Every Breath You Take

Computer problems this morning. No reason. Just would not boot up. Don’t ya just love technology? Got it going.

Interesting reading the Letters to the Editor. Better than the comics. One guy wants to stop all the use of fossil fuels tomorrow. To save the planet. He is a real fossil fool.

Another one thinks this Greta Whatever, that 14 year old Swede who claims she can see CO2, to get all students around the world to go on strike immediately until such time as all governments address climate change…like yesterday. Students are ecstatic. Snow days every day. Even in the spring. Teachers are also ecstatic over this but still want more money for not working. Given the wholesale destruction of our economy where do they think the money will come from?

I see CO2. All school children around the world have gone on strike.

See the source image

Well yeah, so what? I can see dead people. So there. All funeral directors around the world have responded and have gone on strike.


Oh yeah, yeah. Well, I’ll be damned. I can’t see anything.

Interestingly when I asked this young person if CO2 is a poison she responded, well yes, and we must do everything in our power to eradicate this poison.

See the source image

A world without CO2.

I see weird people, everywhere. Out teachers are doing a fine job of indoctrinating our youth. Child abuse? You bet.

Interesting how the media and special interest groups manipulate people. It is no longer right to say vegetarian. No the new word is “Plant Based Foods” or “Plant Based Meats.”  That’ll do it. But you can’t fool me.

Global warming morphed into climate change, which has now morphed into………………drum role please…….da daaaaa:

Climate Emergency

Did you know that when Mount St Helens blew in 1980 that the world’s temperature dropped about 0.3 degrees Celsius. And that the ambient air temperature fell significantly during the solar eclipse of September 2017? Did ya? Well did ya?

Given that these volcanic erections adversely impact all life on earth and that Trudeau’s 4 cents a litre carbon tax will stop tornaters, floods and wild fires from occurring, then stopping all volcanic erections across the planet, as well as all solar eclipses, should be a walk in the dark for our politicians – don’t ya think.……….Canadians:

Wake up

We are being duped. Time to rid ourselves of this madness.

70th Anniversary of George Orwell’s 1984 novel. If you do not think we are headed in that direction, think again. It is happening now. A world wide Metropolis:

See the source image

We’re all just sheep being herded to the slaughter.

The UN’s ultimate goal?

One World Government

And Trudeau would love to see that.

Wait for a tax on the air that we breathe as we all exhale CO2

That is all she wrote.

They’ll be watching you.

Have a great Navy day.



Carbon Crap….er Tax

A Carbon tax is being introduced nation wide by our dear leader. He made this announcement at the same time as environ-mental leaders were discussing environ-mental issues and carbon pricing initiatives down the road in Quebec with Ms McKenna, Canada’s Minister of the Environment, also known as Climate Barbie. Was this a planned pre-emptive strike? Don’t know but something sure is rotten in the state of Denmark!

See the source image

I cringed when B.C. brought in a Carbon Tax and I am cringing still with Trudeau’s Carbon taxing plan. It just tells me that these people have no clue with respect to basic chemistry 

Carbon © is an essential element of the Periodic Table (#6). I like to think of it as nature’s table or nature’s chemistry. Carbon forms the key component for all known life on earth so to tax Carbon is to tax all humanity for being, well, human. The human body is made up of 18.3% carbon.

If it is Carbon Dioxide (CO2) that our dear leaders are trying to control and capture then say so. CO2 is not C. But even CO2, which is comprised of one Carbon Atom and two Oxygen Atoms, is an important compound element of nature’s chemistry table. It is found when we exhale, when we fart, shyte and just about everything else that we do. It is a byproduct for much of what occurs here on our planet, organically or mechanically. Carbon Dioxide is not an environmental polluting agent because it is not detrimental or poisonous to life (Biology Cabinet). Carbon dioxide cannot kill living cells by altering their structure or physiology in the same way, for example, as a snake venom will. It can only suffocate an organism when Oxygen is not present at a sufficient concentration to sustain life. 

The difference between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide is one less oxygen atom in the molecule of carbon monoxide. This small difference renders carbon monoxide toxic and carbon dioxide vital. V..I..T..A..L! 

I would hazard to guess that many of our politicians and their bureaucratic advisers are missing an atom or two as well. They’re policies are surely toxic.  And you know where this is headed?

What does Trudeau think of this Carbon Tax?

See the source image

Some stats:

That the Arctic would be ice free by 2014, then 2016                                  NOT

That the polar bear would be in dire straits by now.  Last I heard the band was doing alright with the members that they had.                                    NOT

That the Arctic ice melt will drown North America. Ever heard of Archimedes and his principle?  Eureka, I thought…………………………………………………………………………………………………NOT

Mt Kilimanjaro’s snow cap would disappear by now.                                 NOT

Some people are making big money out of this                                             YUP

No snow by now, by golly, ever again,                                                               NOT    Damn!

See the source image Say what? What did you say? No snow anymore? Am I in a dream state?

