Statistics Canada says economy added 230,700 jobs in June. “Fantastic news.” says Trudeau. Macdonald’s and Burger King couldn’t be reached for comment.I am fully vaccinated but…but…we’re still required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test before returning to Canada and must take a second test upon arrival, which could cost hundreds of dollars.Some vacation destinations, such as the United States, Jamaica and Saint Lucia, also require travelers to provide proof of a negative test upon entry — including those who are vaccinated. So Canadians heading to such destinations must also pay to get a test before departing, which can cost upward of $100.Follow da money. In the end a little jab won’t do ya. We are still being screwed, not jabbed.
Warning: Liberal speak in bound:
Liberal MP William Amos says he appeared naked on camera twice due to ‘hyperactive multitasking’
“I just couldn’t pull it off.” He remarked. “I tried and tried but no reaction. It just wouldn’t come up.”
Hey, the Olympics are coming. Can’t wait:
Should be exciting. Especially watching the trans woman’s weightlifting competition…Not me.
Lauren (nee Laurel) Hubbard
Poor real women. They haven’t got a chance.
It’s a crazy world huh Laurel?
What’s not to like? As a country we are in debt up to our collective eyeballs. We will never be free of it yet the government keeps on spending like there is no tomorrow. It has to end and it will and it will not be pretty. Of course the government will demand that we the taxpayer make undue sacrifices to bail them out….so they can do it again and again.
A guy named Schwab. A German no doubt. A Global reset. Hitler couldn’t do it by force so Schwab and the UN will accomplish world domination by deception.
With the Great Reset we will own nothing but Schwab and his cast of Marxist cartoon characters in the UN will own everything.
Not a conspiracy here folks but facts. What is it with the Germans anyway? WW I, WW 2 wasn’t enough chaos, death and destruction on a global scale – now this? Why are Germans such a bunch of sauerkrauts anyway?
Schwab kinda reminds me of this guy:
Blofeld was something else.
Of course the Great Reset will occur synergistically with the UN’s Agenda 2030:
The narration kinda sounds like an avatar.
But reality really bites:
Free public transportation:
Free housing:
Free food:
Free health care:
Free Education
No possessions
And no religion too
Imagine this?
Oh No! The white grand piano in John Lennon’s minimalist abode.
But remember. Even with this UN and Great Reset ideology, somebody has to be in charge.
An elitist’s house no doubt after the great reset.
Two words describe this nightmarish utopia world as brought to you by the UN and World Economic Forum:
Commune and Ism.
An excerpt from my book “I Thought I’d Died and Gone to Heaven.”
“Sandy lived in a commune in the southeast end of the city. It was so cool, she told me. Yes it was sooo cool, figuratively and literally, but also rundown and shabby, ten of her closest friends living together under one roof. The only enterprising dude in all of this was the landlord. His dependency was not the free-spirited, enterprising skills of the inhabitants of his rundown abode but the municipal government’s largesse of the day, affectionately known by all of the caterers of the hippie commune crowd as “Welfare Wednesdays.” And commune is just a hippie expression and a Latin word meaning… shithouse!
“Sandy showed me her space, which was in the corner of a large open basement, damp, dark, and dank, with just a dirty mattress and a blanket curtain marking off her personal territory: a bare incandescent lightbulb her only means of artificial light. It was sooo cool, she kept reminding me. And you’re so square, uptight, so un-cool, she would criticize me to no end. Get with the program, she would insist. Her limited vocabulary was only limited by the amount of drugs she imbibed. The letter “C” being a predominant determinant of their nondescript and boring alphabet and part and parcel of the hippie dialogue and cultural landscape. What she didn’t tell me was the number of times she was robbed of her food and money by her cadre of close but oh sooo cool family of friends.”
And that was written to reflect a true life experience in 1969.
We’ll all become algorithms in this new but old construct. The more things change the more they stay the same – as the old saying goes.
Canada’s Federal minister in charge of student volunteer grant program can’t say how much of $30 million paid to WE has been reimbursed.
Oh, I don’t know…probably none of it. But hey, it’s only money right?
“We can share that … $30 million has been released to the organization through the contribution agreement. I was not aware of how much money has been returned,” Bardish Chagger, Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Youth, said Tuesday to House of Commons ethics committee members.
Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Youth?? Are you kidding me? How does one administer diversity, administer inclusion, youth? When asked Bardish just shrugged. “Ask we.”
“Oskee wee wee, oskee wah, wah…Ticats….eat em raw.”
Have you noticed that Canada is slowly but surely becoming a third world country with corruption, nepotism, discriminate policies and political favoritism to garner votes? We opened this country to third world immigrants. We want to become diverse because diversity is our strength – or so we have been told. Does being diverse come with a cost to our freedoms, values and ethics? Will our attempt with more diversity, adversity (sic) undermine our political institutions as we adopt third world constructs so as not to offend any one particular group? Will these diverse groups assimilate into our Canadian way of life and adopt our core values or bring their own third world way of life and attitudes with them?
Oh, I don’t know whitey. Your white privilege is toxic and destructive. Black Lives Matter don’t you know.
You don’t?
Craziness. LA Times says camping is racist!!
So says the woman (?) at the bottom right in the photo who identifies as being black.
Canada’s redesigned $10 bill has earned the Bank of Canada a Bank Note of the Year Award from the International Bank Note Society (IBNS) –
IBNS?? I didn’t know there was such an organization.
