Canadian Liberals


20 Funny Turkey Day Pictures, Cartoons, and Memes

Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends.


…why do they call it Black Friday when everyone is in the red?

Heard in passing:

FIRST READING: What if Canada's biggest-ever corporate welfare deal isn't even yielding Canadian jobs?

“Boy oh Boy Doug. Are Canadians ever stupid. We can promise them anything…eh Doug…Doug?”

When the Ontario of Doug Ford (seated above with Justin case) and federal governments greenlit one of the biggest corporate subsidy payouts in Canadian history last summer, their main pitch was the deal would create Canadian jobs.

Last week, during a visit by South Korean Ambassador Woongsoon Lim to Windsor, Ont., a social media post by the Windsor Police casually mentioned that “1,600 South Koreans” would soon be arriving in the community to staff the Stellantis plant, which is set to open next year.

Canadian Jobs? What jobs? Perhaps firefighters. It is an electric car battery plant after all.

Trailer Full Of Teslas Bursts Into Flames In Nevada And Nobody Knows Why

Liberal spin on hearing the news:

“We’re going to maximize Canadian workers. We’re going to have a transfer of knowledge allowing us to be successful for decades to come,” Minister Champagne says regarding potential use of temporary foreign workers for the Canadian subsidized Stellantis EV battery plant in Windsor.

“Yeah but Justin case, Canadians are really stupid. After all, they voted for us!”

Liberal Logic:

The world is a dangerous place. Wars and rumours of war are sprouting up all over the planet. The Liberal Party of Canada does what in response:

Liberal-nomics: Gobblygook:

While Ontario and the feds have maintained that the $28 billion for Volkswagen and Stellantis will yield a net gain in the long term, a September analysis by the Parliamentary Budget Officer estimated that — if all goes according to plan — it will take 20 years for governments to break even. Taxpayers could still be looking at a $14 billion net loss. Not to be outdone Prime Minister Justin Case Trudeau was in Maple Ridge, B.C., to announce the opening of another $1 billion battery plant that would be supported by up to $300 million in federal and provincial funds.

In reality:

Marching into history: At 20, Energizer Bunny is an icon - The Blade

A real Liberal shady character.

Liberal Budgetary Planning? Money for nothing:

What happens when banks lose your money?

That’s easy. They charge you a finder’s fee of course.


Go Woke Young Man


Wearing uniforms of silk, coloured in the form of green relish, accessorized by helmets of natural camouflage, our Canadians soldiers are out on a hike set against the blindness of brilliant whiteness. Relish the thought.

Also in Canada:

Museums Too Colonial: Feds

Museums are too “colonial” and must educate Canadians on “climate change, equity, diversity and inclusion,” says a Department of Canadian Heritage report. Traditional exhibits are too mainstream and fail to “take into consideration important societal shifts,” it said: “For many years museums have decided what to acquire, what to exhibit and whose stories to tell.”

Fast forward two years. Attendance at all Canadian museums plummet to record lows. Many are being forced to close unless federal financial assistance is forthcoming immediately. And like Canada’s military it is:

Go woke and go broke

In order to combat systemic racism in our military and Canadian heritage, new recruits and museum staff will have to be people of colour. Whitey need not apply.

And this just in:

Canadian military to allow skirts and hair coloring for soldiers

Changes to the dress code were long overdue, the authorities say
Canadian military to allow skirts and hair coloring for soldiers

Canada has introduced changes in the nation’s military dress code, allowing service members to have long nails, face tattoos, and to dye their hair. The new rules also permit men to wear skirts, as long a they’re relish in colour and texture. Male soldiers will also be permitted to accessorize with REAL camouflage helmets.

According to an FAQ released by the Canadian military on Tuesday, the dress code revision was long overdue, but the changes were not made lightly. “The appearance of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) has not kept pace with the Canadian society which it serves,” the document reads.

The CAF says the purpose of the reform, which will come into effect in September 2022, is to make the rules more inclusive and gender-neutral.

Fast forward a few years. Recruitment into the Canadian Armed Forces has plummeted. Numbers are the worst that have been seen since conscription was introduced into Quebec during the Second World War. To combat these low numbers recruitment Officers and staff will be present at all Drag Queen story times for children across the country.

