“Hey Bev, pass the orange juice will ya.”

Conservative MP Bev Oda was forced by the Liberals to resign over the fact that she paid 16$ for a glass of OJ (at the time about 6 Pounds) while in London England attending a conference. Meanwhile:

“We should all be allies in the fight against climate change because climate change knows no boundaries,” Wilkinson (True-dough’s Liberal Environment Minister) said. “Leaders cannot put their heads in the sand to try and pretend this change is not happening. They are expecting their government to help.”

“No, no, no they expect you, the electorate, to put your heads in the sand so that you won’t see just how corrupt and hypocritical Liberal MPs are.”

In an earlier release, Wilkinson’s environment department disclosed it had spent $683,278 attending a 2019 United Nations Convention on Climate Change that was held in Madrid, Spain. On that voyage, $178,282 was spent on airfare, taxis, and a chauffeured car…and Orange Juice.

Meanwhile under the government’s only essential travel directive Wilkinson and his staff have racked up more than $100,000 in flights this year.

This is insane. This from the UN Org that says lockdowns don’t work.

The World Health Organization is telling families gathering for Christmas to wear masks and social distance during Christmas dinners. 

As reported by the Daily Mail, the WHO admitted that people attending Christmas dinners wearing masks “may feel awkward,” but such practices would “contribute significantly” to saving lives.

Says WHO. Who? The World Health Organization stupid.

Who’s up first, why’s on second and I don’t give a fook is on third.


Here is my take on the vaccine priority

If you give it to 90 year old’s first the morbidity rate falls 2.5%. If you give it to the older 80’s next the morbidity rate falls 28%. If you then give it to those over 60 the morbidity rate falls 75%. So, get going with those over 60 years of age first and you have this virus licked.

Denmark outlaws sex without explicit consent with unanimous passing of new law on rape.

So how does one respond to: “But honey I have a headache tonight.”

A Few Good Them: Woke Canadian judge says lawyers and their clients must state their pronouns when introduced to the court. Ze what?

No more boys or girls? America’s oldest medical journal says birth certificate sex designations ‘HARMFUL for trans’ and must be ABOLISHED.

In California, Christmas caroling is now punishable by 25 years in prison, as it’s detrimental to the public health. In addition to being a potential super-spreader of COVID, Governor Gavin Newsom says he “hates singing” and wishes people would just “cut it out with all the jolliness and joy.”

Canadian government told to change the name of the Trans Canada Highway. Its just not inclusive enough.

I got arrested for driving a Trans-Am…the car  that is.

STASI anyone? ‘Tis the season for snitching? UK home secretary encourages people to dob in neighbours for breaking Covid Christmas rule.

I got to get out of this place.





For What It’s Worth

Does this guy ever get old? I mean this guy looked like this when he was 20. Well exaggeration perhaps but definitely when he was 40. He is 70 now.

Seems like John McCallum, ex Liberal Party MP and ex Ambassador to China, has remained this way forever. Could he be Canada’s version of “The Picture of Dorian Gray?

See the source image

See the source imageJust as scary!

Liberal Speak Alert:

According to the “Rebel,” John McCallum literally accepted $73,000 in free gifts from the communist dictatorship. And those are just the ones that he’s disclosed! In fairness to him he did disclose this to authorities. In his words:

In some important policy areas such as the environment, global warming, free trade, globalization – is there anything else?-  the policies of the government of Canada are closer to the policies of the government of China than they are to U.S. policies… I believe that because of this political situation with Donald Trump, the Chinese are now more interested than before to do things with us… and with anyone else in the world. In a sense, it’s a good thing for me as an ambassador and for Canada with China because, because of these big differences, it gives us opportunities in China. There is no doubt that Canada wants to do more with China, which is what the Prime Minister told me when he asked me to come here.” 

In other words “John flew over the Wuhan Nest”

How do you spell naivety? M.c.C.A.L.L.U.M.

Democrats and leftists triggered by Joe Biden condemning anarchists, arsonists. Say it ain’t so Joe.

“I need my safe space.” One leftist was heard to say.

Gotta love this:

“anarchist” is not some free-floating category of criminal. It’s perfectly legal to be an anarchist, as protected by the first amendment and it’s a gross violation of the spirit of liberty to imply otherwise. People’s ideology do not make them criminals.”
Leftist logic….
After all, burning down buildings and city infrastructure is really only a form of urban renewal – not some criminal act. C’mon now!
Leftist violence, wholesale destruction and insurrection should be a concern to everyone.
See the source imageLeft wing ideology speaks!
See the source image
Democratic national convention dress rehearsal.
This is not your Portland Rose Festival
See the source image
For what its worth.
(just click on the link, then click again)
At least these 1960’s protests were generally peaceful.
This song was written in 1967….The more things change the more things really stay the same.

