The Liberal Party of Canada just had their annual convention:
Liberals will debate proposals to create a network of high-speed rail lines across Canada, a green new deal for the country and a universal basic income at the party’s virtual convention this week.
This year’s policy resolutions run a wide spectrum, with resolutions on such issues as expanding rural rail…erm…internet access:Canada is taking its lead on the rail line from New Zealand:
Oh Trudeau’s version of across Canada is across Quebec. or code for : this will never happen west of Cornwall under the Libs.
Raising old-age security payments: last time by $6.13 a month – not even enough to buy a 6 pack of beer in Canada. But heh, they can say they kept their promise.
A proposal to create “Canada’s green new deal” calls for a transition to a net-zero carbon economy with a plan implemented over the next decade to transform the country’s industry and infrastructure. The Libs are never creative stealing yet another concept from those dastardly Americans – particularly that US Dem rep Alexandria Occasionally Cortez but Generally Whacko: Code for: Raise taxes like crazy and never accomplish anything. Another resolution from party members in Newfoundland and Labrador calls for the government to provide “meaningful retraining supports,” including replacing income and paying tuition, for workers from industries with high carbon emissions. Code for: let them learn code.It also calls on the government to fund alternative energy sources like solar, wind and nuclear while also developing a hydrogen sector in Canada.
The hydrogen economy.
The Liberal caucus is sponsoring three resolutions, one that would have the government promote Canada as an “agricultural superpower” – giving the farmer what they want with their left hand then shafting them big time with their right.
And another that would bring in national standards on long-term care, something the party has pledged to do. Just like they did after SARS in 2003. How is that working for ya?
The caucus is also one of several sponsors on a resolution calling for the government to move towards setting up a basic income program. The resolution argues the move would save administration costs and help Canadians who need the support. Whoa, wait now. If you set up a basic income strategy then no one will want to work and if no one is working who is going to run that program. Just saying.The great thing about the Liberals is that they know that over 65% of Canadians vote left, or progressive, so they can say anything that they want to entice Canadians to continue to vote for them then fall back on their promises and continue to tax, tax, tax with not a single dime going into any of the so called liberal pledges. Next big tax grab will be a “life tax” on a tax on the air that we breathe. The Conservative Party of Canada’s platform.SJ…Out
At the NDP national convention a motion was passed to nationalize all car manufacturers in Canada. As governments screw up everything they touch this will be the new Canadian automobile:
or this beaut:
Go for it Hazmat Singh
Oh and he wants to:
One motion pushes for “an end to the heroic commemoration” of Canada’s first prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, and to remove his statues from public places. And to change our flag to include indigenous symbology and innovation, such as their version of the wheel:
I’m outa here. This is not my Canada anymore if this happens. Then again the NDP will never exist as a government just as:
an end to all “trade and economic cooperation with illegal settlements in Israel-Palestine” and a suspension of arms sales to Israel until “Palestinian rights are upheld.”
Palestine has never existed ever as a country. So too will go Canada’s communist party, the NDP.
Other resolutions?:
The complete or partial defunding, disarming and disbanding of police forces in Canada.
Yeah, that will work.
Calls on the government to freeze military spending, while another proposes “the phasing out of the Canadian Armed Forces.”
I cannot believe that these delegates are educated people.
The construction of affordable housing on vacant federal lands.
Oh, like this:
Yes but free satellite TV.
Just a partial list of NDP madness. Then again they can say whatever they want because they will never form a government.
Geesh, and my federal representative is a member of that party.
Canada’s new national anthem. Just insert Canada where appropriate:
Canadian madness.
We will look at Canada’s Liberal Party convention motions tomorrow. And the day after, the Conservatives, and after that the Greens. After all I am non partisan.
Black woman suffers from cake retention disorder. “There is no cake that I cannot eat” she says. “Therefore I am really fat because I love white angel food cake and white chocolate cake. Therefore, therefore and here-to-fore I am fat because of racism.”
“So try eating chocolate cake.” some one suggested to her. After all Black Cake Matters. You will feel much better for it.”
“Mmm,- yummy. I am a black woman eating cake and I can’t help it as I was born this way…Black Cake really does Matter…yummy in my tummy.”
Other craziness:
Out of Portland Oregon, that harbinger of leftist culture:
“Trees are racist because they remind one of lynching.” Lumber? Soon to be banned from a Home Depot near you. Oh and the word “depot:” must go too as it refers to an area that mustered slaves before they were lynched years ago.
Tree huggers are all in a tizzy over this one. “Ban trees and cut em all down.” “Oops can’t say that.” “Say what?” “Cut em down.”
I kid you not.
For decades, Democrats and their economic advisers have agreed: broadly-shared growth requires more government investment. They’ve just lacked the power to invest.
President Joe Biden delivers a speech on infrastructure spending at Carpenters Pittsburgh Training Center, Wednesday, March 31, 2021, in Pittsburgh.
“If I had a hammer, I’d hammer in the mornin…” Biden hums. “By the way, where is everybody?”
That’s why President Joe Biden’s “Build Black Better” economic plan has so energized the White House, his party and outside allies. The new President and congressional Democratic majorities have a chance, finally, to make it happen.
They will bring back slavery. That way inequality is solved as everyone is a slave. No one, except government of course, will be a master.
And as with all that government touches they will be Masters of Fu*& All.
“After all, the great democratic dream before the civil war was slavery. Every slave state in the Confederacy was Democrat. Every black man south of Mason Dixon was the same. Then that dastardly republican Lincoln came around and ruined everything.”
Breaking news: Ontario’s ghost towns are disappearing at an alarming rate. The city of Ottawa has been added to this list as parliamentarians haven’t been seen or heard from for years…more to come.
Groping in Canada’s military has hit a new high and must be cur-tailed…so says Canada’s groper in chief…”Do as I say and not as I do…doo.” he was want to say.
Our illustrious Prime Minister’s official Easter Greetings. No mention of Good Friday or the meaning of Easter…but Ramadan? When are we going to rid ourselves on this idiot.
To Muslims…
And to Christians….
And in BC….
Bonnie Henry is the Province of BC’s Chief Medical…”do as I say and not as I do…” Officer.
What would happen if everyone just stopped wearing a mask?
From Conrad Black:
Canadians should consider much more seriously than they have the implications of the charge against us and our forebears of genocide against Indigenous people – brought on by our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. It is the most heinous charge that can be made and there is no evidence whatsoever that any Canadian authority ever advocated or imposed any policy on Natives or anyone else that was designed to eliminate or shorten lives or truly eliminate their culture. As I’ve written here before, the Native victimhood industry, pushing on an open door and frequently incited and echoed by self-hating English- and French-Canadians, has propagated the implicit notion that the presence of the Europeans in Canada was an intrusion and occupation that was morally almost indistinguishable from Hitler and Stalin’s subjugation of Poland in 1939, though not as violent. The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples recommended in 1996 that approximately one-third of all of Canada be carved out and given to the sovereign rule of the four per cent of Canadians who qualify as Indigenous people, without any burden of taxation, to be sustained for all eternity by the taxpaying residents of this country. To call things by their rightful names, this would be national suicide.
Think of this quote:
“If we continue to cancel everything sooner than later we will have to cancel ourselves.”