There is definitely no life like it.

By the way, the Canadian military, just like Justin Trudeau, is the laughing stock on the international stage.

Only in Canada you say? Shitty!

Committee Urges Tax Hikes

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland must “close the growing income gap” with new taxes in her March 28 budget, says a Commons finance committee report. The income gap is not in fact growing, according to Bank of Canada figures: ‘It has been relatively stable over the last 25 years.’

You see, they’re laughing at us stupid Canadians.

Canada’s new national anthem:

Oh, and to ensure divershity and inclusivity, Heritage Canada has put out this version:

Relish the thought.

How did it happen? The Silicon Valley Bank Collapse.

We are all doomed.

I am an author too.

Check out my books at:

Buddy Can Ya Spare a Dime?

This is why people are upset with the gov’t mandated Covid rules:

Delegates attend the opening ceremony of the COP 24 United ...

(COP 26): This time there will be as many as 25,000 delegates travelling great distances by jet during a plague and — this will shock no one — as the BBC reports “COVID rules will be relaxed … (delegates) will not require to be fully vaccinated.” Of course not. Unlike the rest of us, global warmer warriors have virtue-signaling immunity.

We’re the COPs and we’re here to screw you.

(Rex) Because COP26 is about global warming. Which is as an elixir, a magic wand, a fiat from Zeus himself, against every reality. As energy supplies dry up, as green policies advance ruin upon the economies of nations, as prices inflate and gasoline costs soar, the ludicrously righteous assembly in Glasgow gets exempted from the plague of all the rules and regulations imposed with force of law and threat of job loss on everyone else but them.

Now they’re getting desperate:

UK’s hidden goldmine of SEAWEED to invigorate Brexit Britain’s economy and slash emissions

Just like the peat farms of Scotland and Ireland did in the late 1700’s and drove many to the New World.

Don’t they know that taking CO2 out of our atmosphere is dangerous folly. CO2 is the building block of life on this planet. The more the better.

“During the end times there will be great deception.” ( Matthew 24)

Reality bites:

UK Readying New Law Mandating Home EV Chargers Be Shut Down During Peak Hours.

The power for your plug-in car has to come from somewhere.

Time to home school:

Toronto District School Board to release youth climate activism guide this fall, and dictates about Islamophobia and same sex marriages.

This is scary. I often thought that this might be the case but wasn’t sure about it. Now I am and it is not nice for our future:

The US Government’s Debt-to-GDP Ratio Is Worse Than Greece’s Before the 2008 Crash (And It’s About to Get Worse).

Indeed every country in the world is on the same path. Standby for fiscal heavy rolling and no matter what any of the leaders of the world might say to obfuscate their financial woes they only have themselves to blame. Here in Canada our idiot Prime Minister would say: The budget will balance itself.” as he racked up the largest single year debt in our history, or, how about this profundity: “I have no interest in Canada’s financial situation”… unless it pertains to my socks:

Justin Trudeau *Really* Loves Fun Socks Photos | GQ

Our Prime Minister. Canadians? WAKE UP.

This is cute:

Remember all those health-care workers we banged pots for and spent months proclaiming as heroes? Thousands of them are about to get fired . Under new federal vaccine mandates that Reuters has called  “one of the strictest vaccine mandates in the world,” any health-care worker who refuses a COVID shot faces dismissal, with no options to substitute regular testing or even to opt out on account of prior COVID-19 recovery.

In Quebec, with hard vaccine mandates poised to eliminate up to 20,000 workers from the province’s already overstretched health system , the provincial government has extended the deadline to Nov. 15 in a bid to boost vaccinations.

Postal workers are suddenly exempt from federal vaccine mandates, however . This week, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers got an exemption to the mandate wherein they can instead submit to a free weekly COVID-19 test.

This is laughable. The Liberal Family Compact in action:

Former Postmedia columnist Paula Simons is among the latter camp of unelected Albertans selected by a Liberal government. In a series of Thanksgiving Day Twitter posts , Simons defended the existence of an unelected Senate , saying that having a body of legislators divorced from a “partisan political arena” makes them better able to “defend the Constitution, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and minority rights, even when such views were unpopular.” In other words, it’s by design that we’re supposed to hate the Senate.

