Death by Covid Numbers

Covid deaths by the numbers in Canada, as of 26 Nov 2020.


chart, bar chart

What lives are being lost to COVID?

The older, those with underlying diseases, those with weak immune systems. Of the more than 9,500 people in Canada who succumbed to COVID in the first wave, between March and July, 90 per cent had at least one other cause, condition or complication reported on the death certificate, according to Statistics Canada.

I am sure the information here is similar in the US.

And globally, Canada has the third highest case fatality rate (3.4)  to date among medium-large, high-income peer countries, Moriarty says, “higher even than Spain, France, the USA and Germany.” Yet our Canadian smugness in criticizing Americans continues unabated. We are all in this together. No one country is better or worse than the other. We should be supporting our American brothers and sisters.

The information from stats Canada tell me that Covid should be targeted.

It would be interesting to know how much the cases of suicide, depression and domestic violence are on the rise, as well as the economic toll of doing such a “broad brush” approach to stemming the tide of the virus.

Is a total lockdown of our country necessary? Not sure but I am almost 70 and I would be more than happy to isolate myself if it meant that the younger generation can go about their daily lives without the draconian restrictions now in place.

All studies in the US and Canada all point to a dramatic increase in suicides, depression and domestic violence as a result of the Covid 19 measures. Unfortunately a direct causal link with supporting numbers is not yet available.

“Thank God that we still have a sense of humour and can make light of our detractors”

Michigan Gov Gretchen Whitmer Pops Out Of Turkey To Inform Family They Have Exceeded Maximum Number Of Guests.

“Put down your forks as you’re all under arrest. ” she barked. Similar scenes coming out  of mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce were also experienced during the American Thanksgiving celebration.



A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

Look out Florida. Progressives incoming:

Bay Area tech icon Keith Rabois announced he’s leaving San Francisco permanently — and he is criticizing the city on his way out.

Rabois, an early executive at PayPal, Square, LinkedIn and more, told Fortune he is “moving imminently” because he’s finding it “impossible to stay” in San Francisco. After living in the Bay Area for 20 years, he said he plans on moving to Florida.

Poor Florida.

“I think San Francisco is just so massively improperly run and managed that it’s impossible to stay here,” Rabois told Fortune. He told the publication other friends in his peer group have done the same, and a look at his Twitter account shows multiple tweets about the so-called San Francisco exodus.

I wonder who he will vote for?

Seattle’s new policing guidelines, as only a democratic city state could come up with:

“You see, predatory sociopaths with histories of violence and robbery will be “liberated” by “healing circles” and “narrative storytelling.” Because, we’re assured, these things, when combined with burning sage, will “increase empathy.”

Univershity taught expert there.

But I do like the sage part.

An inconvenient stat that the Dems do not want you to know, especially Gov Cuomo from New York. “But, but, but Trump is to blame.”

New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Connecticut lead the way with deaths per million, mostly owing to the fatalities in long-term care facilities. These were the states that locked down the hardest and longest. Indeed they are locking down again! Deaths per million in states like South Dakota are still low on the list.

Cases in blue, deaths in red.

Lockdowns do not work!

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown is calling upon Oregonians to inform on friends and neighbors who violate the state’s strict lockdown orders.

Snitch line.

Warning: more liberal-speak:

“I never said I would get rid of the GST (VAT) if elected.” Jean Chretien 1993 national election.

And this from True-dough.


At a Costco near you.


Winter coats deemed a non essential item in Canada’s coldest province.


Snitch line set up in Manitoba to allow people to rat on their non compliance neighbors.

Let me off the planet.



California Screamin

Why I don’t trust politicians and more Liberal-speak.

Why not indeed. Well, the Turd hates the US don’t ya know.

Thus far our leaderless leaders have cancelled:


Mass immigration. Check

Another nail in Alberta’s and Western Canadian economic coffin.

President Trump approved Alberta to Alaska (A2A) pipeline or rail line to get Alberta oil to deep water ports in Alaska.

Canadian response:

Essentially, Justin Trudeau is telling investors not to put money into the A2A project because it won’t be able to withstand the ridiculous conditions for approval in Bill C-69. The chilling effect alone on investment should be enough to kill this project. Trudeau won’t even need to use C-69.

“It is not feminine enough.” was Trudeau’s response to this initiative.

From the madness, insanity file come this:

The office of California Gov. Gavin Newsom has told residents in the Golden State that if they go out to eat, they should be wearing a mask “in between bites” to protect themselves from COVID-19.