Sea levels are rising. At least not where I live. The tidal gauge hasn’t changed since 1853. Maldives are still there though the cabinet moved back on to dry land.                                                                                                              NOT

See the source imageWe want a Trillion Dollars UN

More severe weather. Only in the minds of the MSM                                 NOT

More floods, more wildfires, droughts, tornados, hurricanes               NOT

Severe weather. Oh, you mean stormy weather, etta boy                         NOT

Eastern Seaboard will disappear. Damn, no more Boardwalk?             NOT

Governments are collecting millions in taxes over this                           YUP

“Are you satisfied? That you steal our money and make jackasses out of us all??”                                                                                                                                          NOPE

(Katherine Hepburn to Burt Lancaster in the 1956 movie: “The Rainmaker”)

And millions upon millions and millions of people still believe this shyte.                                                                                                                                                   YUP

When I was growing up we were only concerned with or heard about the weather in our local hood. But today we learn of, or are aware of, floods in Bangladesh, Hurricanes in Haiti, Typhoons in the Philippines, Wildfires in New Mexico , Earthquakes in Italy, Drought in Sudan, the very instant that they occur. So no wonder it seems as if the entire planet is on a “tilt-a-meter.” Yet these events have always occurred. The only difference being is that today, unlike 30-40 years ago, global communications, the fear mongering UN, and apocalyptic reporting by the MSM have brought these naturally occurring events into our living rooms on a continuous basis……..Geeesh! And that is another reason I no longer watch the news on TV.

Trudeau to David Suzuki. Heard in passing:

Hey David, hahahahahahahah….we got that Carbon Tax through, hahahahahaha. Canadians are soooo naïve Davey…Can I call you Davey, David?….hahahahahah, and stupid. It’s like manna from heaven for a politician..hahahahah.

See the source image

But, but, but, you know what? hahahahahahahha. And this is the best part, hahahahahahahah. I can hardly talk here Davey. hahahahahahah….did you know that we exhale C02 with every breath we take? huh? Huh? Davey? Huh? hahahahahahah….we can tax the air…the air Davey. Think of it? Damn, I’m so good. How I love being me…hahahahaahahahahah.

Trudeau’s “Manna from Heaven” on wheels:

See the source imageIt’s really weed, man. Government weed!

Unless we begin to push back, we are doomed                                               YUP

“We’ll be taxing you! Every single day, we’ll be taxing you.”



Don’t know how you feel but “Sting’s” music has sucked ever since he left the “Police.”


Have a great Navy day.



State of Confusion

Vezelay here I come:

See the source image             The start of my 900 Km trek, 01 August

Hey, check out Kurofune, top right link on this page. Getting great reviews…if I do say so myself. here is one:

“GREAT BOOK” John, couldn’t put it down. Loved the way you wove in the military, historical and personal aspects of this very important part of WW II. Your descriptions of the battle from a marines prospectus really made me appreciate the sacrifices these young men made. Also really enjoyed the way you interwove the personal stories of the family on Siapan (sic) and Ted Culp, showing the huge and lasting consequence of War on peoples lives. Well done, a must read and I can see a movie coming out of this. Marijke would have been very proud.”

Marijke was my wife. She died 08 December 2017 from cancer.

What is the old saying? “Life is tough but when you are stupid it’s horrendous.” And here in BC we are all stupid in believing the BC government’s Carbon Tax is revenue neutral. What does the average Dude or Dudess on the street say about that:


Say it ain’t so. We are all being neutralized to the tune of over 6 bucks a fill-up for this so called revenue neutral Carbon Tax.. If anyone reads this from another country do not fall for this government “sleight of hand” in your own country less you be defined by your actions as a really stupid electorate. It is a huge fraud!

What do government officials in BC have to say about this discovery?

“Seriously folks. Listen to me Canadians. This Carbon Tax is revenue neutral and will help us save the planet:”

See the source imageMeanwhile, as heard in the government “Caucus:”

See the source image“And then I said…hahahahahah, and this is the best part….that it is….hahahahahahahah….revenue neutral! Can you believe it? hahahahahahah..They fell for it…Hahahaaha..Life is so good when you are me.”

“Oh Jus-ton. You are one ton of Carbon laughs… dude.”

“No David, that is…..hahahahahahah…50 tons man”

Meanwhile, from the unintended consequences file come this (thanks Maggie’s farm):

“Finland Ends its Basic Income Experiment.”

“So what’s the problem?” someone asked

“We couldn’t get anybody to work the programme!”

And from my “I know you were just dying to hear this bit of fluff” file comes this:

“Monkees are having inter-species sex.” Climate Change to Blame.

See the source image “We are? News to us. By the way, what is climate change?”

It is getting so bad now that beggars on Victoria’s downtown streets are now asking pedestrians for climate change. Failing that! Bitcoins.

“Life is tough! When you’re stupid it’s horrendous.” I love that quote.

Just too many lies… people. Do not fall for it. Kick these guys and gals out at your next election. Demand common sense policies:

“If it doesn’t make sense then it is nonsense.”

Song of the day: State of Confusion in this Land of Confusion.

Have a nice day.