Really. Tell that to the majority of senators in the senate that were nominated by the Liberal Government.

Geeesh. They (our Federal Government) must really think we are stupid.

After the last election. Maybe we are.




She Racist Me

“She racist me, she racist me not, she racist me, she racist me not.” Geesh, even if I deem myself unracist, I am racist. So say the lefties because if I say I am not racist I am acknowledging that racism exists and if I am a white dude, which I am, then I am racist….so says lefty logic.

Get me off this planet.

Some Lefty logic-titions want pedophilia branded as a “I was born this way” therefore the condition should be accepted behavior and included within the LGBTQ+ mantra and umbrella. I guess under the + sign.

Syphilitic Sodom and Gonorrhea Gamorrah returns. The earth needs a good moral reset. But before God lays his wrath on all of us we should just get rid of all lefties. That would do it. Back to Judeo Christian values.

God is not happy:

See the source image

The movie…is coming to a neighborhood near you.

The End if Nigh – so says Bill Nye the science guy. No Bill, so says God.

On Prime Minister Brian Mulroney’s watch (1984-1993), Canada almost tripled the number of immigrants coming to Canada each year, from fewer than 90,000 people to more than 250,000.

Now Canada’s 18th prime minister is calling on Canadians to embrace what he calls “a new national policy” that would commit this country to achieving a population of 100 million by the end of the century.

Say what? Unemployment now is at 9%. The price of housing is in the stratosphere. We can hardly feed our own 35M population.

I am sure Trudeau will adopt the same insane policy. Don’t they realize that over 80% of Canadians live within 100 miles of the US border. Why? Because the rest of the country is almost uninhabitable that’s why. It is too effin cold.

Immigrate to Canada they said:

See the source image

And I fell for it: Gee mother &^%$#$%&(&%%$ am I ever a stupid fu*(&*^%$ idiot.

What did you say?

I said: for Fu%$#%^*^%^ sakes. Get me the )(*#*&&^% out of here.

Why do we keep electing such insane politicians?

Climate crisis? See segment above this one. Not in Canada for (*&^%^& sakes. Who are these stupid fu(*&^% people anyway. This my friend is left logic. They have no clue.

Hey Sodom and Gamorrah cannot come soon enough:

See the source image

It’s our lot in life, if we continue on this track.

Why I don’t watch the Grammys


PS: Ah to be a black criminal in today’s US cities. They can do anything they want, including murder, because the police will not arrest them no matter what on fear of being branded a racist pig.

Chauvin Trial? Guilty of course no matter what evidence to the contrary is presented otherwise most American inner cities will go up in flames.

Have a nice racist day.

Hands in my Pocket

So, it’s my fault is it? After all I am a white Caucasian.

And they call themselves doctors?

NASA scientist Dr. Kate Marvel links ‘climate change’ to ‘white supremacy’ – ‘We’ll never head off climate catastrophe without dismantling white supremacy’ – Calls for climate & racial ‘justice’

I am all for justice and given that she is white let’s dismantle her first and take her off the food chain and DNA gnome.

See the source imageOops I meant DNA Genome

Nevertheless, my response would be:

See the source image

Kiss my white priveledged ass.

Dr Marvel should stick to what she knows best:

See the source image

The term “black lives matter” is innocuous enough.

The activist group “Black Lives Matter” is anything but. They are extreme, intolerant, violent and Marxist. No tax funded body should be spending a nickle to promote that form of divisive extremism yet the City of Calgary has decided to spend $120,000 on a series of murals which will promote Black Lives Matter.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda given it to the Liberals.

On another Liberal note.

A Trudeau-appointed contractor who was tasked by the government to ship masks has failed to ship any. This came in spite of the contractor being awarded $382 million by the Trudeau government.

The government awarded this contract to Medicom—a Montreal-based company who do not have any factories in Canada, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

“No matter” says an anonymous liberal spokesperson. “They said they would do it, so they will do it. After all, if my mother had 4 wheels she would be a truck!”

So goes liberal logic.

By the by. The company owner gave the Liberal party $66,000 since 2005.

Hand in My Pocket sung by Alanis Morrissette at a Liberal fundraising event.



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