It Ain’t Pretty

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China purports to have a new Covid vaccine. They promise to push it on the rest of the world. Just like the virus. Can’t wait:

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It’s a secret recipe. 11 unknown herbs and spices….

KFC is onboard.

It ain’t pretty!

Joe Biden says…“That’s why I’ve made it a priority my entire career to work closely with you,” he said with a smile, “from the time I got to the Senate 180 years ago,” he added, giving a short chuckle.

Trump announces candidate for the Supreme Court: Amy Coney Barrett.

Biden retorts that he had unbridled sex with her 180 years ago. CNN calls for an immediate investigation.

Meanwhile confirmation hearings to begin immediately:

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Oh, is she black? Even better. Female, black, lesbian and disabled! A shoe-in.

It ain’t pretty!

Justin Trudeau just concluded his throne speech.

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By all accounts it was a stinker.

Seamus O’Regan, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources announced a $320 million investment in Newfoundland and Labrador’s offshore workers. They, the offshore workers, were sexstatic with that announcement. The oil workers were well over the top on them as well.

It ain’t pretty!

He was right!

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference….The Serenity Prayer.






United Nations Announces Who’s to Blame for the COVID-19 Pandemic.

I agree.

‘Protesters’ Take Over a McDonald’s, Assault the Black Manager

It was the special sauce, lettuce, cheese man that did them in. Large fries matter dude.

Pandemic and riot survival guide Lesson #1: avoid all major cities like the plague, man.

Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for brokering Israel / UAE Accord. No matter as no one on the right side of the political spectrum will ever win that prize. My bet goes to ole, er young, Greta.

In the last 24 hours 4 people in New York died from Covid related illnesses while 19 died from gun shot wounds. More masks please. Keep your distance and remember – wash them grimy little hands to keep that trigger finger clean.

Has this been worth it?

“More than 5.8 million Canadians have been tested. The total number of cases stood at 132,000 on Monday, or about 0.3 per cent of the population. Most of the cases (about 117,000) had safely recovered and only 6,500 were active. Of the 9,146 deaths since the pandemic started, almost all occurred during the early stages among elderly people, most in nursing facilities. Through August, fewer than 200 people died from COVID-19, well below the spring and summer rate when up to 200 people were dying every day. We are making progress, as the National Post’s Colby Cosh suggests elsewhere in these pages.

“Instead of an assessment of the effectiveness of these massive policy initiatives, Canadians and the rest of the world are being urged to prepare for more spending, more interventions and more government control over the economy. From top-level policy shapers in international agencies to bottom-up activists of all stripes — union leaders, green activists, municipal politicians, national politicians, climate scientists — everyone is scrambling to find ways to keep the pandemic policy machine humming along indefinitely.”

Code for more control of your life.

Standby for the great Canadian economic and social reset as will be announced in Trudough’s Sept 23rd Throne Speech – based on the UN and World Economic Forum’s policy for a global economic and social reset.

“Here in BC more legislation and absurd restrictions are coming into place, mainly in bars and restaurants. Background music is too loud. It must be turned down to a volume below normal conversation.

Who controls that? Oh yeah, and you must close by 10pm. Why? At 1005 you are at risk of getting or giving Covid?

It is all “muzak” to my ears. After all, if we couldn’t scare and control your lives with our Climate Change liturgy we will do it with this pandemic (UN policy guideline).

Rack em up Yoko


Imagine that. And no religion too: the UN’s unofficial global anthem.

Are we still a member of this thing?


The Wuhan Shrew

It works. It is effective, so says Canada’s Federal Health Minister Dr Tam. What may you ask? Masks? Social Distancing? What?

Beautiful happy young couple wearing protective face masks and kissing each other. Side view of young man and young woman in medical masks kissing while they are in home isolation during coronavirus/COVID-19 quarantine.This came up after consummation…er consultation with the British Columbia government.


SEX, that’s what.

Skip kissing and consider wearing a mask when having sex to protect yourself from catching the coronavirus, Canada’s chief medical officer said on Wednesday, adding that going solo remains the lowest risk sexual option in a pandemic.

