It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad World Out There

Sorry, late today – host server was down.

The world is going crazy, especially here in Canada. I thought I would just throw a few out there:

Canada declares a Climate Emergency then approves, the very next day, for the expansion of a major oil pipeline????!!!!????

In response a call to arms announced to every single young protester and anarchist out there to descend on Canada’s Burnaby Mountain immediately.

Consider this from that ANTIFA, BLM crowd of nice people:

  • White pumpkin lattes considered white privilege;
  • On a related note a Belgium farmer grows the world’s largest gourd – er a pumpkin, and it’s white. Man, that’s a whole lot of lattes;
  • Hurricane (insert name here) is a result of climate change. Anyone remember Galveston hurricane of 1900? The US’ deadliest and costliest hurricane on record. Yes Virginia, far worse than Katrina;
  • According to Gore and Obama, sea level has risen 1 foot off the southeast coast of the US. Funny that, but it hasn’t risen here! Yeah, but this is the NW coast. Oh I forgot;
  • This just in from the “World is Flat – Alexandra Occasionally Cortez But Generally Whacko” crowd:

Science is dead at a Capetown University. Science does not support black magic and witch’s brew, witch is a fact of life’s reality here in South Africa in that one witch can throw a lightening strike at another witch.  Witch one you may ask? Don’t know but since science cannot support this reality or explain this phenomenon, science must be wrong or irrelevant.

“Many people laughed at this remark because, well, witchcraft is not something that happens. But according to the students, witchcraft is like Isaac Newton’s theory of gravity—it’s just one way of explaining the world, among many. Decolonising the science would mean doing away with it entirely and starting all over again to deal with how we respond to the environment and how we understand it,” the student continued (ref: Hit and Miss Blog).

Give your heads a shake! Students were told to have another white pumpkin latte, go back to their caves and hide and pray because a solar eclipse is incoming;

  • Science is all about white privilege;
  • Archimedes works for Big Oil;
  • A girl scout is suing the Girl Guides for $30M. Girl Guide cookie factories ramping up to 24/7 operations in response;
  • Canadian Gov’t increasing annual deficit to $40B this year. Our gov’t doesn’t seem to worry about debt so why should I;
  • While the world is going to hell in a hand basket, Canadian politicians and Human Rights officials want to ban the use of indigenous names – like the Cleveland Indians, Chicago Black Hawks etc. Some politicians even find the Edmonton Eskimo’s football team’s name offensive. To Who?? They don’t tell us that! But mark my words, Eskimo Pies will be next! Ban refrigerants! Argon! Heck, lets do away with the entire Periodic Table as it was built by Big Oil;
  • CFCs were banned in the 80s. Now HFCs in the 2016s. KFC is next! After that “Water Vapour” as it is a major factor in the world’s climate, perhaps argon as well;
  • Moon craters forming faster than we thought. Caused by Solar Warming. In response, Prime Minister Trudeau directed the Federal Government to come up with a plan to deal with “space weather” to mitigate the increase in moon crater formation. UN calls for first MOP conference to deal with this important development – Moonbats of Parties – to be held in Las Vegas later this year.

I wish I could, but I can’t make this stuff up.

Argons, er Argooos playing this week. I know, they suck, but I am an ardent fan.

We’re having a major storm here late this afternoon. The press has scared the beejeezus out of everyone. We’re all going to die. Yes we are!  See, see this is ground zero of climate change.

No Virginia, It’s the late June storm season.

To think this came out in 1965.

Hey, Punch Buggy – no return.

Relevant today, don’t ya think.. Yeah, but we’re not on the eve of destruction – and it is a wonderful world – if you just let it be.

Have a great day.

SJ………………………………….Out…..Dot, Dot, Dot.

Turn Me Loose

Congrats to Toronto Raptors for the winning of their first NBA title.

See the source image

And now for the Leafs? Ahhh, maybe not.

In  a few more days the Liberal government will gives its verdict on the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion. My verdict?


See the source imageTurn me loose. Turn me loose. Read my


lips. No more pipelines. My brain is engaged. I have a dream.

See the source image

No more pipelines. Yes, I have a dream. No matter where you are from, or the colour of your skin, there will be Barista joints and joints on every street corner of every city and town in this great country of ours. Yes, I have a dream.

And its a nightmare.

Meanwhile Climate Barbie, Trudeau’s erstwhile minister of CO2 has rejected every single recommendation that the conservative members of the senate have proposed to improve the draconian measures that would effectively ban all tankers off the West Coast of Canada and ensure not another resource project or major infrastructure initiative ever gets built in this country.

See the source imageWhat? There are three of her?

I see CO2

I only wish is that she and the entire Liberal Cabinet would breathe CO.

Our wonderful health care system in Canada: man dies of massive bedsore in Ontario hospital. Found 37 other incidents in the same facility.

We have the very best health system in the world………………..NOT.

Major League Baseball analyst sights global warming as the cause of a spike in home runs this season. Yes, there is a lot of hot air these days around the ball parks. No one mentioned crappy pitching.

Then this just in from that icon of journalistic integrity Joy Behar of the View: “Global Warming could stop Joe Biden from curling…er curing cancer if he becomes President.”