In response California residents have removed the masking tape over their asses that prevent the spread of flatulence to the general public. Governor is upset as temps and methane gas will clearly rise over this. California residents have been told over and over again that they must hold their breaths for 2 minutes after each breath to reduce the amount of CO2 in the air. They just will not do it.

When they did flatulence levels rose dramatically. “It is a double edged sword this Covid, Climate Change thingy”  one official was heard to say.

Meanwhile Arnie is still threatening to tape their mouths to a tailpipe if they refuse to follow Gavin’s Newsome’s CO2 directives.

Follow the science Arnie says.

I kid you not.



If only it was true.

The Golden State is tarnished




We’re Just Everyday People

In Canada: $35 million emergency COVID funding will provide PPE, translation services to farms with Temporary Foreign Workers.

In select provinces, support funding will be doled out on a 50:50 cost shared ratio, up to a maximum of $100,000 — unless you are a woman, or a youth, or an anglo. “This is further proof of Canada’s commitment to fight systemic racism in this country.” a government official was heard to say.

Tasmanian devil returns to mainland Australia after 3,000 years

Khaled El-Anaby, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, right, and Mostafa Waziri, the secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, left, react after opening the sarcophagus is around 2,500 years old at the Saqqara archaeological site, south of Cairo, Egypt, Saturday, Oct. 3, 2020.

Looney Tunes creator couldn’t be reached for comment.

See the source imageMel Blanc is very happy indeed.

Quick, Gladys, pass the chile. I feel the need for a volcanic eruption.

NBC News offered this gem: “A last-ditch global warming fix? A man-made ‘volcanic’ eruption” to cool the planet.” Its article proclaimed, “Scientists and some environmentalists believe nations might have to mimic volcanic gases as a last-ditch effort to protect Earth from extreme warming.”

It’s a stinker but hey, anything to save the planet and ourselves from ourselves.

Males told to display toxic masculinity by farting at every opportunity to stop the spread of Covid 19 and to prevent global warming.

Be a toxic male.

More Liberal-speak – with an honorable mention by the NDP:

Liberals, NDP vote to shut down Conservatives’ renewed push to examine WE affair.

The Liberal chair of the Procedure and House Affairs Committee (PROC), Ruby Sahota, outlined her reasoning for shutting down further study of the issue, arguing that Conservative House leader Karen Vecchio’s motion to review the reasons for prorogation and to call for the advanced disclosure of WE Charity-related documents presupposes the reason for dissolving Parliament.

Liberal code for: you’re fooked.

We’re the government and you’re not.

I told ya so.

What was supposed to be the tool to mitigate the spread of Covid 19 by way of an economic Armageddon and to flatten the curve has morphed into a continuation of said lockdown to prepare ourselves for the onslaught of seasonal respiratory illness – in other words – the seasonal flu.

If we do not take back our lives people, this madness will never ever end.

Love those clothes man:


WHO is Kidding who?

You have to be kidding me.

How does Covid compare with other viruses. (WHO)?

And we shut down our entire economy for this?

New WHO Data Reveals Coronavirus Less Lethal than Last Three Major US Pandemics — And they Destroyed the Economy for This

And is he ever laughing. “We have managed to do in 6 months what the Dems and CCP have tried to achieve in years. The transition to one world government will be a walk in the park. We just have to rid ourselves of the US and Donald Trump. The rest of the world’s sheeple will fall in line.

How do Black Lives Matter and Antifa manage to recruit so many maniacs willing to burn down their own country on behalf of a transparently bogus narrative? Academia mass produces them. This quote from Midwestern State University philosophy professor Nathan Jun reflects the mentality many students are steeped in:

“I want the entire world to burn until the last cop is strangled with the intestines of the last capitalist, who is strangled in turn with the intestines of the last politician.”

He went on to say: “but you will have to wait until I have completed my scheduled colonoscopy.

Nice: our children are receiving a top crotch education these days.

More Liberal-speak:

“Focusing on rioting and property destruction rather than underlying grievance has been used in the past to stigmatize broad swaths of people”

A broad swath of people the other night in Portland.

The entire US Northwest and Northern California now declared a US “shithole.”
A riot is not really a riot. Just a misguided protest gone off the rails!

Leftist delusion. Every car in California will be electric by 2035. Same for Canada. Imagine 100 million cars plugging into the grid for hours every single night? The sale of gas BBQ’s skyrockets.

And Canada should know!

Fundamental disconnect’: Trump treated for severe COVID-19 but doctors say case is mild: Canadian expert.

Just what we need – another Canadian expert. The world needs more Canadian pervs er perts.

Canadians are so smug.