Gotta hand it to her!

Dr Theresa Tam said in a statement there is little chance of catching COVID-19 from semen or vaginal fluid, but sexual activity with new partners does increase the risk of consummating (sic) the virus, particularly if there is close contact like kissing. 

How does she know? From experience? WHO did she get this information from?

Skip kissing, avoid face-to-face closeness, wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose, and monitor yourself and your partner for symptoms ahead of any sexual activity, Tam said.

Woo-Hannnnnnn: I’m feelin it. Are you babe?

Then again, there are the glory holes:

“The lowest risk sexual activity during COVID-19 involves yourself alone,” she added.

Gotta hand it to her…again.

Canada has reported 129,425 cases of COVID-19 and 9,132 deaths, as of Sept 1. New daily cases are far below peak volumes, but there has been a recent uptick, driven by more infections in certain western Canadian provinces.

And the incidences of STD and hairy palms have skyrocketed. No matter. Whatever you do, do not sneeze.

And if you have to be kinky during this covid emergency, our betters recommend this:

See the source imageBite me!

You cannot make this stuff up. Nanny state anyone or a “French Maid’s” outfit. Your choice.

I am sure there is a Canadian Standards Council regulation for this one.

Stay safe.

Liberal Democratic Leftist Logic

“Objecting to looting is Anti-Blackness and contempt for poor people who just want to live a normal life. Looting may freak people out but with all the potential actions that one can carry out against the state, looting is non violent. It doesn’t hurt people. It only hurts the insurance companies. It is only money after all. Owning property is so…so…so whiteness…” (NPR)

Looting hurts anyone and everyone who has a moral compass and is responsible enough to have insurance on their home, cars and businesses. You will feel the pain when you renew your insurance.

Dems never objected to the violence and rioting going on across the states. In fact they encouraged it. That is until Biden objected. Now its a disgrace and an affront to law and order. It is now Trump’s fault.

Of course it is and Trump will win by a landslide in November. The electorate is not stupid.

The Dems will steal the election through voter fraud. The second US Civil War will erupt.

Canadian Covid 19 theme song.

I approve this song….Dr. Tam

Read ya Monday


Glory Be to Glory Holes

Thus just in:

Joe Biden Says He Can’t Wait To Find Out Who He Picked For VP.

Love this:

Inspiring: Celebrities Spell Out ‘We’re All In This Together’ With Their Yachts

Yes we are. Thanks to Babylon Bee.

Y’know. Heard in passing: “I’m Tom Cruise and you’re not.”

University of Georgia states that you should wear a mask when having sex.

Beautiful happy young couple wearing protective face masks and kissing each other. Side view of young man and young woman in medical masks kissing while they are in home isolation during coronavirus/COVID-19 quarantine.

I wuv vu.

This came up after consultation with their British Columbia colleagues.

Glory be our glory holes.

Man, I should be so lucky!

Political correctness has now expanded to space, where NASA says planets, galaxies and other heavenly bodies will no longer be referred to by “offensive” nicknames. Whew, thank God for that.

As the scientific community works to identify and address systemic discrimination and inequality in all aspects of the field, it has become clear that certain cosmic nicknames are not only insensitive but can be actively harmful,” the agency said in a news release.

One alien source who wished to remain anonymous indicated:

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“NASA is examining its use of unofficial terminology for cosmic objects as part of its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

After all can’t you see that all alien lives matter.

Image result for pics of aliensIt’s in the eyes I tells ya.


Okay, okay, we will change the name of Ur-anus to somethin more politically correct and inclusive…How about…Our-anus?

Poor Pluto. It’s gone!

Due to COVID-19, the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada requires additional space in the Downtown Toronto area to hold hearings while being able to adhere to current Public Health recommendations of physical distancing. The present space allocation does not allow for these temporary accommodations and as a result the IRB has an interim requirement to rent additional space to hold hearings.

“WE need to get additional space.” an IRB rep was hear to say.