Doesn’t anyone else see the humour in all of this. Yet people actually believe this shyte.

That’s all for now. Very slow news day.

Again, congrats to Raptors.

Have a great weekend.




Every Breath You Take

Computer problems this morning. No reason. Just would not boot up. Don’t ya just love technology? Got it going.

Interesting reading the Letters to the Editor. Better than the comics. One guy wants to stop all the use of fossil fuels tomorrow. To save the planet. He is a real fossil fool.

Another one thinks this Greta Whatever, that 14 year old Swede who claims she can see CO2, to get all students around the world to go on strike immediately until such time as all governments address climate change…like yesterday. Students are ecstatic. Snow days every day. Even in the spring. Teachers are also ecstatic over this but still want more money for not working. Given the wholesale destruction of our economy where do they think the money will come from?

I see CO2. All school children around the world have gone on strike.

See the source image

Well yeah, so what? I can see dead people. So there. All funeral directors around the world have responded and have gone on strike.


Oh yeah, yeah. Well, I’ll be damned. I can’t see anything.

Interestingly when I asked this young person if CO2 is a poison she responded, well yes, and we must do everything in our power to eradicate this poison.

See the source image

A world without CO2.

I see weird people, everywhere. Out teachers are doing a fine job of indoctrinating our youth. Child abuse? You bet.

Interesting how the media and special interest groups manipulate people. It is no longer right to say vegetarian. No the new word is “Plant Based Foods” or “Plant Based Meats.”  That’ll do it. But you can’t fool me.

Global warming morphed into climate change, which has now morphed into………………drum role please…….da daaaaa:

Climate Emergency

Did you know that when Mount St Helens blew in 1980 that the world’s temperature dropped about 0.3 degrees Celsius. And that the ambient air temperature fell significantly during the solar eclipse of September 2017? Did ya? Well did ya?

Given that these volcanic erections adversely impact all life on earth and that Trudeau’s 4 cents a litre carbon tax will stop tornaters, floods and wild fires from occurring, then stopping all volcanic erections across the planet, as well as all solar eclipses, should be a walk in the dark for our politicians – don’t ya think.……….Canadians:

Wake up

We are being duped. Time to rid ourselves of this madness.

70th Anniversary of George Orwell’s 1984 novel. If you do not think we are headed in that direction, think again. It is happening now. A world wide Metropolis:

See the source image

We’re all just sheep being herded to the slaughter.

The UN’s ultimate goal?

One World Government

And Trudeau would love to see that.

Wait for a tax on the air that we breathe as we all exhale CO2

That is all she wrote.

They’ll be watching you.

Have a great Navy day.



Pass the Joint Gladys

Slide 18 of 21: Williams Lake is a town of just over 10,600 in the central Interior of British Columbia. According to Maclean’s, the town has the highest per capita crime rate in the province. It’s ranked fourth in violent crime, third in sexual assaults, third in robbery, and fifth in cocaine trafficking crimes.In 2016, a gang-related shooting forced two area schools to close for the day. Local Indigenous leaders told the Globe and Mail shortly after the shooting that gang violence and the desperation caused by poverty had brought about an escalating crime problem. Although rates of drug-related crimes remained high in 2016, according to the Maclean’s analysis, rates of youth crime, assault, gun crime, robbery, and breaking and entering have all fallen.

What do Chilliwack, Port Alberni, Dawson Creek, Penticton, Terrace, Vernon, Prince George, Langley, William’s Lake British  Columbia- all have in common? They are part of the most dangerous places in Canada to live. All in the top 20. William’s Lake is rated number 4. So, 9 cities in British Columbia are rated in the top 20 of the most violent cities in Canada in which to live. Much of it due to poverty. And it is going to get worse given the government’s plan to stop or curtail all resource development in the Province.

“I have a dream,” the Premier said. “A Barista with a joint on every street corner of every city in this Province. Minimum wage for everybody. Every day will be 420 daze.” It must be the water man, and the stale air that we breathe. Second hand weed.

And in another Canadian City near you. The heads of Unifor and General Motors Canada are set to make an announcement this morning about the future of operations in Oshawa, Ont.

The General Motors assembly plant in Oshawa

“We have a dream.” they began “that there will be Baristas and a joint on evry street corner of this city, of this great city of Oshawa.”

See the source image“No, no, no.”, the Turd spoke. “I have the best dream of all. No more pipelines in this country for there will be a Barista and a joint on every street corner of every city of this great country of our. Yes I have a dream.”

And it’s an economic nightmare.

“Just livin the dream man, livin the dream.”

See the source image“Turn off the turd’s mind before it explodes. No wait…..”

Meghan and Harry have a new baby boy…named Sussex. My only comment. Who names their baby Sussex anyway. Sussex? That is a place, a county, a region of England as in the “Earl of Sussex.” It is also an area of Southern Ontario. Sussex? They grow Tomatoes there – and Heinz pickles and weed man. They must have had a Barista and a joint before naming that kid.

Poor kid.

