The disaster of Katrina was primarily the result of the city of New Orleans’ poor emergency planning and poor infrastructure. The substandard dykes failed. The could not admit that so the narrative of climate Armageddon as an excuse for the city’s lack of preparation was born.

The Northwest Passage was ice free in 1903. That is how Amundson was able to make his historic transit.

But, many are not convinced and have drunk the climate KoolAid. And why?

Confirmation Bias or Group Think: where anybody else’s opinions are wrong if they go against the grain of the group.

Top: Jussie Smollett critics say that he hired 2 Nigerian friends to stage alleged “Hate Crime” against him. Hence 2 jobs created. The media lapped it up without any shred of fact checking. Group Think prevails. Yet many still believe he is the victim here…no matter what!

Bottom: Alexandra Occaisonally Cortez But Mainly Whacko, the Democratic Party’s current “darling,” was instrumental in the decision by Amazon to scrap their plan to establish a second HQ in New York. 25,000 potential jobs were lost. Queens was not amused. Group Think has consequences.

Now, I normally do not do this but I thought the following video is relevant to todays falsification and misleading of the facts to fit a specific narrative. It is about 20 minutes long but very interesting. Grab a coffee. Warning, background music sucks:

We are being manipulated by the (insert whatever here) narrative.

Research the issues and make up your own mind. By wary of Confirmation Bias and Group Think.

12 Angry Men: Great movie and an indictment of the dangers of Group Thinking.

Canadians….WAKE UP…to the BS that is being pushed onto you. Think!


Have a great Navy day.



I Wuv You!

See the source imageValentine’s card for millennials.

Oh really!

This from a forum called “Psycho News,” or as I like to refer it to: “News From the Dark Cornices of Our Minds:”

“This shouldn’t be a huge surprise. Being objective and impartial is darn near impossible for journalists and all citizens when our cognitive hard-wiring is oriented towards supporting our social group identities when we see and interpret information in the political world.”

Why do journalists report highlight economic news that makes Democrats and Liberals look good while downplaying economic news that makes Republicans and Conservatives look good? Merkley suggests that confirmation bias plays an important part. That means, for the uninitiated, that people tend to select out facts that confirm their beliefs while ignoring facts that tend to disprove them. And he is correct to add that anyone who belongs to a group that thinks a certain way will tend to think the same way… the better to maintain his standing in the group….Group Think…by Irving Janis or down the slippery slope to a 1984 world! Like this:

To think this movie was made in 1927.  Mind blowing!

Democrat newbie, Occasionally Cortez’s mantra? “Don’t bore me with the facts or details. I have the moral high ground so I must be right.”

So why elect Trudeau for Prime Minister? “Well he has such dreamy hair.” one woman responded. Confirmation bias. Nooooooooo!

I remember my “Confirmation” at church. It went something like this:

See the source imageCatholics would get this!

Are woman any different from men? Intellectually, perhaps not, probably superior. But physically? Absolutely not and “viva la difference.” I mean have you ever seen a woman throw a baseball?

See the source image“It’s all in the wrist don’t you know.”                             But then again:

See the source image“It is all in the wrist don’t you know.”

“Everyone and I mean everybody is just a short internal whisper or internal voice away from becoming a psycho.”

“You talking to me?” as I look at myself in the mirror.

See the source image

Why are men intellectually inferior to woman? Well…may be this will help explain the difference:


Progressives aim to destroy our way of life. From “Psycho News” comes this:

“The sexual-harassment policy at the University of New Orleans is so broad that it may effectively ban students from sending each other valentines.”….Geesh

“Are you, yes you, are you talking to me? Well are you? Yo….you?

See the source imageYo baby!

Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes: “Journey to the Centre of Your Mind”

“Psycho-delic man!” Ted Nugent, the lead guitarist in this song and alt right musical icon conservative, always has to be the centre of attention.

Have a great Valentine’s day……………………………Dot!

And to everyone…a good night!