The rental timeframe is for approximately one (1) year beginning fall 2020, with the option of adding additional of rooms and/or extending the end date of the agreement at IRB’s discretion, subject to availability.

“WE can get $100M to meet this requirement.”

With Trudeau, yes WE can. And why Toronto? Why not do this in Gander Newfoundland??

We are entering a new Dark Age.


Click on the link at the top of the page.

And Here I Thought It Was Doritos

The Law of Unintended Consequences:

$80B – yes that’s a “Billion”- CERB program may hamper recovery by being a disincentive to work, provinces warn. Various premiers have warned that the private sector has struggled to rehire some workers due to the hard eligibility cut-offs under the program. For the un- initiated this CERB is a Canadian government initiative to compensate workers with $2,000 per month who have lost their jobs or have had their hours curtailed due to Covid. The program also allows employees to earn up to $1,000 per month to augment their benefit.

“Yo? Why work, Dude. Me and my partner can bring in almost 6 Gs a month almost tax free. Why work…loser. Yo, bro, lets spend it…on cannabis.”

Government communists, AKA Liberals and NDP, want to make this a permanent benefit, as in a Universal Basic Wage. They tried this in Finland but they had to cancel the program cause they couldn’t find anyone to work it!

Following on with this theme is another wonderful program brought to you by your local government…Glory Holes or how to have safe sex in this era of a panned-demic. I am not kidding.

Glory holes? Glory Be! Are youse kidding me? Says it all don’t it. (see grammar item below). If only I should be so lucky with a hole that big.

Yo? Dude? Dat hand ain’t no black hand dude ain’t it? Black Hands Matter!

And if you are using one of those Gloreeee Be Holes don’t forget to wear you’re mask:

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Glad these holes are not see thru!

The English department at a public university declared that proper English grammar is racist.

Rutgers University’s English department will change its standards of English instruction in an effort to “stand with and respond” to the Black Lives Matter movement. In an email written by department chairwoman Rebecca Walkowitz, the Graduate Writing Program will emphasize “social justice” and “critical grammar.”

Walkowitz said the department would respond to recent events with “workshops on social justice and writing,” “increasing focus on graduate student life,” and “incorporating ‘critical grammar’ into our pedagogy.”(why can’t they just say educational programs?). The “critical grammar” approach challenges the standard academic form of the English language in favor of a more inclusive writing experience (like for who dude?). The curriculum puts an emphasis on the variability (and viability) of the English language instead of accuracy.

I hear that math is next on the chopping block to be deconstructed as a form of “Western imperialism”?

A young woman describing herself as a teacher, Ph.D. student, and “social justice change agent,” recently gained notoriety for tweeting, “The idea of 2+2 equaling 4 is cultural,” a product of “western imperialism / colonialism.” “It’s racist I tell youse.” said the English Gramar and Speling admissions rep at Rutger’s University.

Yes, even mathematics, held up as the most objective and neutral of disciplines, is being reshaped by critical theory, which claims that all ideas are social constructions by groups using their power to advance their own interests.

Ya dude, I always taught dat 2+2=22. Why shouldn’t it be bro? Just think if the Egyptians had fallen to this madness:

Image result for pics of upside down pyramids

Or the space program:

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Or this: 1+1=11…yessss!


Radio host mocked Trump by claiming Seattle is peaceful, then rioters wrecked his apartment building.

There is a god.

Famous potato chip company issues apology as ex-director gets busted for growing over $30K worth …

Although chips and cannabis are often considered the ultimate combination, the pairing resulted in a patently unchill situation involving both an arrest and a PR snafu.

It should have been Doritos!

How do you spell insanity – T.O.R.O.N.T.O.  You can have this baby for just $999,999.00. Located in Toronto’s trendy Italian district.
Toronto house
Can youse beleese dis shyte. It’s da new math bro?

If you want to help out a struggling Canadian writer, check out my two published books by clicking on the titles at the top of the screen. They are available at or .ca. Just type in the titles in the search bar or click on the links at the site…thanks.