If you want to help out a struggling Canadian writer, check out my two published books by clicking on the titles at the top of the screen. They are available at Amazon.com or .ca. Just type in the titles in the search bar or click on the links at the site…thanks. Monk’s Orchard is my third attempt at being a writer. It will soon be out on Amazon. I’ll let ya know when.


Liz May has hired an investigator to come and look into those alleged – there is that word again – complaints from her staff that she is caustic, a bully, and harasser. No way says she. So she has put the word out there to all of her supporters to send her money so she can pay for the investigation.

Paying someone to investigate herself? Well we all know the conclusions to that investigation. No story here folks, move on. And her crowd funding move? One must think her supporters are stupid greenies if they fall for that one. See how she laughs. “Lady Madonna, children at your feet. Look at how the greenie chant will make ends meet.” Hahahahahahahahahahahahah…or something like that.

Trolling for donations for her investigation. See even she finds that hilarious. And how can one be a leader of one? Who is there to lead? Yourself? Leader of the Green Party? Now that is an oxymoronic statement, don’t ya tink?

Speaking of leadership. Here is Ms Elliott.  She ran against Patrick Brown for the Ontario PC Leadership. And lost. She was Jim Flaherty’s wife. I would have voted for her. Too bad the dumb conservatives elected Brown. But that is the Conservative way. Put in losers – Hudak, Tory, comes to mind – and, and, and….well….lose.

Hope she wins this time. I doubt it though. PCs will go for some other loser. The Millennial “half of the brain trust” will elect Princess Mulroney because, well you know, she has nice legs. The other half will remain in the basement.

Wynne will win in June. You heard it here first.


Then again, Ontario’s Liberals standby candidate accused of and reprimanded for bad, inappropriate conduct. Allegations again? No way. Only male PCs are shamed or reprimanded. All of the Alligators know that. This though is the Liberal way. They can, and they know it, that they can do anything to a gullible, naïve public – and still win bigly.

Just look at those smiling faces.

Ontarians….hahahahahah…you’re so screwed…..hahahahaha… we love being us…hahahahahahah. We’re the Ontario Liberal Party cock-us…and you’re not! Come to think of it why aren’t more women politicians upset at that word – Caucus? Hmmm? Just saying.

And then there is this guy:

Well I checked it out – so you don’t have to. Merriam says: Mankind: “the human race, human beings – collectively speaking, as in wo…man, and man…not men or women but man and wo…man – mankind.” Get it? Whereas Peoplekind? No such word. It doesn’t exist. Much like our PM’s brain and Elizabeth May’s judgement. No wonder he…Trudeau…likes that word. He can just make it up. Just like the budget or his foreign policy. It’s so, well so…so transparent man.  All the parents of trannies went into a rage over that last statement.

Peoplekind? Sounds like a theme park to me where pseudo adults like Trudeau can bring out their child-like impulses and never grow up.

Today, I am ashamed of being a Canadian

Thus just in from the Moonbat State:

The oxymoronic Feminist Business School, founded by Evergreen State College graduate Jennifer Armbrust, teaches that capitalism is an “economy that values masculine traits” such as “meritocracy,” “competition,” and “individualism.” The California-based site recently launched two more online courses to coach aspiring businesswomen on how to “topple the patriarchy” and promote a more “feminist economy.” Like…tampons for everyone in… Peoplekind…………Geesh!

Leftist Beta Males, as compared to Righteous Alfa Males, complain that the  movie “12 Strong” promotes toxic masculinity. Is there any other kind? This from those same dudes, and I use that word loosely, who complained that the movie Dunkirk was bad as there were no women or people of colour in it. Peoplekind you mean? Too bad. No we’d prefer “Pee Wee’s Great Adventure!”

Image result for pic of the halifax explosion

Halifax’s 1917 explosion didn’t go far enough. Halifax’s Council votes to remove the statue of Cornwallis, the city’s founding father, to appease First Nation sensitivities. The town of Cornwallis is next. Then Halifax as well. Then St John, St John’s for it nasty Christian connotations don’t you know. And on and on it will go. I’m getting out of “Dodge” and moving to Hungary with its beautiful city of Budapest. It is time that we took our country back.

First Nations? Either join us as Canadians “First” or get off the money pot and form your own national governance structure in this country but without the multi-billion dollar largesse that you receive from us every year. Leave us alone and we’ll leave you alone. And why oh why do we cave to activists who demand we change our ways but who will never accept the Canadian way of life? I am not racist or a bigot. I am one pissed off Canadian who is tired of the gift that keeps on giving. That’s my rant.

Song of the day:

Have a wonderful Wednesday


SJ……………………………….Out of here.





Imagine That!

Premier Notley of Alberta and her apologists insist the multi-faceted throttling (is there any other kind of throttling?) of the energy sector is necessary to obtain a “social licence” to develop Alberta’s oil and gas resources. “Is that like a liquor licence?” her rookie environ-mental minister was heard to ask.

But in spite of everything that’s been done to get that liquor licence, the current state and future prospects of the industry are bleaker than ever. “I mean who can’t be social with a few beer down your gut?”  Her consumer affairs minister was heard to say. “Rachel Notley’s dream that if Alberta became more environ-mental and socially irresponsible everyone would embrace us and allow our projects to proceed.” says Dahl bluntly. “Our opponents don’t want us to do a better job, they want us drunk!  No matter what we do, all they think of is the next way to stop or slow us down.  “Let go for a drink and think about this,” he then said.

You cannot negotiate with an environ-mental. Especially an environ-mental with a liquor licence. It’s like trying to persuade a grizzly bear not to kill ya.

Image result for Pics of bears mauling humansSpeaking of bears let’s move on to wabbits

Looks as if the Presidento of Venezuela, you know that Holly’s Woody in the Morning’s example of how a progressive country should look like, has stated to his starving people: “What’s the problem here folks. Just adopt the MBA solution, like I have, from my economic advisors! “Let them eat Wabbits.” Maduro was heard to say. “Wabbits in Venezuela.” Sounds like a catchy tune to me. Just like those Looney Tunes.

Image result for Nicolás Maduro

For all of you critics out there of my economic policies, take two of my best. A lost cause.

You know, wabbits chomp on a lot of weed man. Which could be a growing grow-op growth industry in the Province of Ontario. Perhaps this is how Ontario should be handling its weed problem. Just ask this guy:

Image result for pics of marijuana problems in ontario

Ontario’s new environ-mental guy.

By the way, Bitcoin and climate change are the currencies of madmen.

Sudbury bi-election trial. Is this a LGBTQ joke man? Sudbury? What’s a Sudbury anyway? Is that like a new Cadbury milk bar?

OTTAWA — What should you watch for in Ottawa this fall as Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government hits its busy mid-term? Hard question. But I do know how Justin can handle the environ-mental file. Yes, I thought about this all weekend long and have come up with a novel and transparent, translucent solution.

Just tell everyone that your government is fully behind all of the climate change hype, will endorse all treaties, UN governance directives, attend all meetings but say nothing at these meetings other than “Canada accepts all of the recommendations of the IPCC, Paris Accord, Copenhagen Treatise, (insert climate change name here) etc etc. And then: “DO NOTHING.” Just like the EU, China and India do. Canada will then become an environ-mental darling of the “Jet Set.”

Liberals also want to use aggressive but entirely undemocratic time-honoured “time allocation ploy” to push thru their agenda. “We want to be transparent,” Liberal’s speaker of the house, Chagger says. “When we screw Canadians, at least we will be telling them beforehand that they are being screwed. After all Canadians are sooo smug when they are getting screwed because no other nation on the planet gets screwed by their leaders more than Canada…so there! They love being screwed.”

Liberal Government’s Passport system now $75M over budget. And these guys are going to look after legalized marijuana for Canadians.  How do you spell legalized marijuana in Canada? B..L..A..C..K…    M..A..R..K..E..T!

This kills me, but makes me want to cry:  BBC airs a segment on how to do your make-up after a terrorist’s acid attack! Are you kidding me? I thought the standard EU  response to terror was to place a piano out on the street or square with some guy or gal playing “Imagine.”

Yeah, that’s going to do it…for sure

Spencer f—ing Tracy’: Who are the A-listers that celebrities themselves are dying to meet? (TIFF). I would say to those A-Listers: “Be careful what you wish for!” See my statement on Rachel McAdams sleep walking episode


Image result for Pics of bears mauling humansAnother candidate for a Darwin Award. Must be from Venezuela. Hey man, that ain’t no wabbit!


Harry Dean Stanton died Friday. Great actor. Rest in Peace man.


Happy Monday