It is also very, very difficult to put this bill in your wallet or money fold as this bill keeps slip, slip, sliding away. Perhaps that is the point. John A, Canada’s first Prime Minister, a Conservative, used to grace our 10$ bill. Everyone knows John A. Very few people outside of Canada’s Bureau for Political Correctness has ever heard of Viola Desmond. But that is the Liberal way. Robert Borden, the Prime Minister who graces our 100$ bill will be next to go because the liberal government under Trudeau only recognizes Liberal Prime Ministers, especially those from Quebec. You will never see Laurier (5$ bill) or King (50$ bill) removed.
Then again how can any country that has a currency like this one be taken seriously:
The Queenie
Short takes – all taken from national and international news:
We have to do something about cats. They are an environmental abomination;
We have to do something about dogs as they are anathema (look it up) to cats;
Cats and Dogs cause climate change;
Trump causes climate change;
SPAM and other processed meats cause climate change;
Cheese Whiz and Kraft Dinner are only one molecule away from being plastic – and this is news…why?? This is something all guys are aware of;
Cultured lab meat may make the climate worse – but only in confined spaces;
Meat kills study is rotten to the bone; so says the League of Vegetarians;
California spent $178 Million dollars per fish, yes per fish, to introduce Salmon back into the San Joaquin River…they all died;
Modern music causes climate change – I can’t argue with that one.
And now a picture from Canada’s melted Arctic
Y no Kyoto or don’t eat the canned meat (thanks to SDA).
Finally: it’s getting crazier and crazier with every single day:
AN Oxford University professor has claimed aliens are already breeding with humans to create a new hybrid species that will save the planet. Dr Young-hae Chi, an instructor in Korean at Oxford’s Oriental Institute, part of the prestigious university, thinks this new species will save Earth from annihilation from climate change.
Obama agrees given his latest architectural monstrosity:
Hey, I’ve been a Vegan all my life. And I’m no alien. I’m from San Francisco!
Well, Turd-dope must be happy today. Same with McKenna, Butts, Weaver and Horgan. Trans-Canada pipeline and Energy East is bailing. Getting out of Canada. Too bloody riskaaay here for business. So, here we are a country rich in natural resources that could be energy independent but no, no, noo, Canadians being so smug we are going to save the planet at the expense of our own economic well-being and continue to import unethical dirty oil from the middle east.
Energy East faced intense opposition in Quebec, where the province’s premier said the line posed a significant risk to its freshwater resources.
Mayor of a major Quebec City was heard to say at a photo-op recently near a city outfall on the St Laurence River not too long ago: “Energy East posed just too high of an environmental risk to our fresh water resources here. Oh, s’cuse me, s’cuse me for one moment guys” he interrupted the reporters. “Okay guys open up those flood gates and turn on the pumps. High volume. Get that shit out of here NOW,” as 2 gazillion litres of raw sewage was pumped into the river. Now get those pumps going full tilt as it’s a long way to the east coast.”
He then told all of the residents of the city to flush twice!
Canadians are really bad with math. We have embraced the new math as well. You know the new math recently discovered by archeologists. It is so up there with the math that Canadians value:
You know the one: 1 + 1 = 3
Its called Self Destructive Math.
Investment / Innovation / Entrepreneurs = strong economy = good paying jobs = good revenue stream = good tax base = great social programs = great quality of life.
Yeah, but with the new economy we’ll have barista and joints on every street corner in Canada. Instead of smelling the roses I can’t wait to smell the grass man.
This equation is so simple yet something our politicians and so-called leaders can never seem to grasp. Their math is the new math which is out of whack with just about everything else. But then again, we being Canadians, we are smarter than everybody else. Reminds me of a Kink’s song:
Speaking of the middle eastern culture, this just in: seen on a beach somewhere on the French Riviera. This year’s Miss Muslim Worlds…three contestants of this years burqa wearing segment. Representing which countries? Well we just do not know.
It was very difficult one judge was heard to say. There was no clear winner here! I think the new rules starting with the 2020 Miss Muslim Worlds will see some colour coordination during the contest. Whew!
Another WHY, WHY, WHY OH WHY moment. They’re bringing back Rosanne. I guess we just have not had enough with the gay, now transgendered lifestyle being rammed down our throats and other places in our body mystique. Will and Grace returns, now Rosanne and her totally dysfunctional family. Only this time we are going to have a grandchild character who is “Gender Fluid.” Gender fluid? What does that mean someone asked someone from Holly’s Woody in the Morning” crowd. “Well like, you see like it’s like this man like, or is it a woman like, or perhaps a boy or maybe a girl like or like zey, zirt or like zits buddy-ess likeness…wow”
Say what?
“Oh I get it, Gender Fluid is like as in Trans-mission fluid like, to keep that engine going”
“Hey that’s cool. Transmission Fluid. I like that, like maybe for next falls lineup.? Cool. perhaps a new action drama like in:
“Trans Mission Impossible”
Somali refugee charged with Edmonton terror attack was a refugee but he was a Canadian refugee, so that’s better an official was heard to say. “Well how do you know that?” a reported deemed to ask. “Well, hahhahaha, he yelled, hahahahahah….. Alahu Akbar eh? as he was mowing down pedestrians. So funny eh?”
Trudeau’s response to this attack: “we have to embrace diversity, openness. Yes, we have all kinds of terrorists here in Canada. Not just Somalis. No, no, no, but we embrace diversity so we’ll allow these guys and gals to come in here from anywhere in the world because, like all things, Canada is the world’s first post national state……………….of chaos.
Gawd, where’s Maxwell Smart when you need him!
Leafs win their first game of the 80 plus game season. Quick, somebody, organize the parade now!
Trudeau also booed on Parliament Hill by Indigenous women on the Murdered and Missing Women Inquiry, which has been going on now for over 2 years and is in serious trouble. 7 officials resigned already for reasons unknown.
“We want more transparent….money. Rack up our per diem…now!” they chanted to wild cheering.”