Oh this is cute:

It’s always been a hot topic (oh really): LNG in Canada and B.C. but one First Nations organization says there is a lot of misinformation when it comes to Indigenous support during a Prince George panel visit today (March. 14)…oh really?

The First Nation LNG Alliance Society is a merging collective of First Nations that are associated with Coastal GasLink while also promoting the positives that could come out of such a project…positives? Really?

The Coastal GasLink project is roughly 670 km of pipeline that would deliver natural gas from the Dawson Creek area to a proposed LNG Canada facility located near Kitimat, B.C.

“We now have the opportunity to deliver our natural resources to tidewater which has been a challenge of B.C. and Canada in the past,” No? Really? former chief of McLeod Indian Band Derk Orr says. “In order to do that, it helps provide us with more dollars for our communities to build hospitals, community development and a number of areas.”

“Oh really! Pass the joint Gladys. A feel a barista coming on.”

Kate steps out in red, hours after baby Sussex photos. And this is news….why?

Denver Colorado says no to “magic mushrooms.” Expect a move to British Columbia cities soon.

“Pass the mushrooms Gladys. I’m feeling a bit peckish after that barista and joint.

After the Green’s By-Election win in Nanaimo where they arrogantly state that fighting climate change is Canada’s #1 priority comes this little nugget of news:

Poll: Do you agree with the call for Canada to cut its greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030?

  • No (85%, 474 Votes)
  • Yes (15%, 86 Votes)

Total Voters: 560

The air was thick at the Green’s Party Headquarters after that bit of news. Baristas were flowing, the joints were rolling and the magic mushrooms growing among the green delegates.

Global warming cockus (sic) meeting in France, May 2019.

Bring it on. Arctic blast envelops much of Europe. Hey, but that’s only weather man. We’re talking climate here.

Colorado Rocky Mountain High

Pass that joint Gladys.

Have a great day.


Fossil Fools

Green Party of Canada won the Nanaimo By-Election. Party claims that voters want immediate action of Climate Change. Not true. The Green Party of 2 wants immediate action on Climate Change.

Vote Green? Destroy the Canadian economy. That is the Green Party’s message to Canadians after the Green Party By-Election win in Nanaimo. If you thought gas prices are bad now stand by for heavy rolling if the Greens ever won federally. Oh, and don’t get sick.

Climate Change or Global Warming has now become a religion. No amount of factual evidence to the contrary will ever change the minds of these zealots. We are doomed if we let them have their way. Progressive thought and policies will destroy our way of life…if you let them.

Climate Change is not the #1 priority of Canadians. It is with the Greenies though and they want to destroy our way of life.

Of course this is the lefty elite’s view of the world.

Good God, we need a famine!

This is cute:

REGINA — Canada’s Minister for Public Safety Ralph Goodale, an oxymoron, says right-wing, white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups, liberal code for Conservatives, are an increasing concern and threat to Canadians.

Goodale says the federal government is working with Internet providers to eliminate the issue. Ban free speech for all conservative thinkers.

This coming from the same folks who gave Omar Khadr, a convicted terrorist, $10,500,000 taxpayer dollars and an apology.

This coming from a government that just removed Sikh and Muslim Sunni / Shi-ite from the Canadian terrorist lexicon. Just a wee reminder Ralph:

See the source imageShame on Canada!

Progressive policies result in this:

Coming to a Canadian city near you. Vancouver? Victoria? Left coast progressiveness? Now this is a crisis. Not climate change.

More progressive thought: Well my wife, @Jsoosty has been suspended by @Twitter because she pointed out some basic facts to a silly 19 year old boy. People with penises are male, they can’t be lesbians.  That’s the truth, ban me if you wish, I wouldn’t want to stay in any club that threw my darling out.

Heard in passing: “Hey, I’m just a lesbian trapped in a man’s body!”

Everything the progressives touch they destroy. Venezuela comes to mind as a progressive model of economic destruction.

Modern Canadian journalism, especially the CBC, is all about deciding what facts the Canadian people should know as it might reflect badly on the Liberal Party of Canada.

Metropolis was made in 1927. As a society, progressive thought would have us move in this direction:

More and more tourists are falling to their deaths in the Grand Canyon. Solution? Ban the Grand Canyon. Hey, if we think we can change the climate well, heck, banning or eliminating this geological marvel should be a walk in the park.

With respect to like climate change kids who are like, on the march like:

Well, Warmist parents, go for it. And don’t forget to stop giving the kids rides in fossil fueled vehicles. They can walk or ride a bike. Heck, non-Warmist parents of Warmist children should do stuff like this, show the kids just what ‘climate change’ policies bring. Limit their ability to re-charge their smartphones and tablets to two days a week, because energy will be really, really expensive, plus all the brownouts and blackouts, thanks to ‘climate change’ policies. Limit their shower time. Start “taxing” their allowances. There really are so many ways to make it personal in showing kids what their beliefs will bring.

C’mon climate change proponents. Get out of your SUVs now and lead by example (see video above). No more talk. Action is required…NOW!

If only Canada had balls: Hamas launched a cyberattack during rocket barrage, so Israel blew up their cyber command center.

A different time. When governments and men had balls – women too.

Have a nice day.