See the source image

And for a very special person out there:



This and That

Thinking about all these never ending Left and Right protests these past few years. I consider myself non partisan but I wonder how people would feel about me if they knew:

  • That I am a practicing Catholic;
  • That I believe in God and a higher power;
  • That personally I am a pro-life type of person – although I believe a woman has the right to choose;
  • That I was in the Navy for 37 years;
  • That I love my country;
  • That I believe in national sovereignty;
  • That I believe in the “Rule of Law”
  • That I respect our History – warts and all;
  • That we should live within our means – everyone, governments included;
  • That some things are worth fighting for;
  • That I am not hypocritical;
  • That I respect our Police and authority;
  • That I respect our constitution and Bill of Rights;
  • That my political views are between me and the ballot box;
  • That criticism and debate of progressive government policies will brand you a racist, a bigot and whatever phobia exists, by the federal Liberal government;
  • That the family compact of 1837 still exists in Canada, especially in Ontario and Quebec;
  • That I love to walk;
  • That I loved my late wife and I love my family;
  • That one should work hard to get ahead in life;
  • That handouts are for dogs and cats, not humans -troubled people excepted;
  • That a social safety net is important, except for cats and dogs;
  • That current music sucks;
  • That today’s news is oxymoronic;
  • That journalists have no work ethic and are dishonest, misleading;
  • That all mind altering drugs are bad, including marijuana;
  • That parents should teach their children morals and not their teachers;
  • That political indoctrination at school is a form of child abuse;
  • That graphic sexual education and promotion of transgenderism to young impressionable minds before puberty is a form of child abuse;
  • That changing the English language is not negotiable by University students;
  • That a good pint of bitter is nirvana;
  • That a good steak is wonderful;
  • That PETA sucks;
  • That Black Olives Matter, especially on Pizza;
  • That you cannot compromise or have a debate with a greenie;
  • That organic pizzas are green;
  • That the word Organic is a Latin word meaning grown in pig shit;
  • That the word Commune is a Latin word meaning shithouse;
  • That going to University is not a god given or atheist given right, its a privilege;
  • That one should pay their own way through school;
  • That climate change purported by politicians is the biggest fraud in history;
  • That Orwell was right and we are now living proof of this;
  • That the Baby Boomer generation was the most self absorbed, self centric generation in history – and I am one of them;
  • That the Baby Boomer generation is primarily responsible for all the shyte we are now going through;
  • That you cannot make your school change the date of a solar eclipse to meet your child’s scheduling demands;
  • That the song “Imagine” is well past its best before date;
  • That bitcoins and climate change are the currency of madness;
  • That to “Make Love, Not War” was not the rallying banner we all thought it was but a thought process of the 1960s that produced a lot of bastards;
  • That I am a Toronto Argonauts fan (thanks Ted); and
  • That’s all she wrote.

And this is all I have to say about that……….

Obviously I am a (insert whatever label here) phobian. So be it but I am happy.

Why can’t we all just get along, be treated equally under the law and be Canadians first and foremost?

Have a great Navy day.



Only You!

Vezelay, here I come.

Can’t wait to get started. But first to the Netherlands to see my wife’s family and friends. Marijke passed last December 8th.

I miss her very much.

Part of this walk is to honour Marijke and a few other people I know dealing with Cancer right now. My hats off to Marijke, Kevin, Gary, Gerry, BC Cancer Clinic and Ruth. Best of luck to all of you. My thoughts and prayers are with you…always.

If you want to help out and be part of the fight against this deadly disease you can make a contribution to the BC Cancer Clinic, or your own local one:

You can donate anything you want in the name of Marijke Morrison or for whomever you know who is fighting this dreadful disease.

I’ll be checking out of here today until my first post 31 July from Vezelay. Hopefully my IPad will work. I may do the odd test post from the Netherlands.

Thanks for supporting this blog especially to my American friend who always seems to be up on this site very early in the morning – at least my time – Pacific. Thanks.

Song of the day:

Such as great band. Here is another tune by Badfinger that makes me think of Marijke:
